In a new update via their DVD drivers CD, Sony has corrected a glitch in their initial batches of PlayStation 2 systems which prevented the viewing of the original release of “Beneath the Skin,” among other DVD titles.
Initially, the original release of “Beneath the Skin” simply wouldn’t play on the DVD-compatible videogame system, creating an error message on screen which read, “Unable to read disc.” Similar widespread loading errors, especially with older DVD players, prompted The Cranberries to discontinue the DVD only months after its release in 2001 and to replace it with “Beneath the Skin: Version 2” in October of last year. The first version contains extra band and crew interviews that Version 2 does not contain, and vice versa, Version 2 contains the “Wake Up and Smell the Coffee” documentary that the original did not include.
For those with an older PlayStation 2 system, the newest drivers (Ver. 2.12) can currently only be obtained by purchasing the official PlayStation 2 DVD remote (MSRP $14.99), which includes a CD of updated DVD drivers which can be installed onto your memory card. If you don’t want to shell out the cash for the remote and CD, you may want to try tracking down a friend who has the remote, since the update only requires a one-time installation.
New PlayStation 2 systems should also be shipping with the new drivers pre- installed.
Certainly good news for people (like myself) who use their PlayStation 2 as their primary DVD player!
Sources: Exclusive