Noel Opens Streetwear Shop in Limerick

November 21, 2005  |  Comments Off on Noel Opens Streetwear Shop in Limerick  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Dolores isn’t the only one pursuing business opportunities these days — Ireland’s Sunday Business Post reports that Noel Hogan has opened a designer clothes store in Limerick called “Identikit.”

“It is true that I have a clothes shop in Limerick, I am half owner,” Noel told Zombieguide. “We opened about six or seven months ago. It is casual street wear, jeans, t-shirts, that kind of thing. It’s been doing really well.” Noel opened the venture together with longtime Cranberries business manager Alan McEvoy. Noel patented the name in January of this year.

The Sunday Business Post also notes that despite the fact that The Cranberries have not released any new music in the past three years, “the royalties are still flowing in.”

Update: Monica Peña had a chance to visit the Identikit store in Limerick this week, so she took some photos and writes, “I found Noel’s shop Identikit. I was looking for it but never thought it was gonna be so easy to find, but it’s on the main street. Of course when I saw it I had a very small hope that maybe Noel had gone there at that time to check how sales were going or something, but of course he wasnt there… The clothes are cool, it’s a brand store so it’s a little expensive, for example a jacket for 130 euros but there were also tshirts for 30 euros and they sell footwear and accesories too.”

Source: Sunday Business Post

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