Irish Celebrities and Personalites Comment on Cranberries’ Hiatus

September 17, 2003  |  Comments Off on Irish Celebrities and Personalites Comment on Cranberries’ Hiatus  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

It is very possible that September 17, 2003 will forever be known as the day The Cranberries officially announced their breakup. The press release is very open-ended as to the future of the band. Whether or not The Cranberries will continue even in (gulp) 2005 is still undecided. They will take a break and “see what happens.”

The irony is, seven years ago, TO THE DAY in 1996, the three Limerick lads and a lass said almost the exact same thing. The conditions are different now, however. They are not bowing out due to stress, they are bowing out due to personal and family obligations which came, ironically enough, as almost a direct result of their first hiatus from 1996 until 1998.

Unfortunately, most of the Irish press is not taking such an “open-ended” approach to the news, proclaiming that The Cranberries are dead and that Dolores will embark on a solo career. Truth is, they could be right.

An unnamed insider quoted in The Mirror stated, “They just aren’t the music power they used to be and people have moved on to new bands. Dolores is a realist and she knows when the game is up. She didn’t see the point in taking the band any further. Without their lead singer the band simply can’t carry on because she is the one that everyone goes to see live. They had a meeting about it and decided it was best to call it a day and see what the future holds.”

Other Irish stars have immediately chimed in with their own thoughts on what they believe to be the band’s dissolution.

Famous Irish DJ Dave Fanning, who has continually supported The Cranberries throughout their career said, “They were a lovely bunch of people and I wish them all the best in the future. It will be interesting to see what they do next and I think Dolores can make it as a solo artist.”

Mickey Joe Harte, winner of Irish reality show You’re a Star commented that, “I think they were a great band and they did a lot for Irish music. They are a big loss to the Irish music industry.”

However, Westlife dicta-, er, manager Louis Walsh slammed the group when he heard the news. “It’s the best news I have heard all day. I never liked them. I admired their success but I didn’t like Dolores’ voice. It sounded like she was wailing like a banshee.”

As if a boyband manager would know anything about music. It’s only natural that he would admire the profit, but not the talent.

Comedian Deidre O’Kane, who often incorporates a Dolores O’Riordan impersonation into her act, professed her liking for the band. “I definitely am a fan of them. I think they’re great, they had two amazing albums. Dolores’s voice is fantastic and I’m gutted. It’s a sad day for Limerick. Her family came to some of my gigs and they all took it great.

DJ Ryan Tubridy added, “I’m sure she’ll have a great solo career. I used to listen to them in college. Dolores has a unique voice. The band were ridiculed for pretentious lyrics, but they were a pop band and were allowed to do that. They will never be at the same level as U2, but they were a great band. Goodbye The Cranberries, Hello The Frames.”

More news on the so-called “temporary shutdown” of the Cranberries coming in the next few minutes here on Zombieguide.

Source: The Mirror (Ireland)

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