The Cranberries just posted on Facebook these photos with the following comments, “Thanks to Niall Quinn for sending these photos. Taken in Limerick sometime in the early 90’s.”
Niall Quinn in the middle
The Cranberries just posted on Facebook these photos with the following comments, “Thanks to Niall Quinn for sending these photos. Taken in Limerick sometime in the early 90’s.”
Niall Quinn in the middle
Moving tribute by Dolores’s niece Noelle O’Riordan, with musicians Garreth Dunleavy and Fintan Coen at the “Dreaming Her Dreams: A Night in Memory of Dolores O’Riordan” event in Roisin Dubh, Galway, last night.
Watch 2 videos below.
First one on Facebook (thanks to Caroline Perdue):
and the other on YouTube (thanks to Eva Garrett):
Zucchero has started his “Wanted Italian Tour 2018” last Friday in Zurich, Switzerland.
The Italian singer, who as you know was a friend of Dolores and shared the stage with her a couple of times in the past, published a message on 15 January to express how shocked he was over the passing of Dolores.
We find out today, through a video posted on YouTube of yesterday’s concert in Zurich, that Zucchero is paying tribute on this new tour by playing a beautiful rendition of the song “Puro Amore” featuring some pictures of Dolores on the screen.
Thanks to Cranberries Italia for the info.
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This week edition of the Limerick Leader (county edition) features an exclusive and moving interview of Eileen O’ Riordan.
Eileen explains how the family is currently trying to come to terms with Dolores passing, and how they are getting prepared for the Month’s Mind Mass which will be offered this Saturday 24th in Ballybricken St Ailbe’s Church at 7:30pm.
The family uses the occasion to offer thanks for support in past month, and does not fail to include the “many thousands of sympathisers and fans who sent mass cards, flowers and letters of sympathy“.
Limerick Leader (County Edition) · 24 February 2018
You can buy the Limerick Leader in stores or order the ePaper version of the newspaper on this link
The CW Team deepest thoughts continue to go out to Dolores family, children, relatives, as well as to her band mates.
In the series “No Need To Argue” colored vinyl reissues, here come 2 more colors: CLEAR & PINK and CLEAR & BLUE. Both versions will be released on May 18, 2018 and are limited to 1,500 each. They are still made by the same label -Plain- which already released 5 other colored versions of the album.
Click here to preorder the Clear & Pink version.
Click here to preorder the Clear & Blue version.
As usual on, price is $29.98 (each) including shipping for USA. Worldwide shipping is available for a few extra dollars. (Clear & Pink) (Clear & Blue)
Video available on YouTube
As you know, we recently had the opportunity to digitalize recordings from Limerick fan Alan Martin’s early years collection. As he says, “I collected everything I could get my hands on over the 1st couple of years”. We can fairly say that Alan must be the first Cranberries fan, thus owning a unique collection.
The first time he saw the “The Cranberry Saw Us” live was on 25 October 1990 at Cruises in Limerick. A shy singer, who he could barely hear, yet, from this, “average performance”, “Dreams” caught his attention!
Alan then got to witness the band getting more confidence on stage as he saw them twice later that year, going from support act to headline. As the band grew better and better, he kept on following them in 1991 from “The Cranberrys”, to “The Cranberries” and it became obvious to him the band would get big, especially on that night of October 3rd 1991, at Limerick’s Parkway, where they gave, he believes, a perfect performance in front of a 400 people crowd. Incredibly enough, and for our greatest pleasure, Alan decided to record this performance on his walkman, and is sharing it with the fan community today.
Here’s the YouTube link to discover this absolute gem:
The recording is approximately 57 min long. The bootleg appears to be a complete recording (including the encore and the outro!) as Alan used an extended 120 min tape, with 60 minutes per side, which did not require him to cut the record at any time. It is, of course, an audience recording, which means that those who are not too familiar with this kind of recordings may find that it leaves something to be desired, yet the voice is very clear and the rarities this recording features make it exceptional.
Let’s note Alan was standing front row, in front of Mike, so the sound he recorded was probably more like that of the feedbacks from the band’s amp than that of the venue’s PA system. This won’t prevent you from enjoying the show and appreciate the unusual versions of the songs we all love so much.
