15 January 2024 · Message from Dolores O’Riordan (Estate)

January 15, 2024  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan

On this poignant day, Dolores O’Riordan (Estate) have published a message on their socials (Facebook, Instagram, TwitterX) as well as their official website doloresoriordanofficial.com which has a brand new look and photo slider since today.

…and announcing soon to be detailed new releases!

Posted in Dolores O'Riordan. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to 15 January 2024 · Message from Dolores O’Riordan (Estate)

  1. Dan

    I think this website might be something to keep an eye on: https://store.doloresoriordan.com/

  2. Eduard

    First of all I don’t believe that something gonna be released, but anyway, I hope

    Regarding her 3rd solo album: We have already 7 tracks from her solo album in 2 last Cranberris’ albums, I mean
    1. Rupture
    2. Why?
    4. Catch Me If You Can
    5. Wake Me When It’s Over
    6. Summer Song
    7. Got It
    So, it something will be yes, released, we will hear these songs again or what?


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