Mexican tour venue revealed

March 21, 2002  |  Comments Off on Mexican tour venue revealed  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

At a meeting of the Salsa de ArĂ¡ndanos Club this weekend, the official Mexican Cranberries fanclub, members were given more information pertaining to the band’s upcoming summer tour. Most of the new information was leaked from an interview with Fergal taken by local station Orbita 105.7. Members were told that the Cranberries will once again be playing at the National Auditorium in Mexico City on June 26th. The Guadalajara date was also confirmed, but no venue was given.

The club’s president could also confirm to Zombieguide Mexico’s webmaster Sigma, with a visit to their offices, that Fergal did in fact tell Orbita that the band plans to have Benedict Fenner produce their new material this summer. However, the station refused to give any more details regarding the interview, citing that listeners will be able to hear the full interview early next month.

Thanks to Zombieguide Mexico’s webmaster Sigma for all the info.

Source: Exclusive

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