Album 6 Programmer Revealed

May 19, 2003  |  Comments Off on Album 6 Programmer Revealed  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

An update on the site for The Smoothside Organisation shows that The Cranberries have been working with Music Programmer Matthew Vaughanon their new material since February. Vaughan’s past clients include Pulp, Elton John, INXS, Depeche Mode, Jamiriquai, XTC, William Orbit and Texas.

This is, as far as we know, the first time The Cranberries have hired a programmer to assist with their recording, as most basic programming tasks can be handled by the producer. In case you’re not entirely sure what the programmer does, here’s a description: “A programmer is hired for his collection of instruments, sounds and samples, and is expect to be able to produce exactly the right sound for the occasion, and maybe do a bit of playing on the side… The programmer will also have a fantastic memory for sounds, and when you need a string sound that is just so, the programmer will be able to call up a few patches and demonstrate them to you so that you can choose the best… It is quite common for a producer to regard a programmer as a kind of producer’s assistant. The producer will give the programmer an idea of what he wants, then go away for an hour or two and leave the programmer alone with the equipment to see what he can come up with.” (For a more in-depth description, click here.)

A short bio on Matthew Vaughan, a listing of past credits, can be found here. The page additionally includes an MP3 sample of his past works (XTC, Jamiriquai, Alabama 3, etc.) so that you can get a taste of both his work and maybe of what’s to come.

Source: The Smoothside Organisation

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