Worrying news for fans as rumor has been circulating for a few days that D.A.R.K. debut album release could be postponed to a later date this year…
Cranberries World team had decided not to comment on this as there was no official sign that this would happen.
However, this morning, Amazon UK changed the release date to August 19, 2016 as you can see yourself on this page.
We’ll keep you updated on this unexpected and major postponement as soon as we’ll get more news during the upcoming hours/days, keep on checking our website!
Fans who pre-ordered the album will most probably receive an email from Pledge Music in the following hours/days to let them know when they can expect their album to be delivered, closer to August.
Thanks to Dan Steward who brought our attention to this fact.
EDIT [10:30am GMT]
Confirmed on iTunes.com (and iTunes France) as well for August 19th!!
Thanks to Arnaud for letting us know.
EDIT [11:37am GMT]
September 23 on Amazon Canada, Thanks Andrea!
Same on iTunes France :-/
So the whole tour postponed??
So far, nothing publicly announced for any of the shows and tickets still on sale everywhere!
Rumor is growing, though…
The thing is : OK the album is postponed but why we should also worry about the tour? it is linked?!?!!?
I think it’s a good thing. I always thought it was odd that Dolores would be going off with The Cranberries right after releasing an album with her new band. (It’s not like 2010, where she was able to promote No Baggage with the Cranberries).
The postponements will free Dolores up to, hopefully, properly promote this thing with radio/tv appearances and maybe a world tour.
The reactions to the first two songs have been largely positive and I think with the right promotion the album as a whole could do very well.
Totally agree Richard.
I also hope the whole dark tour will be postponed as well to let the band do things properly.
Indeed the album worth it.
Dolores will have time to do cranberries concerts properly as well.