Rare photos during the recording of Everybody Else

December 15, 2018  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Great rare photos taken by Anne O’Connor during the recording of Everybody Else and posted by The Cranberries on Instagram yesterday.
[EDIT] Also shared 2 days after on The Cranberries’ Facebook in better quality:

Dolores, Mike, Rob Kirwan

Noel and Stephen Street

Rob Kirwan (on the left with striped tshirt) – Stephen Street (on the right)

This last photo was already posted by Anne O’Connor on Twitter on 15 March 2014 and in color:

Posted in The Cranberries. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Rare photos during the recording of Everybody Else

  1. Sören

    Thouse photos had been a nice addition to the limiited edition box set…

  2. Girl

    Another sofa 🙂


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