For those of you – and there is a lot – who are still wondering what exactly is hidden behind this weird name/project “The Pigtown Fling”, Noel Hogan and John Greenwood respectively producer and creative director of this big collaborative musical project recently recorded a small video where they clearly explain what it’s all about.
If you are following Noel on Tumblr ( you may have seen these last months a lot of photos of musicians working with him in studio very conscientiously. Photos were published raw without real comments or larger explanations. If you were not paying attention closely you probably just understood at best that he was doing some music for his hometown on the occasion of the Limerick 2014 city of culture. So if you recognize yourself in these last few words or if you never heard about this project at all, then this video is made for you. It’s a kind of EPK published on Vimeo by John Samuel Greenwood, creator and director of TPF project. Just focus 4 minutes and all will be clearer.
Behind “The Pigtown Fling”
The next step is a presentation of the 18 tracks live on stage on September 20, 2014 in Limerick.