Happy Birthday to Noel Hogan 45 years old today!

December 25, 2016  |  Comments Off on Happy Birthday to Noel Hogan 45 years old today!  |  by Axl  |  Noel Hogan, The Cranberries

It’s now midnight in Ireland and it’s December 25, 2016.
It’s not only Santa’s day, it’s also someone’s birthday.

So Happy Birthday to Noel Hogan, 45 years old today.
Have a good one man.

Noel, last week in Perú
(Photo credit: Festival Vivo X El Rock)

…and Merry Christmas to all of you out there in The Cranberries world.

Pledge Music to satisfy signed Science Agrees vinyl orders in the upcoming days

December 22, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

Good news for D.A.R.K. fans who had ordered a signed Science Agrees vinyl and were still waiting for the item to be delivered. After several complaints, Pledge is finally keeping customers updated on their order in the below email:

To all customers still awaiting their orders,

We know some of you have been waiting far longer than you should have for your signed copy of D.A.R.K.’s Science Agrees. This has been due to a number of factors, including the initial shipment of signed stock arriving at our warehouse damaged, and then the time it has taken to get new stock delivered whilst replacement signings happened at the band’s separate locations around the world.

At one point, due to the issues above and other logistical problems, we thought we would never receive more stock and would have to refund you all. However, we are happy tell you we are expecting a limited amount of stock to cover outstanding orders to finally arrive into our warehouse tomorrow (December 23rd) and for shipping to take place as soon as possible. You will receive a notification email once your item ships, but what with the exceptionally busy time of year, we expect this to be in early January.

PledgeMusic and the band apologise profusely for the wait you have endured. We know it has not been good enough, but we hope to get your long awaited signed album to you asap.

Thank you for your continued patience,

This is definitely a HUGE relief as Pledge Music had actually started refunding some of us early December because of stock shortage.

Let’s hope everyone will receive the exclusive items they have ordered more than 8 months ago now.

And thumbs up to the Pledge Music team – once in a while does no harm 😉 – who happened to be very attentive to fans complaints (we can tell for sure as one member of our team was among the disappointed fans who contacted them to express their dissatisfaction).

If some of you are still awaiting for some news from Pledge, drop us (or DoloreO’RiordanSpain Facebook) a word to see if we can help you reaching out to them.


The Cranberries in concert in Lima tonight – LIVE REPORT

December 17, 2016  |  Comments Off on The Cranberries in concert in Lima tonight – LIVE REPORT  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Here we go! The fans just entered the festival VIVO X EL ROCK and the very first pictures appeared on the internet. This post will be updated all day/night long.

tomacuaquer Instagram

The Cranberries Peru Facebook
“A unos minutos de que empieze el festival!! A esperar a The Cranberries”

angelpaladinesperez Instagram

carolina_vilca Instagram

sonidoswv Instagram


tiffrockss Instagram

Ed Sheeran Twitter

lilichalco Instagram

carlos_rh89 Instagram

Now Simple Plan.
Next Sum41 and Garbage.

Sunset during Sum41

Now Garbage



Seguimos con Garbage en el Vivo Por el Rock 8

Posted by Oxigeno on Saturday, 17 December 2016


Garbage… Facebook Live Feed NOW!!!



Posted by Miguel Olave on Saturday, 17 December 2016


OTHER SOURCE: Garbage live on Periscope

Now Papa Roach… next on “Monster stage” THE CRANBERRIES

Papa Roach is now over, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs are now playing on the other stage.
Still 30/40 minutes to go.
There might be a live video feed, Periscope and/or Facebook Live.



#TheCranberries en el #VivoXElRock8

Posted by 3QF on Saturday, 17 December 2016





Posted by Ani Carrillo on Saturday, 17 December 2016



Posted by Carlos Peralta on Saturday, 17 December 2016








Cranberries en el VivoXElRock

Posted by 3QF on Saturday, 17 December 2016



Posted by Carlos Peralta on Saturday, 17 December 2016






The show is now over, the band played approximately 1h20.
As announced earlier Olé Koretsky indeed did replace Dolores on guitar. What a great surprise.


Is Olé Koretsky going to perform with The Cranberries tonight?

December 17, 2016  |  Comments Off on Is Olé Koretsky going to perform with The Cranberries tonight?  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

This is the day for Peruvian fans!
The Cranberries are about to take the stage of VIVO X EL ROCK tonight.
The big question is: Could Olé be a new additional guitarist on the show?
Indeed, as you may have noticed on yesterday’s soundcheck pictures, Olé could be seen with Dolores’ Free To Decide guitar (?) behind Noel, next to Johanna.

