The newest edition edition of the Italian magazine “Rock Star” has a 3-page interview with The Cranberries’ own Dolores O’Riordan, yet another fruit of the band’s recent Euro promo tour.
Perhaps the most universally interesting thing in the article is Dolores’ hand- written timeline on the band’s emotional outlook during the span of their career. It seems that their happiest times prior to “Bury the Hatchet” came around 1993, the time when “Linger” propelled them into the spotlight in the United States. Afterwards, however, the line plummets to immeasurable depths around the “To the Faithful Departed” era. Then, Dolores boxes off the peroid shortly after the breakdown, perhaps to symbolized a closed and finalized past before the line reaches the aptly-titled “Bury the Hatchet.” “We’ve finished an ‘era’ of our story, now we want go forward,” she says elsewhere in the article, “… In 1997, the group went into standby.” From there, it shows that their current state of mind with “Stars” is the best they’ve experienced yet.
Thanks to Luca Vignola for sending us the exclusive scans. You can visit Luca’s website, The Concept of Cranberries, here (link no longer available!!)