World Cup Goalie Splits Over Cranberries Gig

May 25, 2003  |  Comments Off on World Cup Goalie Splits Over Cranberries Gig  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The Croatian soccer team Dinamo Zagreb is losing goalkeeper Tomislav Butina over some much-publicized brawls with coach Miroslav Blazevic last year, one of which erupted over a Cranberries concert. Butina was placed as one of 23 to be put on Croatia’s national team last year.

Conflicts between the player and coach first started last year when Butina spent too much time talking to reporters before training session, causing the entire team to start the session later than was planned. Worse yet, Butina skipped a game last October to show up at The Cranberries’ Halloween concert in Zagreb. The Croatia team lost the match 3-0, with Butina’s concert-caused absence “further infuriating his coach,” according to Planet Football.

Butina, who’s been on the Zagreb team for over 11 years, will be heading to the Belgian champions Club Brugge, who reportedly offered a much higher salary than their Croatian counterparts.

Source: Planet Football

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