This wouldn’t be too surprising as the last 4 shows of The Cranberries -Landerneau FR and the three Cancun MX- had to be cancelled due to Dolores’ back problems.
Olé could thus be replacing Dolores on guitar on songs such as Free To Decide, Zombie, I Can’t Be With You, Dreaming My Dreams, Promises…

Tonight’s concert will tell!
Cranberries World team will try to cover the show live with pics and videos found on the internet.

The Cranberries Lima’s concert D-1

December 16, 2016  |  3 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The Cranberries will play tomorrow in Lima and to say the least, they’ve gotten very busy days. A lot of new things appeared today on the internet. Still a lot of pictures posted by the fans, the band doing soundcheck this afternoon on festival site and a new photoshoot by the official photographer of the festival. Dolores also tweeted a photo taken from her balcony, nice view on fans waiting for her downstairs. 2 new interviews with Noel and Fergal from yesterday have also been published… and the day is not completely over in Lima!

Festival Vivo El Rock Facebook

The Cranberries Instagram

Johanna – whiteprism Instagram

Photoshoot by the official photographer of the Festival Vivo X El Rock

The official photographer Francisco Medina with Dolores (during Meet & Greet yesterday)

Dolores and Olé on Balcony (Flavio Andreé on Twitter)
“please come here Dolores”

Dolores and Olé on Balcony – CLOSE-UP (Alejandro Salas Gonzales on Facebook)

Dolores’s tweet replying to fans
“Hola Lima!”

Now the interviews:
The first new interview was published on Conciertos Peru Facebook:

Entrevista a The Cranberries

Conversamos con The Cranberries antes del show que darán este sábado en el Festival “VIVO X El ROCK” 8.

Más info: https://goo.gl/ALyWPn

Posted by Conciertos Perú on Friday, 16 December 2016


In this interview Noel and Fergal are talking about the Vivo El Rock festival -Fergal would like to see Garbage- the setlist being a mix of everything a sort of a best-of, the touring process much more balanced now than in the past, the music industry these days, Brexit and the busy year ahead with new album and new tour starting in Europe for the beginning of the year and after that possibly South America

The second new interview was published on ElComercio.pe but it’s all translated in Spanish and we can’t even hear the voices of Noel and Fergal. No idea what they are talking about!

New pics of The Cranberries with fans in Perú (UPDATED 3x)

December 15, 2016  |  Comments Off on New pics of The Cranberries with fans in Perú (UPDATED 3x)  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Perú, Perú, Perú… this is definitely your time!
Today The Cranberries -all of them- met fans at Hotel y Casino Los Delfines in Lima. A lot of photos and signings were done. Here’s a few of them… possibly more to come later.



Alvarodg19 added 24-hours later a video of Dolores entering the Meet & Greet room





A lot more pictures with fans yesterday Dec.15 -this time not from the meet & greet- were shared on Facebook by David Elieser Alvarez (click on each photo for larger view), also to credit alfonsorley Instagram and Gonzo Garcia Facebook.



More photos from yesterday Dec.16:



More photos; VARIOUS


BREAKING: Noel & Fergal doing medias this morning – New album in May 2017

December 15, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Noel & Fergal gave interviews this morning at Hotel Los Delfines San Isidro and 2 pictures have been published on The Cranberries Instagram account:

You can watch a 8 min video below:
Source: Publimetro


#ENVIVO con los integrantes de #THECRANBERRIES

Posted by Publimetro on Thursday, 15 December 2016


In this interview, the guys talk about how it is to play festival with other bands on the bill, their setlist for Saturday’s show, audiences that don’t speak English: “…audiences that don’t speak English have never been an issue… a good song has its own translation…”.

They also explain the importance of a producer when making a record and… MENTION THE NEW ALBUM-(!!!) : We have almost finished recording a new album, it’s a kind of reworking of some of our older songs with acoustic kind of style, and working with a quartet from the Irish Chamber Orchestra. And there’s 3 new songs, completely new, as well as some other songs like Linger and Dreams. That’s gonna be released next year in May I think”

Fergal then says they’re “gonna be doing some touring with that” and are also “writing for a new album, a completely new album after that one“.


Carla Diaz, possibly another journalist with the boys this morning. Photo posted on her Instagram account:

The Cranberries rehearsing in Lima today

December 14, 2016  |  Comments Off on The Cranberries rehearsing in Lima today  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The first pictures of the boys in Lima were posted by The Cranberries on their Instagram account just a few minutes ago. The band was rehearsing today at La Fabrika Records for the upcoming show next Saturday at Festival Vivo El Rock 8.

Johanna (back vocals) posted on her Instagram story a very short video (or rather just a photo effect) recorded during this first rehearsal day. The Cranberries Brasil made a screen capture:

The Cranberries have arrived in Perú (UPDATED)

December 13, 2016  |  3 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The first pictures of Dolores and Olé Koretsky arriving in Perú today were published on elcomercio.pe

Last Saturday, December 10, Noel Hogan posted on twitter: “Back on the road for one last show this year. Playing Peru this time next week, one quick stop in NYC on the way.”