The Parkway 1991 – Alan’s mastertape
Interestingly, Alan’s treasure is the second earliest audience recording of a Cranberries performance known to this day; the very first one being the “The Town And Country Club” bootleg recorded in London on 31 August 1991.
The recording is shared as “raw files” and was not edited to improve sound at any time.
Here’s the recording process: Mastertape => JVC CA-E33L equalizer at zero => Sony PCM-D50 => WAV file 48kHz 16bit => Youtube
The Cranberries at The Parkway
1. Them
2. Nothing Left At All
3. How
4. A Íosa
5. Serious
6. Put Me Down
7. Pathetic Senses
8. Reason
9. Uncertain
10. Linger
11. I Still Do
12. Liar
13. Same Old Story
14. Dreams
15. A Fast One
16. A Íosa
One may note that the band played “A Íosa” (their one and only track written in Irish) twice on this show as, during the encore, crowd asked for more shouting “arís, arís, arís” (again in Irish), Dolores thus re-entered stage saying, “Since ye said Aris we are going to play the Irish one again”.
A damn lucky crowd for sure, but thanks to Alan, today, we too can feel like we were part of the audience 🙂
Dave Fanning will air a special tribute to Dolores O’ Riordan on RTÉ One this evening at 10:35. For those outside of Ireland you can watch the TV channel on FirstOneTV:É-One-2
The documentary, simply titled “DOLORES”, focuses on the group’s heyday in the early 90s with archive footage and videos intersected with interviews with Dolores and The Cranberries
Mike, Fergal, Dolores and Dave Fanning
Watch “DOLORES” online on openload
Thanks to irishsoul… always!
Hey everyone,
As some of our team members were travelling to Limerick this week to pay respect at Caherelly graveyard, a month after this still terribly painful loss, we were invited by a 1990s Limerick fan to discover his very unique collection of rarely seen press clippings, videos, concert recordings and other memorabilia dating from the band’s early days.
Alan is willing to share these treasures with the worldwide community, with our help. Therefore, we took pictures of approx 300 old articles, local newspapers, reviews, flyers, posters and magazine ads of early gigs that were performed by the band as they were still called The Cranberry Saw Us or The Cranberry’s. Some of these pictures are photos that none of us have ever seen before.
A small glimpse of Alan’s collection:
We have also digitalized two recordings that he made himself from an October 3rd 1991 concert that the band played at The Parkway in Limerick as well as another one from April 15th 1993 at The 2 Mile Inn still in Limerick. Our goal is to make them available online in the upcoming days/weeks for everyone to enjoy. These bootlegs feature precious rarities such as “Iosa”, “Serious” and an alternative lyrics version of “Zombie”.
The Parkway 1991 mastertape
2 Mile Inn 1993 mastertape
As you may imagine, this is going to be a long process for us to sort and upload all this online. We’ll be starting doing so asap but please keep in mind it will likely be a matter of months before the last items can be posted on our website.
Last but not least, to our biggest honor, Alan invited us to watch the full “Uncertain” videoclip that he had recorded on VHS, as well as a rarely seen 1994 Top Of The Pops performance of “Dreams”, and a very exclusive interview of Dolores and Fergal on RTE given on December 19th 1993.
Alan will be working on digitalizing these video recordings in the upcoming weeks/months for everyone’s pleasure.
Full “Uncertain” video – 2:44
Please bear with all of us, as this is all worth the wait.
As for you, dear Alan, we’ll forever be grateful for your contacting us and sharing these special masterpieces with the fan community. You’re very special to be willing to share such a rare and personal, private collection with all of us and on behalf of the entire fan community, we wish to express our deepest appreciation for your generosity.
A never seen before photo from the Something Else photo session 2017 was shared today by The Cranberries on Facebook:
The following message was posted earlier today on The Cranberries’ Facebook:
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Dear fans,
Since January 15, we have continued to research, report, and share news and reactions as the world experiences the disbelief and grief surrounding the tragic death of the woman who meant so much to us all. As we have pursued this behind the scenes work here at Cranberries World, we have done so with broken hearts and an indescribable sorrow. It is in that same sorrow now, that we would like to take a moment to share a message from our team.
