Dear Dolores,
After reading the interview with you by Barry Egan, published in the November 10 issue of the Sunday Independent Life magazine, I would like to express a very heartfelt appreciation to you for sharing such a personal story. Your candor is very courageous and my prayer for you continues to be that you free yourself from all of this. The music that you have crafted over the years is a testament to your talents and gifts as a writer, poet, lyricist, and musician. The love of and by your family is a testament to your character. Though you have had to live your life in a spotlight, you have always maintained integrity. Though you may never have chosen to be a “role model”, you have conducted yourself with honor and decency – indeed being a positive inspiration to your fans. Please find pride in these facets of your life. Allow that pride to help you to develop the sense of self worth that you have always deserved, but that you have also worked to earn. You have done double-duty in seeking confirmation of worth as a human being. You should never have had to work so hard to find such a confirmation, but in so doing, you have done amazing things with your talents and you have created a family that loves you dearly. These are precious gifts not to be overshadowed by the past, not even for a second.
The trauma that you experienced as a child, and the challenges with coping with that past, were never your shame to bear. You did nothing wrong. It is a tragedy that it happened and that it has consumed too much of your life; but I have no doubt that you will find the strength that you need to continue to meet and rise above the emotional and psychological challenges that you have faced. Continue to pray and seek help in the healing…it’s called a healing “process” for a reason; and there are steps forward and steps backward within the process; but all steps count toward that process…even the baby steps. Please know that you have the full support of all of your fans, but most of all, take care of yourself and be good to yourself, always.
Shannon Sankar, USA
Dear Dolores,
I’m writing this letter with a hope that my words will give you the strength to go on – just like your songs gave me the reason to be a better person and helped me during some difficult times in my life. I’m 28 years old, and I’ve been a fan of your music for more than a decade now. Your songs were always a part of my life: when I was extremely happy and when I was utterly sad. Your songs are still with me every day – and they always will be, no matter what. Your life and your talent, your music and your lyrics were always an inspiration for me, and for that I just wanted to say:
Dolores, thank you. We love you and we support you.
Best wishes,
Dear Dolores
When I lived in Paris in 1993 you and the lads put me on your guest list and brought me backstage after your Black Sessions gig at Maison de la Radio.
I will never forget the warmth and generosity you showed to a fellow Limerick man and how open and friendly you were.
I would like to support you now while you come to terms with your past.
I still love you and adore you.
You have done Limerick proud.Best wishes now and forever
David Fitzgerald, IRELAND
First of all, as a fan, I can’t describe how I feel about what happened to you Dolores.
You share a big part of your life to music, I mean, to us. You made a sacrifice to make us happy, being apart of your family was not easy, and we all apreciate that, and we will always thank you.I feel that we all know a part of you through your music, your mood, your lyrics, your self expression. And we all see that you are a strong and brave woman.
We NEVER let you down, because you never did it to us. We are with you.
Maybe I will never had the pleasure to meet you in person, but I already meet you in a differente way: through all the love you put in every song.Hugs, kisses, and all my support from El Salvador, central america.
Luis Eduardo Hernandez, EL SALVADOR
Dolores, sorry for my bad english, yours music always help me made me what i am now. Hold on, we with you,with love from Russia.
With best wishes,
Daniil, RUSSIA
Dear Dolores, I have the most deepest respect for you. It takes a lot of courage to share this with the world. I’m glad that this secret didn’t break you, I think it just made you a stronger person and a wonderful mom and wife.
You’re music was like therapy for me when I was in a very dark place, It helped me to step out of the dark and into the light. That was back in the nineties. The concert in Amsterdam in 2012 was a trip down memory lane for me, but made me realise how much stronger I am today as I was then.
Dear Dolores you’re a great, strong and wonderful woman, thank you for you music and I hope to hear or see you again someday. May music help you to give things a place, because when the pain penetrates the music resonates !
Lots of love from The Netherlands
Take care
Marieke Zutekouw, NETHERLANDS
Dear Dolores!
Thank you so much for your magical songs. They are special for me. They are even more than songs. You helped me with your so sensitive music when I was lost in this life and hated myself.
And I met my wife because of your songs in large measure.I wish you Luck! Be healthy! Be Happy! You and all your family! Take care about your brilliant children!
You are the best singer in the world. And you will always be the best singer for me! And an excellent person!
Hello Dolores!
My name is Valentine, I’m 27 years old and I’m from Russia.
I’m gonna try to support you: I want to tell you that you should not be worried.
You should know that the only reason the darkness may surround you is because you’re on the light’s side.
Valentine, RUSSIA
Hi Dolores,
All the fans are there to support you no matter what.
Your songs, both as part of The Cranberries and also through your solo career have always and will still be a driving force to all the fans who through one song or another can associate themselves or any part of their life.
We hope that past experiences only contribute to building character and strengthening oneself, for which we are certain they do in your case.
Wishing you success and all the strength to keep on fighting on through the struggles in life.
Hope we see much more of your talent – the world needs good heartfelt music!
Etienne, MALTA
Dear Dolores, thank you for your songs. These songs always help me to stay stable in this unstable world. When I was totally disappointed, I’ve been listening to “Ridiculous thoughts” and you’ve been singing “but you’r gonna have to hold on”, and I thought “Dolores is strong, she says, that I must hold on”. I and was holding on. With your help. With your songs. Now, your fans all around the world singing to you: Dolores, you gonna have to hold on, because we really love you. Stay strong, we need you. We love you.
Sincerely yours,
Eugenia Borunova, RUSSIA
Hi Cranworld
This is one of the few honest ways we have never had to show her affection, the donation is not enough to prove it all, our love for Dolores has no value.
Thank you, thank you to all the fans and thank you Dolores!
“In it togheter”
Lorenzo, ITALY
My Dear Dolores:
I have been a fan of yours and The Cranberries since I got memory. I always wanted to show my admiration for you, and I think this is a good chance to do that. I really admire you… I admire you being so brave in life. I think no other could bare that kind of incident, but you, YOU are special. It is true, many things passed through your mind all those years, but you are here, demonstrating the world your courage. No one like you!
Thank you for your music all these years, thank you for exist. All your fans are with you… We always have been with you my dear! No matter what, I will love you untill the end of time. I’m pretty sure that no one or anything will break you down, now and forever. You’ll overcome that once and for all. You deserve the best in this world. God Bless You.
Courage+Bravery+Strenght = Dolores O’Riordan
Max Sanchez, MEXICO
Dear Dolores,
I can not keep myself from thinking how futile any words I send you will sound. But I wish that in the worst moments I could have been by your side and given you a friendly touch, like a hand on your shoulder, a tender hug, a conforting silence. I wish you could know you were not alone.
