Today, for the second consecutive day, The Cranberries’ new video for “This Is The Day” has taken the #1 spot on Canada’s MuchMoreMusic’s MMMTop5. Aided by an email sent by the band’s official website, fansites, and communities like Zombieguide’s Discussion Forums, the video shot straight to #1 last night.
Now remember this is a daily chart, so remember to visit MuchMoreMusic’s voting page every day to vote for the excellent new video! Amazingly enough, it’s not a matter of getting it there, but keeping it there! What can you do to help? The answer is under the forefinger of your right hand.
Of course the victory has done much for fans’ spirits, so let’s flex our voting muscle elsewhere too! Visit CranVance’s comprehensive Cranfans Unite page where you can get links to major media outlets and send emails to request “This Is The Day.” It’s already a reality in Canada, and it can be a reality in the States and anywhere else!