“Science Agrees” physical album delayed in the USA

April 20, 2016  |  Comments Off on “Science Agrees” physical album delayed in the USA  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

The US release date for the physical album “Science Agrees” has changed.
Amazon USA is now announcing the CD/Vinyl release for June 24 instead of May 27.
The digital version of the full album remains available on May 27 in the US (and worldwide).

Science AgreesFor now reason is unknown. Possibly late June might be a better time to promote the album in the USA and to have the full band available (like in store appearances, media interviews or whatever).
Remember, on May 27 D.A.R.K. will be touring Europe and just after Dolores will be touring with The Cranberries still in Europe, so no time for USA before mid-June.

Source: Amazon USA

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