God bless you and keep you. May the hurt fade away.
Natan Tateishi, BRAZIL
Hi Dolores, my name is Elio “O’Riordan” Junior, from Brazil….I told you in 2010 I had a daughter named Barbara Dolores in your honor!! You told me to be glad to hear it, unfortunately she died with 10 years and 8 months
She has the same age of Molly!!
I wanna say, no matter what happened to you, you dont need to be shy or whatever, i will always love you and i will always be proud of you, proud to be your fan, becoming your fan in 94 was one of the best thing that ever happened to me, and im so damn lucky for it, your songs, your lyrics….everything about you is perfect , and you can always count on me, i will follow you, buy your records and listen to your songs for the rest of my life….
Believe me, but you always sing things that im going through, and it makes you more and more special!!!
Please dont give up never, we need you, we need your voice,
your lyrics and your experience!!!
Hope to see you soon…. my baby is watching over you from heaven!!!
Love you forever!
Elio O’Riordan Junior, BRAZIL
Hello, Dear Dolores!
Don’t give up, mrs. Cranberry
I take my fingers crossed for you!
Silent Startrooper, RUSSIA
Dear Dolores
Better I write in Spanish (jejeje) to you.
Desde hace ya bastantes años cuando era niño y al escucharte por primera vez como THE CRANBERRIES, con la cancion ODE TO MY FAMILY, fue en ese entonces que me enamore de tu musica y desde entonces siempre he asistido a tus conciertos en Mexico, tan bello pais que siempre te recibimos con los brazos abiertos. Al leer en exclusiva la entrevista que diste para la revista LIFE me dejaste bocaabierto, sin embargo yo te aplaudo por alzar la voz y abrir a nosotros tus fans tu bello corazon, no temas querida Dolores, todos siempre te apoyaremos, te querremos por siempre. Yo, en cambio he pasado por dificiles situaciones en mi vida y quiza por eso me identifico mucho con la letra de tu musica tan hermosa, siempre voy a quererte y admirarte como artista, madre y ser humano que eres, siempre te apoyare en todo momento, no temas y animo que la vida nos recompensa con mejores cosas….
Besos, I love u forever…
Omar Betance, MEXICO
Hi there Dolores,
This is me Francisco Matus from Chile. I happen to be the president of your fan club here and had the chance to meet you once in 2007 (I gave you the flag you showed onstage) and also in 2010 when you performed with The cranberries. I can honestly say your words and revealing the terrible experience you went through when being a child makes you really human an brave. God gave you a beautiful talent, your voice, and I am quite sure you have achieves much more in life than the person who hurted you and caused you such terrible pain. You are an angel and no matter how many things we go through or the terrible things that happen to us we always need to go forward and accept things.
I will always love you and your music!bear hug from chile.
Francisco Matus, CHILE
I’ve followed your work since I first saw you and the guys perform zombie on The Late Late in 2004. I was 14 then, shy, introverted, with no confidence, and that performance seemed to be the complete opposite, made me a fan instantly, and the Cranberries music got me through school. Literally. The sheer power of that performance (and everything that’s come after) has added significance for me now that you’ve shared your experience of abuse as a child. Your fans love you and really hope you continue to release music, your voice is truly unique.
Dear Dolores,
I love you since 1994, nearly 20 years!
And I will love you forever.Love from Malaysia.
Nobita813, MALAYSIA
Dear Dolores,
You’re by my side in my life every day, since so many years, thanks to your songs and your music… I grew up with you, you help me to move forward.
Today, it’s my turn to try to help you, with all the other fans. It’s our turn to let you know that we’re all here with you, for you… Giving you back all the love and strength you give us since years.
I was very moved when I read the article in the LIFE magazine, as if it happened to a member of my family or to a close friend.
I admire your courage and your strength: I can’t imagine how hard is it to live with such a heavy and painful secret, and how hard is it to reveal it.
I hope that now that you did it you’ll find peace, that it will be an important step in your healing.
You wonder if we – your fans – will still love you after your revelations… of course we still love you. I’ll always do… no matter what happens.
Keep doing what you’re doing so well: write songs and music… and make all your fans so happy! But first, take time to heal with the help of your family, your friends and all the people you love and who love you. Your well-being and your health are what matter most, so take all the time you need. We’ll wait… when you’ll be ready to come back, we’ll be there, you can be sure of that. We’ll never let you down, you’re everything to us, you’re everything to me.
You’ve got all my support.
With all my love and my respect.
Maïwenn, FRANCE
Dear Dolores, we want to tell you that you are not alone. We appreciated for your wonderful songs !
Thank you !
From Russia with love ***
Evgenia Soshkina, RUSSIA
Ode to Dolores
…..I was a child when I heard you
I was so young but I found you.
You’re like the angel, who came from the sky,
And make my life bright, so happy and shine.…..You are the sun in my dark life,
You are my hope, and you make me cry.
Don’t go away, please stay here with me,
Sing me the ode to your family.…..Your Ireland so native is now for me,
I want to live there, I want to see thee.
I hope I will see you, I hope you will be
So pretty and happy, so special to me.…..Dolores, my darling,
You are my pride,
You are my precious,
So lovely and kind.…..Dolores, my sweetheart,
Don’t be upset,
Forget all your dark past,
And start all again.
Volodymyr, UKRAINE
Dolores, I am a big fan of Argentina. Your music over the years has been my company and all my support in difficult times. Just to thank you for the music, your beautiful voice that always fills my soul. Now just keep going, your fans will always be there to support you and give you our love. Never forget that your Argentine fans love you!!
Maria Emilia Diaz, ARGENTINA
You are the best and kind. Thank you for everything!
Павел Ведерников, RUSSIA
Cześć Dolores,
My husband and I were totally moved and shocked by your story. A friend of us went through the same violences as you when he was a kid and we exactly know how difficult and courageous it must have been to say it to the world. No doubt this will help you move forward. You have our total support. For us nothing has changed and we always will see you the same as before : a great artist. We love you so much, keep the faith.
Asia & Stee F., POLAND
Hi Dolly, how are you? I have read your interview where you spoke about your bad experience when you were a young girl and I would like to tell you an important thing : You have made a really great act, because it will be an important example for many, many women so that similar situations don’t happen again. And don’t worry, because my estimation and respect for you don’t fade, on the contrary, I love you more and I admire you for this great gesture! Therefore, smile because all your fans will Always be with you. I send you a big hug.
Giulia Pizzi, ITALY
Dear Dolores,
A million I LOVE YOU are not enough to express my complete support to you.
