Odd merchandise : The Promises Teddy Bear

March 3, 2001  |  Comments Off on Odd merchandise : The Promises Teddy Bear  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

I love writing news stories about odd merchandise, and this is about the oddest thing I’ve seen from “Bury the Hatchet”. As a promotional effort for the “Promises” single in the UK, apparently Universal created a very limited production of actual teddy bears to coincide with the release. The bears themselves seem to be normal high-class collectible bears. The bears include a small white T-shirt, with the logo “The Cranberries: Promises”. If you’re looking for one of these rarities, watch your wallet. This turns out to be one of the most expensive pieces since the $50 “Bury the Hatchet” golf shirts sold on tour.

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