New official site design delayed

December 18, 2000  |  Comments Off on New official site design delayed  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The Cranberries Official International Homepage has gone under more than one delay in the new design. The new design is being done by legendary artist Storm Thorgerson, who has done the band’s cover art for Bury the Hatchet and all of its singles as well as the upcoming “Beneath the Skin”. He is probably best known for his abstract Pink Floyd cover images.

In a previous post, the new design was set for January, but today, this note was posted:

“We have just got word from Storm Thorgerson, who is re-designing our website, that the “new look” site will be up and running by mid February 2001. More on that soon!”

Looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer to see the new layout, but I’m willing to do so.

Source: The Cranberries Official International Homepage

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