I can’t imagine how hard and courageous it must have been to reveal such a horrible thing. Never forget that all the fans will always be with you no matter what happened. It’s totally not your fault and I don’t authorize you to think it is. Ever ! You have a great family to support you, whether it is The Cranberries family composed by every single fan in the world or whether it is your direct family in Ireland and Canada. I am sure your Kids, Hushband, Mom, Brothers, Sisters and all the other members of your family must be so proud of you. Not to mention The Boys in The Cranberries.
I am deeply convinced they have always been there to help you… and still are ! And last, never ever forget you are a true great and talented artist, I mean it. What you achieved with The Cranberries as well as a solo artist is brilliant. Keep going. You’re an inspiration to us all.
Dear Dolores,
I really can’t express with my words how much your music and your voice did for me.
You’ve been the very first singer I started listening to since I was a child and last year I finally had the chance to see you live in Milan.
You can’t imagine how much that moment means to me.
In that special night I cried.
In that special night I saw how human, sweet and pure you are.
In that special night I also found the love of my life.
I’m writing to you, to tell you that my love for you will never fade, that showing to us your weak spot is a sign of courage and strenght.I’ll never forget what you did to me, so this time I hope you’ll never forget what you mean for us, your super fans.
Thank you Dolores, thank you from the bottom of my heart
For your sincerity
For your spontaneity
For your love and kindness
For just being you
Daniele, ITALY
You are the best and kind. Thank you for everything.
Russia with you!
Each of your song fills me with joy and happiness, my whole family listens to your songs, even my little sister.
Continue to sing and delight us, we support you!
Оксана Бочкарева, RUSSIA
Dolores, I would like to send a short support message from Berlin to say I will always love you as a fan and your revelations in the press will not change anything. When you come back in Germany I am certain the whole fans will show all the love you deserve and I will be there.
Take care of you.
Günther, GERMANY
Dear Mrs. Dolores O’Riordan,
I am writing to you to give you my support and express how much respect I have for you!
My name is Marika, I am 16 years old (like your son ) and come from Southern Italy. I have been a fan of yours since Roses era and I have never been to one of your concerts . I really hope to see you in the future!
I read about what happened to you when you were a child and I just felt so sorry and disgusted by the sexism, which encourages abuses and intimidates victims like you. You should know that it is NOT your fault! All your fans will love you UNCONDITIONALLY!
I am looking forward to hear from you (and see you)!
Peace, Love and… Garlic!
Yours faithfully
Marika, ITALY
My English is not very good to really express all I’d like to say so I will be prompt : I support You.
The best singer in the world can count on me forever.
Merci !
Anthony, FRANCE
Dear Dolores.
At a difficult moment we with the brother always will be with you and prays that you on recovered rather and continued to be engaged in creative work, and gave to the fans including to us new songs.
Igor & Yura, UKRAINE
The very last words of my favorite book say: “And even though the cold wind blows against us, we’ve always eaten bread and storm, so we’ll make it through this one too”.
Take care of yourself Dolores, grant healing to your heart.
Love ya.
Je vais écrire en Français parce que mon Anglais n’est pas bon (Anglais de l’école !!!) et je vais faire simple et court. Merci pour tout. Je te soutiens dans ces moments difficiles. Je t’aimeDolores
I write in French because my English is not good (English of school !!!) so I write simple and short. Thank you for all. I support you, I love you
Piotr Aleksvi, SWITZERLAND
Dolores, my sweet and dear Dolores, I listen to your music since the first time. I am a 38 years old mom and I am still listening at your music and sharing it with my kids. Went to see you the 2 last time you came in Montreal and will surely go back if you ever come back. What happened to you when you were a child is so painful to imagine, no child should live that terrible experience.
You made Irish people proud, luv.
Judy Ann, CANADA
Hello Dolores,
Thank you for letting us fans know about the horrible things you had to face in your childhood. Now I think I understand your songs even better and I can appreciate an album like No Baggage to its real value : an album of a peaceful time that finally emerged after years of storm and chaos. Now with your public revelations I sincerely hope you’ll get better and better everyday. I know you will and many fans know you will even if all of them can’t write this here because you have too many ! Everyone supports you, you really have to know it. Just enjoy your life and your family and if you feel the desire to come and see us to play some gigs in the future, no matter if it takes a year or ten, we will be there. All.
Gaela Le Guen, FRANCE
Hello Dolores!
Your songs gave me back my love for the music.
Thank you.
Neonila, RUSSIA
My name is Kirill. I’m from Moscow, Russia. I’m 31. Curiously enough, I first got familiar with your music thanks to my grandma when I stayed at her country house in summer. I heard an exceptional voice coming out from a tape recorder nearby and at once realized it was the best music for me. But to tell you more, I wanted more than just listening to you. Since I was a child I’ve been dreaming of collaborating with you. I’m a grown-up now and I’m a specialist in computer and animated graphics. And recently I started making music videos for Russian singers. By the moment I’ve had a chance to work with Linda & Nike Borzov.
I would like to support you and your music not only with a word of encouragement, but with an action. I’m eager to make a free music video for you.
I will be happy to collaborate.
Best regards,
Kirill Karabanchuk, RUSSIA
You’re such a wonderful woman, and nothing in the world can change what we feel, we are waiting for your return.
With a lot of love,
Luigi, ITALY
Hi Dolores, I hope yo’re doing well, now…
I just want to tell you that I’m totally on your side, today more than ever! You’re the best, keep on rockin’ my friend!
Greetings from Italy
EsenSemo, ITALY
On ne peut atteindre un ange
François Jamelin, FRANCE
Dolores or my all-time-favorite rockstar,
If only I was as important in your life as you are in mine maybe you could believe what I’m gonna say : No Dolores you are not guilty of anything. I’d like to support you with these few words as I’ve been very moved by your story and this project to support you, here on the internet and inside the magazine LIFE is truely amazing. It really is a great and unique idea and I hope you will like it too. Has anyone already did this for his favorite idol ? Not so much I guess. So you’re the one and you have to know it. I really hope all that love from your fans with their messages including mine will contribute to make you feel better. I am just a single fan from Lisboa Portugal and your songs always helped me to find the strength to live in peace (and still help me !). So now it is my turn to return the help at my small level, so here I am to tell you how much I love you. Sincerely,
Isbel F.D. and my whole little family, PORTUGAL
To Dolores,
Believe in yourself. You are an angel on this earth. I’d like to express so much more but my English is too limited.
All my support is in my mind more than my words.
China loves you forever.
