João Faria, who worked at last month’s Rock in Rio in Lisbon, has sent in some exclusive photos of Dolores’s surprise appearance there on May 28th. João was General Coordinator of the Better World Forum, where Dolores made her appearance in support of Amnesty International and performed with 1 Giant Leap.
João filled us in on more details about the event, and so we’ve updated our previews news story with his additions (corrections are in italics).
The photos are below. The people pictured onstage with Dolores at the roundtable disccusion at the Better World Forum are Michael Havas, Ivo Meirelles, Bill Shipsey and Margarida Pinto Correia. Photos 7, 8, and 9 are from Dolores’s soundcheck with One Giant Leap before the conference.
Thanks João! And if anyone else has more media from Dolores’s appearance at Rock in Rio Lisbon (or any of her other recent appearances), please email it to us to put up!
Source: Exclusive