Cranberries World videos: “Roses” + “You And Me” in Paris

November 26, 2012  |  5 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Cranberries

There you go! 2 songs in 1 recorded at Le Zénith in Paris yesterday. As you now know The Cranberries made a rather special and unusual encore for the first death anniversary of Dolores’ father.
My fellow fans on French forum “Pretty Dolores” also contributed in making this encore special by giving people in the front rows 200 roses to hold in the air.

Here is the video for you to enjoy. Our apologies if this video was not shot from the front row this time, we wanted a more global view to make sure we’d see the roses. No close ups then, plus it’s a bit dark as the lights were turned down on these two songs. Let’s hope we’ll find other videos shot by people closer to the stage soon so to see the whole scene better.

“Roses” & “You And Me” – Paris 2012 – 1st death anniversary of Dolores’ father

In the meantime, let me thank all of you, especially those who came up with this idea and planned everything with me, those who helped me financially, those who spent such a long time taking every single thorn out with me while queuing, those who gave the roses away to people surrounding them, the roadie who helped us in terms of organization (you rock, man!), and all those who participated, holding roses in the air.

Thank you ALL 🙂

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5 Responses to Cranberries World videos: “Roses” + “You And Me” in Paris

  1. Arnaud

    It was beautiful, amazing… Bravo Camille… Unforgettable night yesterday…

  2. Alister

    This was lovely, thank you for the effords and the posting of the video and news.

  3. Cranfan

    Good Idea!

  4. Anneke

    Great project. I was one of the people holding a rose in the air. From the spot i were it looked so beautiful. Center 10th row in the pit. Good video. Good memory. Perfect. I’m ready for the next peoject in Paris next tour. Thank you all. 

  5. Mariafrancesca

    Go Cmamille, go!!!! You’re the best!! Thanks for all…


Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)