The “Beneath The Skin” concert recorded in Paris turns 25 today!

December 9, 2024  |  5 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

How about a 4K remaster release!

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5 Responses to The “Beneath The Skin” concert recorded in Paris turns 25 today!

  1. Damian

    Happy 25 BTS. Cover sucks as hell but an excellent concert. Yes 4k please!!!!

  2. Asjemenou_loeki_lion

    Last November 1 it was 25 years ago finally my first Cranberries concert in Rotterdam Ahoy

  3. Lance

    A 4k version would be awesome and an updated cover would be greatly welcomed as well. The whole Storm Thorgerson thing they had going on during that period was SO NOT Cranberries…What on earth were they thinking? Horrible album covers.

  4. Vtin

    Personally I thought The HAND would have made better covers with his talent. Maybe this would be a GREAT chance to have his work of art on a cover like this. Miss ya Dolly!

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