New TV Performance Booked

July 23, 1999  |  Comments Off on New TV Performance Booked  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The Cranberries have booked a new upcoming TV peformance.

The Cranberries are scheduled to perform “Just My Imagination” on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on September 15th — the night before the LA concert.

Thanks to Hadi Izadi ( for the news tip!

JMI Promo singles Released!

July 22, 1999  |  Comments Off on JMI Promo singles Released!  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Wow! No sooner do I put the below news up, something new comes along.

Promo Singles for “Just My Imagination” have been made and released to radio stations. There is only one track.. (No “alternate mix” goodies)

As soon as I get a scan of the new promo, I’ll try to have it up right here for ya!

Source: eBay (

Non-singles do well on Foreign Charts

July 22, 1999  |  Comments Off on Non-singles do well on Foreign Charts  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Well, alot of people think that BTH is the Cranberries’s most single-ready album and here are some interesting stats to prove it:

“What’s On My Mind” is currenlty #12 on French charts
“Shattered” is *still* #6 on Japanese charts

Now, I love “What’s On My Mind” (my favorite off the new album) but ranking it on a national chart without it being a single?! That says something.

Source: The Cranberries Gazette (

April Fools Comes Late This Year

July 20, 1999  |  Comments Off on April Fools Comes Late This Year  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

You know, it seemed fishy to me from day one. The song “Alone” that has been passed around the net in MP3 and by collectors on tape, is a ruse (aka fake, forgery, lie.. you get the point). In fact, the CD called “The Great Irish Instrumental Songs” does not exist either… along with the tale about Pearce Gilmore selling the song. This was all a semi-well-done hoax put on by one member of the Yesterday’s Gone Page en espanol. The version of the song “Alone” that you may or may not have heard was actually a Stone Temple Pilots song titled “Press Play”.
This was all posted on a very long editorial on the respective page within the past two days. This does not mean that all info. from YGP is illegitimate, as the site has three webmasters. The site does have contacts with Pearce Gilmore, but the information given by the one bad apple that pulled all this on is is false.
From now on, the page will confirm any news posted on its site.

And the US Fans Rejoiced.

Wahooo! Straight from the official page.. read!

“Hi there,
Well I just got back from Italy where I spent three weeks relaxing with my wife. Dolores was in Canada for a few weeks with her husband and son; Noel and his wife went to the Caribbean and Mike and his wife were in Portugal. Everyone had a great time and the “batteries are recharged”.
Our tour manager is getting married in a few days so that should be a good day out. We have decided to release “Just My Imagination” in the U.S.A., so we will be doing the video for that at the end of this month, and then we go to Florida to rehearse for a week before we begin our U.S. Tour. That’s about it I’m afraid (I’m so boring aren’t I ?). Talk to you soon,
All the best,

So “Just My Imagination” WILL be the next singe (Ok, I was wrong) and best of all — A US release!!

Source: The Cranberries Official International Homepage (


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