Guan-Yin, CHINA
Dear Dolores:
I felt very touched by your words and how you would feel when you’ll tell us what happened to you. Sometimes words don’t come out easy, and not always we can put words to our feelings, but music always works. One of the things I read a lot from fans is that your songs helped them to get through difficult moments, and I’m agree, no matter if there’s a good or bad time, your music always make us company. That’s why there’s no reason to stop loving you, you have given us so much all this years that the least we can do is keep loving you. And because music always works, I would like to dedicate this lyrics from the beautiful song “I’ll stand by you” by The Pretenders:
Oh, why you look so sad?
Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don’t be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
‘Cause I’ve seen the dark side too
When the night falls on you
You don’t know what to do
Nothing you confess
Could make me love you less
I’ll stand by you
Hope everything works out for you.
Wish you all the best and you find all the peace and happiness you need to heal. And remember: “Nothing you confess could make me love you less”
Love you
María Laura, ARGENTINA
Dear Dolores,
Your music, your voice, your unique talent and style have accompanied my life since I first listened to Zombie more than 20 years ago when I still was a teenager… Since then not a single day without your music, your songs to make me happy and to help me too through the sometimes difficult journey of life ! Today it’s my turn to support you, to tell U how much you and your music mean to me… And will always do… No matter what … ^^
Your revelations about what you had to endure as a child a few weeks ago made me sad, but most of all strengthened my admiration, love and respect for you… ! They are indeed indestructible ! I wish you all the best, a very merry Xmas and please keep on giving us the great music of yours !
Hope to see you live again pretty soon ! You’re simply THE BEST !
Arnaud Lhomme, FRANCE
Hi Dolores!
My name is Tatyana, I am from Russia. I want to tell you some kind words in support of your boldness and your resolute actions.
Your creativity helped me to go on in my life with an open heart, your songs inspired me to write my own music. I аm very grateful to you for it!
Dolores, me and all fans from Russia love and appreciate you, we accept you the way you are. After all, each person has difficulties and tests in life. They should be passed, and there will be happiness and peace.
If I may advise you, to make yourself feel better you can spend more time with nature, like walking in forests or seashore with your kids and husband. Wild nature can clear one’s consciousness and head.
You are a very fair and open hearted person. Your songs are truly international and vivid that is why you have so many fans all over the world. I wish you harmony and peace in your soul! Dolores, I hope that you can let it go and leave all bad things behind in order to move forward. Do not surrender and please, Dolores, mind your health. You have family, your creativity — and us, the devoted fans who love you!
I am the musician, too, and I think I understand your sensitive nature: creative people have a lot of imagination and it is magnificent! We should cherish only good ideas and memories.
I really hope that you will read my letter, and I hope that it will help you. From the bottom of my heart I wish you to be happy and joyful and I hope you’ll give us new songs!
I hope that someday you’ll play in Russia with a concert again. I hope that my letter helped you and one day we can share our thoughts on psychology with each other.
Faithfully yours,
Tatyana, RUSSIA
Hi Dolores!
I am your fan from Russia. You did everything right when you told everyone that you’re so tormented. Your story gave me the strength to live on. Thank you for the wonderful songs. You’re a wonderful person.Forever your fan,
Nastya Rain, RUSSIA
I’m Karolina Nogales / BreKalyn Selagon, Sonora, Mexico
I am 16 years old, even though only two years ago that The Cranberries are my favorite band, I know them long time ago, because they were the favorite band of one of my aunts and always surprised me because I knew they were a very, really good band.
Later, I started to listen them more, listened 4 songs and I finished downloading 2, listened 7, downloaded 6 and then I listened 10 and finished downloading eleven.
I remember always listened Cranberries before sleeping, because for me it was a symphony.
Since then I knew I would become my favorite band, and a voice, or a person as Dolores, it is difficult to find, is unique, and I identify with her, despite the differences in age, I feel we’re similar, in some ways (and our birthday is in September) but when I hear their music, Dolores’s voice takes me to another place. It’s like she’s carrying me and has helped me a lot in my life, in different ways, is an example of person to follow.
It really is my idol, and now, she decided tell us what happened when she was a child, and she said, “if I tell my fans that this happened to me and they still love me, that’s going to make me feel good about myself ” is something that she has to know, as I said before although it is something that I never imagined, never make me think or see otherwise Dolores, the way I saw her before only now, I really appreciate even more than before, and support her, and she is, to me an idol.
Karolina Nogales, MEXICO
Dolores, you’re the best for me in moments when the soul want to get warm. So seriously. I endlessly listening to the Cranberries, when it was very difficult time and my grandfather was dying of cancer. You possess a warm voice and warm sorrow.
Zoya Cherkasova, RUSSIA
Support for Dolores from Bulgaria !
Dolores give us some of the best emotions in our lives
Valeri, Elena and Svetoslav, BULGARIA
Dear Dolores,
Always remember, we are being born every single moment of our lives.
So it is not too late, you are not lost. Your loving family is not the only reason why you can see the sun above when the weather is dark and cloudy.
I appreciate your courage and I start feeling your songs even closer than ever.
Please, carry on! Your kindness, spirit and sincerity have already changed the world!
Alexey, RUSSIA
Dear Dolo!
When I read the interview with you I was so confused and sad. I had one question: Why do such things happen to good people? But days later I felt pride. You’re a great women, successful, beautiful, famous and recognized, but primarily a great mom, wife and a beautiful minded personality. You’re a really good role model for all people in the planet.
And now I think, you’re so strong and brave, because you were be able to speak about your trauma. And in spite of the dark past you’re so good and honest. I hope you know it all about yourself! You left nice tracks in some people’s heart, and we’re all grateful for this. Now we want to support you, because we love you!
Life is hard but good. People like you make it better. Thanks all, and I want you to know, we all love you now and forever, no matter what happens…
Love and hope is all that matters. And you’re full of love and hope!Be strong, Dolores! That’s all I ask of you!
With love,
My sweet Dol,
How can I tell you how much important are you for me? Since I was 15 years old (I’m 36 now!!), your music has been with me in all the moments of my life. In this crazy world in which we live your music makes me feel better, it’s a happiness’ moment.
I want you to notice you’ll never be alone, your fans are and always will be with you.
Gisela Torrent, SPAIN
Oh Dolo, Dolo, Dolo !
