Some members of our team just noticed that tickets for the Parisian concert of D.A.R.K. on September 22nd are not available for sale anymore at the moment, which could be a very nice surprise if that meant the concert was now sold out.
However, let’s note that, when trying to buy tickets on GDP, buyers are not told that the concert is sold out but that “there was a problem with the reservation”.
Fnac, on its side, mention that “tickets are no longer available…”
What’s more intriguing is that the band was still pushing the date on social media two days ago with a new video promoting the performance at Divan du Monde, which usually tends to show that the venue is far from selling out.
Although all other dates are still on sale, it seems the same “problem” can be noted with the Italian date due to take place on September 23rd at Tunnel Club in Milano.
Indeed, if one tries to buy tickets on Live Nation, the following message appears:
Currently No Tickets Available
Check back again soon for exclusive access to tickets!
This is definitely not a good sign as none of these concerts seemed close to selling out lately.
Let’s remember Dolores recently had to cancel four dates with The Cranberries lately due to health problems.
We fear another postponement/cancellation would deal severe blow to the D.A.R.K. project 🙁
Thanks to Cordell who confirmed a moment ago he/she received a mail from Fnac to confirm that the Paris date would not take place.
We also just received an email from Cyprus Avenue, Cork, to let us know that tickets bought for the D.A.R.K. concert were refunded.
Here is the official statement:
DARK have unfortunately been forced to cancel their European tour including their Cork date scheduled for Sept 17th. Refunds available from point of purchase. Statement from the band: ‘We are really sorry that we have to cancel these shows. Unfortunately Dolores has suffered an acute back injury. An MRI scan confirmed she has a bulging disc which causes extreme pain which has meant that she has not been able to fulfil several engagements in the last couple of weeks. We had hoped that with treatment and rest she would be recovered for this tour. Sadly this is not the case and the doctors have now advised full rest for at least the next month to ensure that her condition does not become more serious. Apologies for the inconvenience that this causes, it’s simply impossible to go ahead with the tour.’
Same message for the show in London, Bush Hall.
UPDATE – 1:35 PM (CET)
Official statement for Milano:
Live Nation Italia è spiacente di comunicare che il concerto dei D.A.R.K. in programma il 23 settembre è annullato.
I biglietti già acquistati potranno essere rimborsati presso i punti vendita di acquisto entro il 30 ottobre 2016. Per i biglietti acquistati online TicketOne manderà una e-mail con tutti i dettagli a tutti gli acquirenti.
La band ha emesso un comunicato ufficiale: “Siamo davvero dispiaciuti di cancellare il tour. Purtroppo Dolores ha subito un infortunio alla schiena. La risonanza magnetica ha confermato la presenza di una ‘protrusione discale’, che provoca un fortissimo dolore. Motivo per il quale Dolores non è stata in grado di mantenere diversi impegni nelle ultime due settimane. Speravamo con tutto il cuore che con terapia e riposo si riprendesse in tempo per il tour, ma purtroppo non è successo, e i dottori le hanno consigliato riposo totale per almeno un altro mese, per far sì che le sue condizioni non diventino più serie. Ci scusiamo per il disagio causato, ma è davvero impossibile intraprendere un tour in questo momento”.
UPDATE – 1:55 PM (CET)
Limerick show at Dolan’s Warehouse now officially cancelled, same statement as the others.
UPDATE – 2:20 PM (CET)
The Whelan’s webiste just marked the Dublin show as cancelled and the Doctor Music’s website did the same for the show in Madrid at Caracol
UPDATE – 2:45 PM (CET)
Doctor Music‘s official statement for Madrid:
D.A.R.K. cancela su gira en España por problemas de salud
Jueves, 1 septiembre 2016
El importe de las entradas se puede recuperar en los mismos puntos de venta donde fueron adquiridas
Doctor Music lamenta profundamente tener que informar de la cancelación del concierto de D.A.R.K previsto para el próximo 27 de septiembre en la sala Caracol de Madrid.
Como la propia banda ha comunicado: “Desafortunadamente, Dolores ha sufrido una lesión aguda en la espalda. Una resonancia magnética ha confirmado una importante protrusión discal, lo que le está causando un dolor extremo que le ha impedido cumplir con sus compromisos profesionales en estas últimas semanas. Teníamos la esperanza de que con un tratamiento adecuado y reposo pudiera reponerse y poder seguir adelante con este tour. Lamentablemente, esto no ha sido así y los doctores le han prescrito reposo absoluto durante al menos todo el mes para evitar que su situación empeore. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias causadas, pero es imposible seguir hacia delante con este gira.”
El importe de las entradas para el concierto de Madrid se puede recuperar en los mismos puntos de venta donde fueron adquiridas. Así mismo, las entradas de venta online se reembolsarán automáticamente.
UPDATE – 5:58 PM (CET)
GPD, producer of the Paris show, just sent the following email both in French and English:
Le concert de D.A.R.K. prévu le 22 Septembre 2016 prochain au Divan du Monde est malheureusement annulé.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les modalités de remboursement:
- Billets à retirer au guichet: Merci de nous envoyer par e-mail votre n° de commande et votre adresse complète.
Le remboursement se fera par chèque sous 2 à 3 semaines.
Si vous souhaitez être remboursé plus rapidement, vous pouvez également nous joindre au, et nous communiquer les numéros et la date d’expiration de votre carte bancaire pour un remboursement immédiat.
- Billets reçus par courrier: Merci de nous renvoyer vos billets à l’adresse indiquée en signature du mail en nous précisant votre adresse complète.
Le remboursement se fera par chèque sous 2 à 3 semaines.
La date limite de remboursement est fixée au : jeudi 1er décembre 2016
(Après cette date, il ne sera plus possible de demander le remboursement de vos billets)
Merci et bonne fin de journée,
Bien cordialement,
Dear Customer,
D.A.R.K.’s concert at the Divan du Monde in Paris on September 22th 2016 is unfortunately cancelled.
You will find the refund information below:
– Will-call tickets: Please send us your order number by e-mail together with your credit card number and expiration date only (no security code needed for refunds). We will refund you within 2 to 3 business days.
- Tickets received by mail or DHL : please send us your tickets by mail at our address hereunder together with your bank account information. We will refund you by bank transfer within 2 to 3 weeks.
Please note the refunds will be closed after Thursday December 1st 2016
(no refunds after this date)
Thank you very much, kind regards
UPDATE – 6:45 PM (CET)
And last but not least, the band just published on their website and Facebook the following message:
We are really sorry that we have to cancel these shows.
Unfortunately Dolores has suffered a acute back injury. An MRI scan confirmed she has a bulging disc which causes extreme pain which has meant that she has not been able to fulfil several engagements in the last couple of weeks. We had hoped that with treatment and rest she would be recovered for this tour. Sadly this is not the case and the doctors have now advised full rest for at least the next month to ensure that her condition does not become more serious.
Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience that this causes, it’s simply impossible to go ahead with the tour. Ticket refunds are available from point of purchase
Shows cancelled:
16.09.16 Dolan’s Warehouse, Limerick
17.09.16 Cypress Avenue, Cork
19.09.16 Whelan’s, Dublin
21.09.16 Bush Hall, London
22.09.16 Divan du Monde, Paris
23.09.16 Tunnel, Milan
25.09.16 Lido, Berlin
27.09.16 Caracol, Madrid