Official fan poll results

July 16, 2001  |  Comments Off on Official fan poll results  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Here are the results of the extensive fans’ “Top 10” poll on the official page:


MANY THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING IN THIS SURVEY! It closed today the 16th of July 2001. There were thousands of entries to sift through, and below are the final results! Sorry if some of your favourites did not make the list, however we would also like to point out that this survey was only intended to give the band an indication as to which songs you would like to see performed acoustically, and there is no guarantee that these 10 songs will all be performed!

AFTER 312 HOURS / TWO WEEKS (July 2nd -15th July 2001):

1. Dreams
2. Linger
3. Zombie
4. Animal Instinct
5. Ode To My Family
6. Promises
7. Daffodil Lament
8. Just My Imagination
9. Empty
10. Ridiculous Thoughts

Source: Official International Cranberries Page

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