My name is Dolores as well and everyones reminds me on that everyday… and I love it ! When I read your sad story last month I immediately thought of my daughter who is 10 years old now and I can’t imagine someone doing such horrible things to her. She’s my little angel so pure and innocent just like I imagine you were Dolores at the same age, just like I imagine all children of the world are at the same age. Human nature is sometimes terrible. Just know this last month all my prayers went for you and you have all my support. I am sure you have all the support of the fans. We will always love you and nothing will ever change on this point. You don’t have to doubt about that. The project and idea to support you here on The Cranberries site is wonderful. I immediately loved it and I sincerely hope you will like our messages if ever you come and read one day, whenever you want Darling ! Come back and read as often as you want if it makes you feel better and I sincerely hope it will. I live in Belgium and your fans love you here. Get well, take good times in life, think positive and come back and see us sometimes: we’ll show you our love one more time.
Dolores De Bloedt, BELGIUM
Dear Dolores,
I’ve admired you since I was 14 (early 90s) for yout talent, your music, your career and for every little thing you did. As the time went by my admiration for the human being in you grew bigger. Now my wife and son share this feeling. You’re an example as woman, as mother, as person… as human.
Not only love you but cherish you!!!
Warm hug from Argentina.
Ariel Venier, ARGENTINA
It was your voice that captured my heart at a very young age… it is your voice that I still listen to now as I am about to turn 30… your music is one of my biggest passions…. for it is your inner strength that has given and gives strength to others… they say everything happens for a reason and you and I both know sometimes that is hard to believe, but sometimes we feel like faith is all we got and that’s the only thing we feel like we can hold on to… thank you for being you! Because you are the light in so many eyes! Its weird to say because I’m sure out of the billions of people you have met over the years one tiny person probably doesn’t stand out to you but to me you are the bright star that never stops shining! Can’t thank you enough for all the years, tears, time, songs, shows, memories, etc… keep on flyin’ girl!
Lots of love!! Xoxo#letitgo#smile#forgive#behappy
Kristi ♡♥♡, USA
To you, who saved me and made my life so special.
Alessio, ITALY
All my support to Dolores!!!
You make my days better each time I hear you or have any new from you.
We always love you!!!!!!
Joaquin Arandano, SPAIN
Dolores, your bravery and courage are truly inspiring.
May you feel a weight lifted off your shoulders and a new sense of peace.
Never change and keep writing the beautiful music that you do. Xo.
Mike, USA
I want to say it, Loud and clear – Dolores, you can wipe the floor with any ‘singer’ currently on the scene. You always could. I want you to know that your music helped me through various hardships, and you’ve been through alot. Your music made me Wake Up And Smell The Coffee, reminded me that with some faith, Tomorrow can be so great.
Don’t give in to the Ridiculous Thoughts. You are doing it right, keep it up that way.
I Really Hope I’ll get to see you somewhere through this life. Maybe one day I will be attending your concert – my lifelong wish.
Greetings from Macedonia, a small country south from Serbia, please consider coming here on some Ordinary Day.Yours till the end,
I just wanted to tell Dolores how great she is. I admire her courage and her strength. I really am moved by her music and she is true inspiration to us all!
Dolores I wish you sincerely the best.
You mean a lot to me and your personality always shines through!
Mike Sniadecki, USA
Dear Lola,
You came to my life 20 years ago through your voice, and you have always been a part of my life since then. Have you ever wondered why? 20 years is a long time. I’ll tell you why: Because it’s not only your voice, your music, your lyrics, your art. It’s a kind of connection. It’s you as a person. In time, we (your fans) have got to know you better and love you more every day. And nothing in the world can change that. You’re like part of our family and we will always love you for what you are. Don’t ever forget that!
All my support and love from Spain and hope to see you soon very happy again.
Cristina Sabater, SPAIN
Hello Dolores
My name is Chris, I have all of your albums Cranberries and Solo. The first and only time I have seen The Cranberries perfom live was in Calgary AB Canada in 1996. I know your band has travelled around the world. Play Vancouver BC Rodgers Arena sometime soon I would like to hear and see your awesome Band The Cranberries Again.
Rock ON
To you Dolores, the one who contributed to save my life exactly 20 years ago. I was moved by your revelations in the life magazine. You were right to tell the world and I’d like to express you here my total love and support forever and ever. Dolores you are the one. Your voice is unique and The Cranberries rules ! Je t’aime.
Philippe “my wife calls me her Don Burton”, FRANCE
Dear Dolores, God Bless you.
I firmly believe you can carry on and sing as singer and as mum.
There is nothing better than you.
Luca Vignola, ITALY
Your act of bravery helped me confront my own issue of abuse. After I read your interview, I was able to tell my parents about it. Thank you so much, for you helped me relief my pain. I’ve been listening to you since I was 6, will keep doing it until I leave this world. I love you as a fellow human being and admirer.
Augusto Santa Cruz, ARGENTINA
I’m proud of you, Dolores, for the enormous courage and bravery you have shown. Thank you for letting us know part of your soul, the darkest part, the part that is locked in the closet, but, most of all, this will help many others people to be as brave as you are.
“Life is more intricate than it seems”.
With love.
Dolores, your music has always been light in my life and has helped me through many dark times. By sharing with your fans and the world you brought light to a dark part of your life, I know that light will continue to shine through. Know that your fans love you and will always support you.
Sending out love, prayers and good vibes to you.
Richard, USA
Dear Dolores,
We are Anastasiya & Alexander Karp, happily married in April 2013. We have been members of the Russian fan club ( since 2006.
By chance, we first met each other on the same day we met YOU when you first came to Moscow, it was a cold late-autumn evening, 09 November 2007, Domodedovo Airport. We are still clearly remembering that day… I remember how heartily you hugged me (Anastasiya), it was so sweet & motherlike! I was just a 18-year-old girl, and meeting you, my favourite singer, “in flesh” was like a marvel! You are a marvellous person, Dolores, so sincere, pure and bright! It was such an intimate meeting which all of us, who were there that day, will be remembering forever.
We didn’t know then that after 6 years our common love to YOU and your music will bring us together and we’ll set up a new family – a “Cran-fans family”.
Dolores, It was YOU thanks to whom we met each other at all! And we are endlessly thankful to you for that!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we are not the only couple from Moscow who owes their happiness to YOU!
How could you think we would let you alone with your grief?
You are a very special person for us, Dolores. You are a good angel for our family. We love you and we will never let you down.
You have a wonderful family & devoted fans around the globe, and we all will always be there for you!
Thank you for being YOU and bringing sunshine and love to our lives!
A big hug and warmest regards from Moscow, Russia.
Anastasiya & Alexander Karp, RUSSIA
Dear Dolores! My name is Svetlana. I’m from Russia. You forgive me my very bad English. I fell in love with your voice, your music and the rhythms of your guitar as soon as for the first time heard. It happened in far 1993. You always inspire me. On November 10, 2007 was one of my happiest days. That day you gave a solo concert in Moscow.
Thank you very much for your songs!
