In an interview on BCR 92.6’s “The Lookout”, Niall Quinn (The Cranberry Saw Us first lead singer) talked about his short time with the band in the late 80’s/early 90’s and how he was accidentally involved with Dolores meeting the 3 boys.
I don’t know who was auditioning who because nobody knew anything about each other. We played some of the songs from what had been The Cranberry Saw Us at that time and she sang a couple of Sinead O’ Connor songs. We were jaw-dropping at her voice, because it was obviously very good.
Niall also talked about his new solo project “Theme Tune Boy”, his former band “The Hitchers” and the music scene in Limerick.
Listen to the interview on the BC Radio’s website (no longer available)
Select September 7th show.
Niall’s interview starts at 27:00
Thanks to Carmen for the info.