And 2 days later he posted another short message: “Off I go” with a picture of a flight map London-New York



Thanks to cabezahuecape and DORSpain

More pictures, thanks to Cranberries Perú

Yesterday Noel twitted from JFK international Airport in NYC: “That’s New York done, next stop Lima.”
…and twitted again when arrived: “Hello Lima”

Johanna and Mikey Freedom Hart have also arrived in Perú and posted pictures from Lima this Wednesday afternoon:

Still no pics from the boys yet 🙁
Hopefully soon!

“No Need To Argue” colored vinyl reissue: 2 versions (UPDATED)

December 11, 2016  |  Comments Off on “No Need To Argue” colored vinyl reissue: 2 versions (UPDATED)  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

It seems like there is an unexpected new item on sale on Runt.com
As you know they announced they would sell some NNTA “cranberry colored vinyl” limited editon starting from September 2016, though two fans recently noticed that they were actually selling one “cranberry” color and one “plum red” color.

The below pictures show the difference between the two:

Thank you to Andrea and Dominestar for noticing.

Some members of our team received their “Cranberry Red” and “Plum Red” colored LP’s.
How to recognize them? Easy, you can’t make any mistake. First they have a different catalog number: PLA 2021 for Cranberry and PLA 2022 for Plum. Secondly, they have different stickers on their cover and the Cranberry sticker is always located on the top center whereas the Plum one is always on the top left. Here below close-up photos.

“Science Agrees” signed vinyls: where is Olé taking us to?

December 10, 2016  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

As you may have noticed, some of Olé Koretsky’s very cool signatures on Science Agrees vinyls feature some geographic coordinates.
Let’s thus have a bit of fun finding out where Olé is taking us, sometimes even inviting fans to travel in time!

VINYL #1 (thanks to electro1979)

This one makes fans land in Australia, in a residential area: 2 Hewlett St, Bronte NSW 2024.
As Olé mentions the year 1988 and signs “TIME TRAVEL”, we can imagine this could be the place where he spent his childhood? Very mysterious!

VINYL #2 (thanks to peepee173)

Another puzzling one that leads fans to Miami Beach in Florida, USA: 7601 Atlantic Way, Miami Beach, FL 33141, USA. Seems like Olé is again inviting us to travel in time back to 2005.

VINYL #3 (thanks to PT)

Wondering where the Science Agrees vinyls were signed? This one possibly shades light on this question as GPS coordinates point to the Londonian suburds: 12 Swainson Rd, London W3 7XB, UK.
Looking for this address on the Internet will reveal these are Cooking Vinyl offices!
Note the big “KO” on his face… rather cool, isn’t it?

VINYL #4 (thanks to raulovinyl)

This one is quite funny as Olé mentions he is “on his way” to this destination, which happens to be none other but Shannon Airport, near Limerick in Ireland.
Have safe flights, Olé 😉
Double “KO” on his face on this one !

VINYL #5 (thanks to Andrea)


With this new one sent by Andrea from Italia, Olé sends us to Venice beach, Los Angeles.
Not too much of a surprising destination, let us remember Dolores has/had (?) a flat at Marina del Ray and was spotted on this beach in February 2015.

VINYL #6 (thanks to Mario A.)


Another cool “TIME TRAVEL” signed LP. Hard to see it on this picture but 1991 is written on Olé’s face.
The coordinates point to the following address: 1633 79th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214, USA.
Looking at the street view picture on the right, you’ll see a building that looks like a school. Was it Olé’s school (kindergarten?) when he was a child back in 1991?
Possibly, unless he wants us to see the opposite side of the street and the multifamily residential? Could be a place where he grew up….

VINYL #7 (thanks to Richard)

No coordinates on this one but as Richard says: “Pretty cool”

VINYL #8 (thanks to cranfandy)


A rendez-vous? How cool!
These coordinates are leading us to 1 Highwood Avenue, Tenafly, NJ 07670, USA.
Looks like a small mall with three restaurants (Sushi, Café & Grill, Vietnamese) a clothing shop for children (Party Girl), a jeweler (Charmed) and a hair salon (BBC Salon).
Where do you think Olé is inviting us? Are we up for a dinner, a jewel, or a haircut?
Our guess is on a restaurant… or wasn’t Olé working as a hairdresser at one point though?

VINYL #9 (thanks to cranmex)


Just like Richard LP, this one has no coordinates and may be related to travels.
Possibly Arctic is such an exact position itself that it doesn’t need any GPS coordinates!
So travelling to the Arctic ??!!? …  let’s go 🙂
Another cool message for sure.

Feel free to send us a picture of yours, the more we get pieces of the puzzle, the funnier it is.
And most of all, thanks to Olé for this cool treasure hunt.


Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)