Svetlana, RUSSIA
Dolores, no matter what happened, happens or will happen – I will always go beside you! I will always love you! You are so inspiring and you give me so much strength, please never stop being such an amazing women.
Lots of Love,
Hi Dolores. I’m Marika Murgioni, I’m 17 and I’m from Italy. I would like to thank you for all you’ve done, for your music, for all the things you taught me, for all the times I was sad and your songs helped me. I would like to thank you because you exist, thanks for this. I loved you since the first time I saw you, I still love you and I will always love you. NOTHING could EVER let me stop loving you. You’re the most amazing thing that ever happened to me, the most beautiful, and funny, and human, and sweet woman in the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Hope to see you again soon. Meanwhile, be serene, be happy, enjoy your life and always remember that we love you and that we will love you forever.
Marika Murgioni, ITALY
We love you, Dolores. You know how much we do.
You will never walk alone.
We are here and we will always be.
Dolores, CROATIA – Litsa, GREECE – Lu, URUGUAY & Voula, GREECE
Dear Dolores,
“You will always be special to me”.
God bless you and your beautiful family.
Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2014.
With love,
Jordan Oliveira, UK
Dear Dolores,
I am a recent fan, but a dedicated one. I am terribly sorry for what happened to you as a child, but please know that anything revealed about you will not hurt my image of you nor your music. I hope to see you/The Cranberries coming to the U.S. again in the near future, and making more music!
Much Love,
Anonymous, USA
Hi Dolores, I’m an italian girl of your same age. I would like to let you know that your songs have been the soundtrack of my life, in good times and difficult ones, these have given me the strength to fight and the joy of loving. I love you and The Cranberries, and I really hope that you all will continue to write, play, sing songs for all your fans around the world who follow you forever with constant affection, no matter if in the past you’ve had bad experiences, however, have served to make you the special woman you are today. Go ahead and take strength and brightness from our eternal infinite love for you. I hope to return soon to your concerts in Italy. Hugs and Kisses and Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family (including the dogs).
Daniela, ITALY
Hi Dolores,
If I’m writing today is to say thank you for the courage you had, I’m very proud of you and I hope you will one day bury his memories even if you keep a scar in thee forever,
You do make parts of the few women to have succeeded in world to speak on this subject and you can be proud of that because it’s important to talk about this, I think some people feel better now. You’ve got an exemplary generosity.You know that there is no shame in speaking, you should be proud to have a successful talk…
Thank you for all and I hope see you very soon on the roads of France or elsewhere.
I hope one day I can realize my dream to see you and talk with you about some topics,
God protects you,
As you say so: do not worry be happy … !
Marianna, FRANCE
Dear Dolores, You are amazing and so beautiful person.
It is so brave what you shared with us, I hope you’ll get a lot of support because you deserve it.
Your music changed my life and also you as a person an musican. I lovu you so much and I send you best wishes.
Lucija Grabovac, CROATIA
Sweet friend of mine, I don’t know if you remember, I am the italian girl of the Vatican Christmas concert video tape (of some years ago) this is a good opportunity to show you all my love and gratitude for every single day of all these years.. you are so important to me and ..please be always proud of yourself!
Daniela Fanelli, ITALY
I would say that I’m by your side as Dolores quite know what is hiding a secret like this. Well for my part I’m by your side and I could never forget our meeting in the afternoon autograph fnac in Sao Paulo 2007 is more important my message of support and that you are a woman of powerful fiber and that my love for you goes beyond admiration between singer as a person you love most is you keep it up with this talent on and off the stage and kisses back soon to Brazil love you!
Great to see you again in “Concerto di Natale in Vatican”! Your voice and your music are the mirror of your soul. I hope that my love and that of the other fans, today more than ever, support you every day.
With love and admiration an affectionate hug.
You’ll always be special to me….
Let’s rock my angel !!!
Baci Chiara, ITALY
From Ekaterinburg with love,
Anonymous, RUSSIA
As you changed my life, made me meet wonderful people, made my dreams come true, made me know the love of my life and made me a happier person, raising me from the dark, now I want to let you know that “you will never walk alone”.
Please, hold on to us!
With your incredible and emotional voice you gave me strenght and I deeply felt your presence every day of my life. Singing all your songs I faced all the troubles but also the happy moments I went through during the last twenty years. You are the only one who can fill my hearth of light, helping me to calm down and to find my direction, my way of living. You’re special, you’re strong, you made all your fans so proud of you. I hope I can contribute with these few words to give you positive energy, to make you feel loved by me and the thousand of people who will always believe in you. Always remember that you will never be alone. Together with your family we will always support you, no matter the past, no thinking about the future!!!
Jurgen, ITALY
Dear Dolores,
It is hard to put into a few words what your music has inspired in me over the years. I have been listening since The Cranberries’ early days and I am still listening over 20 years later. Your story about that man and his abuse of you is one of courage on your part. After the torture of it you went on to inspire and heal many millions of people with your music and that will be your legacy. The person who abused you will leave nothing because he is nothing and he knows this. You will continue to inspire while he just withers away. I will continue to listen.
Stephen, IRELAND
Always fascinate us with your voice, always the words of your songs give meaning to our lives, always your music has been the soundtrack to happy moments and sad moments, always follow you and every time we get excited and we are surprised, always warm our hearts with a gesture, a smile, always and forever … you’ll never be alone!
Paolo Catena, ITALY
Dear Dolo and your family,
Thank you for letting the world know about your darkest hours. You’ve been so courageous to say it and yes all of us fans will always love you and support you. It doesn’t change anything. How can you doubt for a second ?
In your hour of need I sure can imagine none of us is here to recall you this reality so just know that all this love is true and will never disappear. Ever !
Last, I’d like to say a big thank you to your daughter Molly for encouraging you to tell this story, big up for you Molly, you were so right ! And I don’t forget your whole family, all of them so important for making who you are. I love you all.
My dear princess
You’re the most courageous and inspirational person I’ve ever known. You helped me in many troublesome situations in my life, teaching me courage and self esteem, and encouraging me to carry on, because “the sun will always shine”. You’ve always been there for me, and now I want to be there for you, too. It’s time to give back.
How could you EVER thought we could EVER stop loving you?
Now I love you and admire you even more than before (if that’s possible). I know you had a bad experience in life, but it’s time to wake up from that bad dream and enjoy life, because you still have a whole life ahead. You have a lovely family, millions of friends and really devoted fans. Everybody in the whole world loves you! for you make people happy day by day. This world is not perfect, but people like you make it shine. You have more reasons in life to be happy than to be sad, so hold on to them, to all the good things you have, and all the good things you do. “I’d never see the world without you”.
