Noel: No Plans for Cranberries Reunion

May 2, 2005  |  Comments Off on Noel: No Plans for Cranberries Reunion  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

In a thoroughly disappointing article published yesterday by Ireland’s The People, Noel Hogan told the paper that there are no plans for The Cranberries to get back together.

“We haven’t talked about it at all and there are certainly no plans to give it another go or get back together again,” he said.

“The way it was with The Cranberries was that the three lads just got on with it and let Dolores do the rock ‘n’ roll thing. She was the public image of the band and that’s the way we preferred it.”

Rather, he said, Mono Band is the band that he “always wanted to do,” but his commitments with The Cranberries prevented him from exploring that avenue.

“I was always into computers and wanted to work with them to make music instead of just using guitars and traditional instruments. I’d always been tinkering away at home creating new sounds and Mono Band came from that.”

Despite heavily making the rounds to promote Mono Band, Noel told the paper that Limerick is still his home and that he has no plans to move out. “It’s a vibrant place to live and it has so much going for it.”

Click here to read Noel’s response to this article. (LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE)

Source: The People

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