Last weekend some members of the CW team went to “The Voice of Ireland” semi final.
It was quite an interesting show even if Dolores didn’t perform with her team as all other coaches did on the previous shows. Of course, Kellie being the only one left in the team, it would have been reduced to duet instead of a team performance, but we were secretly hoping that the 2 girls would perform “Zombie” together, which could have been quite enjoyable… well, it didn’t happen and it seems it won’t be happening either next Sunday as some unofficial sources mentioned Dolores should not be performing AT ALL on the show.
As a member of the audience, we can tell that the show was very pleasant to watch, Dolores appeared to be in a great mood and had a killer new look including great new haircut: she shaved her hair on the sides and had red highlights pretty much everywhere. She also had new rings in her ears, which made her look very rock and roll like in 1993. Great great great!!!
She arrived quite late at the Helix as she was suffering of pleurisy (as you probably noticed on TV) but it didn’t affect her good spirit as she seemed quite happy to be here and stole the show like she usually does. Who didn’t like her “I do what I want” pose during a big part of the show? She even clowned around off-camera during commercial breaks and talked to many members of the audience.
Dolores and Bressie clowning around during commercials
Dolores actively supported Kellie all along the show and was the only coach who got up to hug her candidate and wish her good luck before her performance. She also wore a crown of flowers at some point to show her some support, which apparently worked well.
Good karma!
Similarly to the previous season of “The Voice of Ireland”, the last 4 candidates should be meeting their coach in their hometown the week before the final. It seems that this special film report already took place last Monday with Kellie’s family and friends and it should be broadcast during the show next Sunday. It had to be done just before Dolores leaves Ireland to go to New York City where she should be playing a concert tonight with Zucchero.
Last but not least, good luck to Kellie.
The final round shouldn’t be easy. Indeed, it seemed quite clear at The Helix that the fight would be tough against Brendan… unless the under the radar girl Laura May or even the very outsider rocker Jamie steal the crown!
A crown made of roses to support Kellie
Dolores is suffering of pleurisy and was a bit tired