Dolores praised for her courage

November 11, 2013  |  Comments Off on Dolores praised for her courage  |  by Jury  |  Other News

A new article today by the Irish Independent featuring an interview with Ellen O’ Malley-Dunlop (CEO of the Irish Rape Crisis Centre) praising Dolores O’ Riordan for her “tremendous courage” in speaking out about the childhood sexual abuse she suffered. Ms Malley-Dunlop thinks that Dolores’ admission would inspire countless victims to seek help around the country.

I think she’s shown tremendous courage and great generosity in speaking out, because when people like her talk about the terrible trauma inflicted upon them, it encourages others to come forward.


It is one of the most horrific crimes in our society and all the things Dolores said – like feeling ashamed, the aftermath of the trauma on her life, the lack of self-worth, the anorexia and the suicidal thoughts – they are all common feelings.


They are feelings that people have who have not been able to talk about the awful experiences they endured and it is never, ever the victim’s fault, particularly a child victim who is groomed.

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