The Huntridge Theatre (1993.09.28)



  • US Tour 9·10 93


Intro tape: “Falls” (Ennio Morricone – The Mission OST )
1. Pretty
2. Sunday
3. Linger
4. I Still Do
5. So Cold In Ireland
6. I Can’t Be With You
7. Put Me Down
8. How
9. Wanted
10. Not Sorry
11. Waltzing Back
12. Dreams
13. Zombie
14. Liar
15. False


  • +/- 60 minutes


  • 1,600 / 1,600
  • Sold out


  • Venue

  • Show


  • Ticket

  • Advert

  • Portrait


  • Suede (headliners)
  • Gigolo Aunts (1st opening act)


  • Audio: 1
  • Video: 0


  • Melody Maker (1993.10.16)
  • Melody Maker (1993.11.06)


  • The Cranberries supporting the band Suede.
  • Phil Nicholls, the photographer who took all the pictures from that day remembers, “I was with journalist Simon Price shooting for Melody Maker that night, the gig was at The Huntridge Theatre and I had to cover Suede as well. I’d worked with The Cranberries over the previous few years and was totally comfortable with them, so, there was no problem asking Dolores for a spot side stage to take the gig photos as the place was full and all the tickets must have sold, I remember it being rammed right to the front and there was no photo pit. You can see in the MM article there’s a close-up of flowers being passed from the audience, I believe there was an engagement ring being offered too? I’m sure we all talked about that afterwards…I was kind of concerned about shooting Suede live as there’d been some pretty manic scenes at UK gigs and I didn’t know how I’d even get to the front – I don’t usually work from the stage unless I know the band. So, The Cranberries played a blinding set which was followed by most of the audience leaving. I couldn’t work out what was happening. It turned out that they really had taken off with ‘Linger’ getting massive radio coverage and almost everyone was there to see them not Suede. It was kind of sad, I really liked Suede too. Anyway it wasn’t the difficult shoot I expected and was able to move around the venue, get to the front of the stage, it was a tiny audience and I believe this totally upset the tour.
    I met up with The Cranberries, after the Suede finished their set, and took the portraits outside the venue in the car park of The Huntridge Theatre. I don’t normally use flash but didn’t have much choice that night and I’m not proud of the result….some of them are ok but looking back it feels like another of those wasted opportunities. I’ve got a few outtakes from this one with some pics on my camera by the drummer, Fergal, in fact, there are some of him by himself in front of the tour bus too, Dolores took them. When I put a photo of Dolores on Instagram I mentioned how her exclamation that night still makes me smile and that’s why I posted it….imagine her voice, her accent….’Jeeesus me arse!’. It was just brilliant and at the time it was one of the funniest things I’d ever heard. To put it in context, she was commenting on the length of time seated on the bus between cities in The US. Again, I’m kind of glad to release that comedy moment.
    The rest of the night was mainly beer, back at the hotel, though I did go somewhere later with Dolores to play slot machines …was it Caesars Palace? My memory is a bit hazy.”
  • Exact location of the portraits on Google Street View.
  • The Huntridge Theatre, listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1993, opened in 1944 as a cinema. It also hosted stage performances and was a concert venue in its last years. It has been shuttered since 2004.
  • Venue’s photos were not taken that exact day, just a few years later.


  • Show 1 to 8 · Phil Nicholls
  • Ticket · @oxtemper  (Instagram)
  • Portrait 1 to 4 · Phil Nicholls
  • …and thanks to the uncredited authors, we don’t know who you are. Please contact us if you’d like a credit.

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