Venues Played – Ireland – Limerick – 52dot66421 – minus8dot62627



  • The Cranbery Saw Us with Niall Quinn and The Cranbery Saw Us with Dolores O’Riordan played “Ruby’s Club” in the Cruises Hotel at least 7 times in 1990.
  • A very important place in The Cranberries world as this is where The Cranbery Saw Us played their very first concert with Dolores O’Riordan on 14 July 1990.
  • Unfortunately the hotel was demolished in 1991 (photo #2) after 200 years of existence to make way for the new pedestrianised street which opened in late 1992.
  • The Ruby’s Club was approximately located underground right between where are now Mc Donald’s and Costa on O’Connell Street. The Costa coffee shop approximately stands where the entrance was.
  • Special thanks to Alan Martin.
  • Google Street View (Cruises Hotel no longer exists!)

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