Our visitor Lionel Vasquez has transcribed a tentative set of the lyrics for “Stars” from a high-quality first-generation version of the song and after comparing them with the two MP3s floating about, they look to be dead-on. We’re still uncertain about the two lines denoted with a (?), so if anybody has suggestions for them, be sure to send them over to us.
The Stars are bright tonight
And I am walking nowhere
I guess I will be alright
Desire gets you nowhere
And you are always right
I thought you are so perfect
Take you as you were
Have you as you were
Take you as you were
I’ll have* you just the way are
I’ll have you just the way are
I’ll take you just the way are
Does anybody love the way you are
Aaa Aaa Aaa
The Stars are bright tonight
A distance is between us
And I will be OK
The worst I’ve ever seen us
And still I have my weaknesses
Still I have my strength
And still I have my ugliness
But I, I, I
I’ll have you just the way are
I’ll have you just the way are
I’ll take you just the way are
Does anybody love the way you are
Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaaa
I’ll have you just the way are
I’ll have you just the way are
I’ll take you just the way are
Does anybody love the way you are
Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa Aaaa
Star, Star
* = could be “I love…”
Thanks to Lionel Vasquez for sending them to us.
Also thanks to Raffaella and all the others who have sent in corrections.