Cranberries World has become an international community of individuals who represent all ages, backgrounds, lifestyles and experiences; and our team is comprised in that same kind of diversity. Like all of us here, what we share, within our team, is our admiration, appreciation, respect and love for the music, people, memories, and gifts that came into our lives through Dolores O’ Riordan and an unmatched talent that extended beyond her remarkable voice.
The loss of Dolores has devastated our lives more than words can ever express. As each new day comes and goes, we are tormented by the reality that a day has existed without her presence in this world. Our hearts ache at the memories that come into our minds when we see or remember an old photo. Our worlds shatter as we recall experiences at concerts or conversations that some of us were fortunate enough to have shared with her over the last several decades. Then, of course, there is her music. The sharing of her creativity, talent and beautiful voice is how she introduced us into her world.
Through her art, she expressed so many aspects of life. We appreciate that creating through songwriting is often a painful process, yet she worked through any such pain so that she could not only express herself in ways that she believed in, but also in ways that she hoped that we could relate. And relate, we did, as she connected with us through her music, performances, words and personality. She wrote of emotions that ranged from the philosophical to the lighthearted, and delivered her words in beautiful melodies that she crafted with a special type of artistic talent that the world rarely sees.
We understand that the music will indeed be the legacy that she leaves behind. However, we also acknowledge that in addition to losing an incredibly gifted musician, the world has also lost a beautiful soul. We, as fans, had the benefit of experiencing, firsthand, her generosity and kindness. Fans were regularly treated to her attention, authenticity, and affectionate, loving spirit.
She worked hard to give, and made the connections with her audience through her music strong and sincere. Her success, in that regard, will continue to be a driving force in our lives. This, too, is another aspect of her legacy.
Today, as we approach a month since her passing, we remain grief-stricken and shattered.
Words may still be hard to find, and pain unlikely to ease any time soon, but our deepest thoughts continue to go out to her family, children, relatives, as well as to her band mates.
With broken hearts of our own, we extend our sympathies to everyone who visits with us and want to let you know that we are grateful for your support as we all mourn, together.
We do recognise that Dolores left us with an incredible amount of treasures. From the music to the memories, we have all been forever changed by having had Dolores in our lives.
She had given us hope, and was considered by many of us a guiding light.
While we know that everything has changed now that she is no longer with us, we will do our best in continuing the work of Cranberries World, which we hope will honor her life and career, while pursuing to support Noel, Mike, and Fergal, whom we admire and respect greatly.
We appreciate the community that drives Cranberries World and would like to thank every of you for your participation in building this “Crancyclopedia” of ours, that will keep the memories alive.
For Dolores will forever live in our hearts.
The CW Team
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…or read the full original interview from the Huffington Post directly on
Shared on the Instagram account of High Wire Post Production
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Quite a rare photo shared by Jøhann Rosales on the Facebook group The Cranberries en Venezuela
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Trailer was posted on the YouTube account of ONE Media earlier today.
“Linger” starts at 0:57
Crazy Pig Designs shared on Facebook two rare photos of Dolores back in July 1994 when she came to their store in London.
Rare bootleg audio recorded from the audience shared on YouTube recently.
The Cranberries in Austin, TX at Frank Erwin Center on 29 November 1993
Only 2 songs recorded (Zombie, Liar) as taper explains, “This is a rough, live audience recording of the last two songs The Cranberries performed as the opener for Duran Duran. The Cranberries performance that night was magical and sweet. I only got the tail end of the performance as they were opening for Duran Duran.”
TheHand on Facebook
Rare bootleg video recorded by Peter de Jong from the audience in Utrecht at Vredenburg on 8 February 1995 and shared on his YouTube account today. 480p black & white. (color version exists!)
Thank you Peter for this gem!
Have a look at the photos by Xavier Mercadé on
The limited NNTA green vinyl reissue has been released and shipped a little earlier than expected. Some customers already received their copy and first images appeared on the internet for example on eBay or Instagram
Rare proshot video recently shared on YouTube by user Spirit of the 80s With Michael and Michelle. The Cranberries in Buffalo at Darien Lake PAC on 24 August 1999. Full show minus the encore.