Dolores talks to M80 about marriage, BTS

October 5, 2002  |  Comments Off on Dolores talks to M80 about marriage, BTS  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

A previously-recorded interivew with Dolores aired today on Spanish radio station M80. Dolores hit on several interesting topics, including her much- publicized marriage to tour manager Don Burton in 1994 and the decisions involved in releasing the new Beneath the Skin: Live in Paris 2 DVD re- release. Below is a summary, as written by our contributor Jesus Castillo.

»  Dolores recognizes that the second album is clearly “bigger” than EEIDISWCW.

»  Dolores says that she did not realize she was getting married the day of her wedding. Her head was elsewhere and she thought she was in one of her concerts because there were many people from the press as well as many many photographers.

»  They were free to produce the BTS DVD. She finds it an amazing experience because with the extra material people can see the human side of the people behind music (they made a lot of interviews, documentaries,etc). And they worked at a very slow pace in the production as they were given no deadlines from the record company.

»  They decided to record a DVD because they felt they had to do something to somehow erase the image of their last released concert in 1994, which, in their opinion, was not so good.

»  Dolores hates those groups who start their career by playing cover versions. In the beginning, she was asked to do so and she refused (She recalls one time when she was asked to cover “Born In The USA.”). She literally says she hates that way of making music and she does not respect the bands which do not create their own music because they are not “real musicians”. She herself risked her career because “doing your own music was not something profitable or wanted by the music business,” but at the end she has been very successful following her own principles.

»  She was so persecuted by the press that she had no honeymoon. She only escaped with her husband for a couple of days to go camping at the beach. Despite her new marital status, she felt quite depressed because of the excessive work demanded from the company. She assures she had no time to get to know her husband at the beginning.

Source: Exclusive

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