Don’t embrace your past, and live for today, because today is a gift. That’s why we call it “present”.
I am with you, I have always been and I will always be. “Beautiful girl, I’ll never let you down”.Keep your head up!! Your princess crown will never fall!
Cristy, SPAIN
To the first voice I felt in love with, you, who made me cry and understand how much music would be important in my life.
Meeting you, getting to talk to you, seeing you smile and sharing those short but meaningful moments with us, your fans, moments I’ll keep forever in my heart.
Your singing, your dancing, your generosity and soulful mind have always been inspiring to me in my everyday life, and I hope this message will send back to you a small part of all you’ve given to me.
With tears in my eyes as I write this note, I just want to thank you, again, and tell you how much I admire you, and respect you, and hope you’ll understand how much you mean to us, no matter what.
Hoping to see you on the road again, whenever you’re ready, I want you to know I will be there, as you’ve always been there for me, for us.
Merry Christmas and lots of love to you and yours, wherever you might be reading this from.
Uriel De Santiago, FRANCE
…..I’ve been looking for a way of life too long.
Once I’ve chosen a path that was wrong.
I was clueless and confused,
But suddenly you have appeared,
You took my hand and said «It’s not the worth you did it».
You’ve led me out of not-being.…..Strolling with you around the world.
I finally absorbed that life. It was my abode.
When I talked to you, I recognized my mind.
You know, without you I wouldn’t live.
It’s because you are my guardian angel, my light.…..I want to tell you, “Thank you”,
I only live because of you.
I know you can hear me, because
We are connected to each other.
I’ll hide you with my hand,
I believe that we will be together forever.
Please don’t leave me, never!
My name is Valeria. I am from Dnepropetrovsk city, Ukraine. I want to dedicate some poetry. It’s about my feelings. In it I will try to reveal my own secret. I understand this problem and… I know how it’s hard – live with this.…..Tears on my face again – I’m crying.
Why are you so close to me in sorrow, my darling?
I’m crying inside myself again,
And I am afraid of these tears, I know,
How stupid is that I’m suffering.…..I’ve always known about it, I’ve felt
How we close to each other.
I wasn’t fine, but I had to pretend,
This pain not another.…..I wanted to leave everything behind,
I tried to prove that everything is alright,
But I can’t erase this from my mind.…..I’m crying, my heart is bleeding,
I know how it hurts and deceiving.…..I’m crying, I’m crying, crying, crying
Denying and suffering with you, my dear.
This is the greatest childish fear.…..I want to hug you and say “You are not alone”.
This is problem of both of us, we can’t ignore.
I’m with you, I will never go.…..Tears on my face again – I’m crying.
Why are you so close to me in sorrow, my darling?
I’m crying inside myself again,
And I am afraid of these tears, I know,
How stupid is that I’m suffering.
Valeria, UKRAINE
Dear Dolores,
You are the most important people for me in this world.
When I met you, you took me in your arms and hold me tight to give me strength to go on with my life. Now I wish I could give back to you the power you gave to me all the years. Thinking of you every day and I will always love you with all my heart.Forever in love and thoughts
Anita Frolow, GERMANY
Dear Dolores,
As a woman and as a devoted fan of yours, I wish you all the best. Hope you’ll find the strenght you’re looking for and you need, in order to deal with the pain. Many of us happened to live a simiilar tragedy. It leaves a big, empty space in the heart and even an apparently insignificant epiphany is enough to bring back the pain. When someone you trust tears you apart like that, the wounds are not easy to heal.
Nevetheless, I hope you may recover from this awful trauma. I’d like to thank you for everything you gave to me (and it’s a lot, trust me) a for sharing your story with us. You still have my total respect and love. I truly believe you are even stronger than you think. Hold on, we’re on your side.
Diana, ITALY
Hi, Dolores.
I’ve been so touched reading your interview, the other day…
It’s hard to say anything, but I would really like to tell you that nothing will ever change in the respect, love and admiration I take from you everyday, and so I can guess is for every supporter you have. Thank you for the inspiration you give us so much… You’re always in my heart and never will exit it. Thank you for your courage and may God really bless you.
Sincerely yours, your greatest fan.
Roberto Ciccariello, ITALY
If I feel the need to write to you today it’s mainly because I was deeply touched by the interview you gave last month to Barry Egan.
You gave us a part of your life and I think it’s the most personal thing you could do.
It’s been nearly 20 years that I discovered your voice, your music and your words. It was like a revelation : I realized that music could create so strong feelings… So your music followed me from adolescence to adulthood (I’m now 31).
I just hope that you have no doubts about the fact that your fans will always be there, will listen to your music and will go to your gigs. Music is like a drug and I’m addicted to your voice !
During all the gigs I went, I learned to know you more and I know you’re a wonderful person.
We both know that family and friends are the most important thing but we’ll always be at your side.
Lots of love,
Dear Dolores lived the same situation as you … It happened in my family. I tell you you’re not alone; cases like ours, they are everywhere in the world. We must be strong and look our best smile. Walk with your head held high and not give up. I am 24 and still seek to be happy, I, as a woman, as a friend … I tell you I will not stop I love you for what you have revealed to the world.
Keep smiling and keep singing. You are strong, you’ve gone too far, this is a daily struggle and we must never stop if we are really happy we love.
I love you Dolores, command you a big hug. You are my inspiration. God bless you.With love from Mexico,
Karina, MEXICO
Hi Dolores.
I’m Giada. Thank you for your voice. You have the courage and the bravery. I love this voice this music this song…
I love Dolores.
Giada Ottaviani, ITALY
Dear Dolores, my name is Sergey and I really love your songs. I’m sending this letter to support you because you’ve helped me when I’ve been listening to your beautiful songs.
Sergey, RUSSIA
It’s funny how someone can impact someone’s life without knowing they even exist.
Dolores, you have given me joy, inspiration, and happiness – but most importantly – you have inspired me to be closer to my family. Every single time I listen to “Animal Instinct” it brings memories from my Mom, who passed away few years ago. My mom would play Animal Instinct when we were in the car together b/c she loved the message you shared with the song, that somehow she identified herself and had the joy of listening to it with me.
Thank you for being part of my “personal soundtrack” and being part of life memories.
Alister, ECUADOR
Dear Dolores
You once recorded The Smiths “There is a light that never goes out” and that pretty much sums up your presence in my life over the last twenty years.
Your music,your voice,your presence has been the light which has guided me through some very dark times.It is difficult to say how a song or an album can guide you but sometimes it just takes the words of someone you respect someone like you to show you the way.
