Focus on Kellie Lewis: Dolores’ reincarnation (?)

January 10, 2014  |  3 Comments  |  by Camille  |  The Voice of Ireland

As you might know, last Sunday’s show saw Dolores O’Riordan convince three candidates of “The Voice of Ireland” to join her team: Kellie Lewis, Sean Sunderland and Thomas Kinney indeed chose our favorite singer to be their coach.

If the performance of the three of them was noticeably good, it seems Kelly Lewis is well on the road to become the favorite of the audience, according to the number of views she got with her stunning performance of “Running Up That Hill” (by Kate Bush) at her Blind Audition on YouTube.

Kellie Lewis – Blind Audition – “The Voice of Ireland”

But that’s not all: it seems Kellie has managed to have Dolores be won over by her talent!
In the below RTÉ One interview at New Year’s Eve concert in Limerick a few days ago, Dolores was asked if she had found some talents and answered “there’s a Limerick girl, and she’s like my reincarnation” explaining that Kellie is really cool and actually got her inspiration from The Cranberries who she started to listen when she was 8.

Interview – NYE Concert 2013 (Limerick)

From her part, Kellie posted on Facebook a photo taken backstage during the Battles rehearsals featuring a very Rock n’ Roll Dolores with red highlights in her hair. Rock n’ Roll pose as well…

Kellie wrote: “On my 21st birthday, Dolores O’Riordan was coaching me through my battle song. She made my day so perfect, I actually got to spend my birthday with my musical idol. To top it off, Dolores gave me a pair of her own designer heels and a card, balloons the whole lot. There were tears and hugs! Thank you Queen D!  xxx

Dolores and Kellie – The number of the beast!

It really looks like these two are getting along well!

We strongly encourage you to follow this talented girl (especially if there are some Florence + The Machine fans among you cause she really reminds us of Ms Welch 😉 )  as she could well become the new Voice of Ireland.

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3 Responses to Focus on Kellie Lewis: Dolores’ reincarnation (?)

  1. Adam Carter

    I did not know that Dolores O’Riordan associated herself with the devil; hand signal of devotion.

  2. Adam Carter

    Say it’s not so, Dolores!! Please, you are better than this, and I have always believed that God was in your corner, on your side, watching over you, and you, being you, would tell the devil that he can go straight to hell, and all others within “the industry” who have sold their souls for their so-called fame and fortune, which will only bring them misery, pain, and the loss of all that is truly good and important within this life and the next one to be spent in Heaven with God and Jesus. Please stay true to your beliefs and common sense and goodness.

    It would be very disappointing, indeed, if you. Dolores, did, after all, sell her soul to the devil. I can not believe that you would do this. I do not want to believe this to be the case. Please Dolores, stay true to your values of love and compassion for other people and for God, and stay clear of those who would try to lead you astray, for there are MANY wolves out there in sheep’s clothing.

    Thinking only of you and for your best interest.. We all love you for your outspoken consciousness for always doing and believing in what is right and good.

    • thisistheday

      Man we do understand that in your culture/your beliefs this sign might symbolize the devil, but please DO ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that this sign is also a POSITIVE hand gesture of appreciation for rock music lovers in Western culture – rock music which, let me remind you, has nothing to do with the devil either and which Dolores has been doing for many years, sometimes even drawing inspiration from her religious background.
      That’s a question of culture, we do respect yours, but try to respect that of others…


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