Audio: Raining In My Heart, Tomorrow, Interview to stream and/or download on longer available)
Audio: Zombie to stream and/or download as web extra on longer available)
Video: Raining In My Heart on longer available)
Video: Raining In My Heart on YouTube
Show hosted by Joel Meyer, one of the producers, replacing John Schaefer.
No audience.
Acoustic set.
The band played “Raining in My Heart” and “Tomorrow” on air then recorded “Zombie” to offer as web audio extra on the radio’s website.
Also offered on the website, the song “Raining In My Heart” this time as web video extra (up to 720p). The video was was also posted on their YouTube account.
This was the first live performance of “Raining In My Heart”
Show 1 · Soundcheck (Twitter)
Web Extras ·
…and thanks to the uncredited authors, we don’t know who you are. Please contact us if you’d like a credit.