The Cranberries mentioned on “Family Guy” cartoon series

February 12, 2013  |  1 Comments  |  by Luc  |  The Cranberries

In this quiet period of time in Cranberries-land, here’s a fun tidbit of information: The Cranberries were briefly mentioned on last Sunday’s episode of hit cartoon series “Family Guy”.

The Cranberries were mentioned among tons of other bands as being part of the soundtrack of a fake Valentine’s Day movie staring the cast of Family Guy. But don’t look forward to hear The Cranberries on any Family Guy soundtrack as this was just a joke, Family-Guy style!

The Cranberries Credit (on the right side)

Thanks to Richard for this piece of info!

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One Response to The Cranberries mentioned on “Family Guy” cartoon series

  1. moon

    🙂 The Cranberries Kids


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