Although The Cranberries’ Official Website has been mysteriously inactive for months, a look at the website’s registration record suggests that there has been some movement behind the scenes, as the website was transferred this week to a different hosting company.
On January 6, the Official Website was transferred from Irish-based hosting company Elive to Atlanta-based Interland, a company that specializes in small- and medium-sized businesses. Elive was also Zombieguide’s previous hosting company. Elive had hosted the Official Site since it opened in January 1998.
A whois database lookup for the site shows that Alan McEvoy, The Cranberries’ longtime financial consultant, has been designated as the administrative contact after the band parted ways with former manager Lewis Kovac in September.
It appears that the bare-bones website for Timeless Music Management is still hosted by Elive and that no changes were made to the registration record.
In related news, the shopping cart function on the “Shopping” section of the site has been disabled, making it impossible to purchase anything from the site. (Update: Savannah has posted in the Forums that the shopping cart is working, although it still doesn’t functionn for us.)
No word on why the band’s administration ended their long-term relationship with Elive. The lack of any updates in the past 4 months caused some to fear the worst for the site’s future. However, the server move suggests that the site will be online at least for the foreseeable future.
As to when we’ll see an official update, that’s anyone’s guess. Until then (and even after then), stay tuned to Zombieguide for the latest Cranberries developments, official or otherwise.
Source: Exclusive