Word Magazine: “IJSJL” Has “Worst Lyrics of All Time”

December 11, 2004  |  Comments Off on Word Magazine: “IJSJL” Has “Worst Lyrics of All Time”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Britain’s Word Magazine has published a list of their picks for the worst song lyrics of all time in their new January issue. Their top (or bottom?) pick for the worst lyrics of all time? The Cranberries’ “I Just Shot John Lennon.” 

However, on Thursday (Dec. 9), the British newspaper The Independent published a short rebuttal to Word’s article. While The Independent editorial agreed that IJSJL’s lyrics are “tosh,” the paper doesn’t think The Cranberries deserve the dishonorable mention, retorting, “Is it any worse than Des’ree’s famous lines from ‘Life’: ‘I don’t wanna see a ghost/ It’s the sight that I fear most/I’d rather have a piece of toast/ And watch the evening news?’ Wordsworth, thou shouldst be living at this hour, and all that… “

Source: Exclusive

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