As I get older I realize that there is very few certainties in life but what I am certain about is that you Dolores are a gift,you have the power to heal ,bring joy and inspire people.I hope my words and the words from all your fans can bring you some of the peace you have given us over the years.
You are a light that will never go out.
Happy Christmas
P.S Hurry up with the next solo album
Hello Dolores, this is Carmen (electromoonlite) from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
As you see, we are all here to support you with our deepest love. I love you and respect you Dolores.
You are such kind, sweet and genuine person and I know you will get through it. You’re not alone anymore. You did nothing wrong, so how could we stop loving you?! When I read this, that you thought such thing, I feel like I wanna go hug you sooo tight! You mean so much to me! I’ve been listening you for a long time, almost 18 years! And you don’t have idea how your music changed my life!! I’ll never stop loving you, no matter what!Be well stay strong and live happily!
Dear Dolores,
Count all your blessings and don’t dwell in disasters. Find comfort in your familly & friends, your music and your fans.
The warmest support
Archiekronin, SERBIA
Hello Dolores, my name is Flavio, I come from Peru, before nothing I want to thank you for to be the person that you are, the most marvelous woman that can exist, in order to mark one elks and one after in my life, because with your voice you are captivating to my being’s innermost thing, thank you for everything.
I hope that someday you again can go back to the Peru, here you are missed a lot, specially that you can know the beauty of my country, that you can visit Machu Picchu, and perhaps even the city in which I live, a so-called city Iquitos, the Peru is marvelous, and he waits for you with open arms, turn soon please.
How to forget that marvelous 7 January 2010 when I saw you in living person for the first time in my life, when you got out of the airport, never I will forget that marvelous moment. Thank you for all my dear Dolores, I admire you enormously, and go soon back to the Peru, you are missed a lot. I send a lot of kisses and hugs to you, and excuse me for my very bad English.
Flavio, PERU
Dear Ms O’Riordan,
Your music ispired me to start playing the guitar and Animal Instinct was the first song that I’ve learnt to play. Nowadays, music is quite a big part of my life. And that was you, who brought so much music in my life.
You’ ve changed it in some way and I can see that I’m not the only one.
You’re changing the world by your influence on people. You’re making it better. Can you see it?
I wish you all the best, really.
People love you, Dol. Hold on to them.
Dear Dolores,
You are such a truly wonderful person. You, through it all, have stayed true to your moral and ethical convictions, and never sold out to “the industry.” You are such a courageous lady, who, through your music, your words, and your actions, has inspired many of us in many ways, encouraging us, too, to hold true to our common values of decency, love and peace.
I think not of you as a so-called “idol” as some do, but rather as a friend, whom I wish I could have had the opportunity to have known throughout my life, as you are genuinely kind, sensitive, straight-forward and down-to-earth individual.Initially, I liked you for your music and for its meaning, but as I learned more about you as a person, I have come to like you even more for who you are within yourself.
I wish you all the happiness, love and peacefulness in the world, and I will continue to love you for you always.
Rhonda Davis, USA
Hi Dolores!
I’m just writting to you ’cause I think you’re one of the best singers I’ve ever heard, I have all your studio discography with Cranberries and as a soloist, I really love your songs, your lyrics, and the way you sing them, I feel very identify with some of them like “sisterly love” and “I want you”, please please please, keep doing what you do ’cause that keep me moving on my dream to be like you someday, hope all your proyects goes as well as they can be and you keep having a lot of success in all the ways of your life. Just a last thing, please please please come back again to Mexico to sing, I’m wanting you do it.
With all my love and all my best wishes for you
Nathalie Estrada, MEXICO
Dear Dolores,
My name is Keith, I’m from India, I’m your fan since 1992, I love your music, you have changed my life.
Recently I saw you opened yourself on the media about your past, It was really shocking to hear.
Please don’t worry, We the fans are always there for you, I love you so much Dolores.
Together we will be strong, you are the best out there, and always will be.
Love and hugs,
Keith Clemet, INDIA
Dear Dolores, when you sing you heal…
Thanks for all the emotions you give…
Thanks for all those secret bigger worlds…
I do care about you.
Andrea Nannelli, ITALY
Hi Dolores,
I just saw the great response of your fans in the Life magazine last dec.15th and I wanted to add my words for you. I feel totally part of it even if I’m writing a bit late (I hope not too late?). Sure Dolores you will always have my love and support and your confessions won’t change anything. Just like many great Irish artists such as Thin Lizzy, Bob Geldof, Rory Gallagher, U2, Sinead and many more great top ones, You and The Cranberries have done Ireland proud and the country is behind you as well as the whole planet as you can see. I sincerely hope this wonderful idea to publish a support message for you in the press will help you move forward… I’m sure it will. My wife and I can’t wait to see you play in Dublin again, we will wait as long as necessary. We love you !
Eric & Judith Holmes, IRELAND
A little late but… I just saw the ad/message by the fans published in the LIFE magazine and as a fan myself I wanted to add my words to this very cool project. When I read your confessions last month it made me cry, Human nature sometimes sucks ! Like all the other fans you sincerely have all my love and support and I really hope these messages will contribute to make you feel better. As you can see you have some die-hard fans and they really love you, it is beautiful.
Dear Dolores you are a great artist, may the love be with you.
Ailean O’Brien, IRELAND
Oh my dear Delores,
Peace, love, admiration and respect are the feelings I have for you and they will never change no matter what happened in your life. Even if you don’t know me the link between us will always be strong forever and ever. Take care of yourself.
Yes Dolores your fans still love you.
I still love you and Irish people still love you. Come back and play in the country again and we will show you how much ! Your revelations won’t change anything.
You’re so great, keeping rocking.
Dear Dolores,
I’m convinced that the reason you mean so much to your fans, and the fact they are very loyal, is because your music and your lyrics are much more than that of many other artists’. Indeed, your therapeutic way of writing enables us to grasp a bit of your experiences in life and, by identifying to your songs, helps us going through our own ordeals.
Today, I thus want to tell you that you shouldn’t feel shame by sharing this tragic story of yours. Through the sharing of your personal experiences, you are once more giving us an example of bravery, strength and courage. Please be proud of who you are because you have made us proud of who we are; and this is even more true today as your testimony will be of great inspiration to those who have faced similar turmoil.
More than ever, I want you to know that I will always respect you and admire you. You have somehow always accompanied me via your music, like a guardian angel, especially during my coming of age.
You taught me to “keep my hope” and I’ll never be able to fully express my gratitude. Now, it’s my turn to give you a piece of advice: keep your faith, for along with your family, it is your guiding light – and you are mine.
Again, thank you for being who you are.
All my love and respect.
Camille, FRANCE