Ask Noel a Question!

July 19, 2004  |  Comments Off on Ask Noel a Question!  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

It’s been an unspoken longtime goal of ours to do a proper interview with one of The Cranberries, and now, we’re stoked to say, it’s going to happen.

Noel has specifically chosen Zombieguide to conduct the first interview in promotion of his upcoming solo project. Your humble webmaster, Alex, will be interviewing him either tomorrow or sometime next week, depending on what works for Noel’s schedule.

So until then, you can submit your own questions and we will ask Noel himself during the interview. Just click here to go to the proper thread in the Zombieguide Forums and submit your question as a reply! If you’re not already registered in the forums, you’ll need to do so, it’s quick and easy.

We’re utterly thrilled to have this opportunity to talk with Noel one-on-one, and we hope you all will be just as happy to participate.

Sources: Exclusive!

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Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)