“Ice Bucket Challenge” continues, now The Sage Café feat. Mike

August 24, 2014  |  Comments Off on “Ice Bucket Challenge” continues, now The Sage Café feat. Mike  |  by Axl  |  Other News

This time it is Mike Hogan’s turn to appear on an “Ice Bucket Challenge” video. It was posted yesterday on The Sage Café’s Facebook. Mike is one of the guys pouring the buckets of ice water on others (hey, he is the boss after all)… and seems to enjoy it.

The Sage Café’s nominations

And you can watch the video below:



Funny indeed, but this video is not the direct response to Noel challenging him. So we might have another video with Mike very soon (or not!) and this time he might not enjoy it as much as he just did. Stay tuned.

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