“Science Agrees” is here and Elvis has left the building…

September 9, 2016  |  Comments Off on “Science Agrees” is here and Elvis has left the building…  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

D.A.R.K.’s debut album “Science Agrees” has finally arrived… at least on streaming platforms. As reported earlier, it might be a little more tricky to find hard copies. Please let us know if you can find the album in your local record store today!

Elvis has left the building…
On the other hand, “The D.A.R.K. Project” launched by Pledge Music has just closed. If you haven’t yet preordered your album(s) or signed album(s) it’s too late now. A few minutes ago, at midnight exactly (UK time), all the special offers have closed.


Earlier this week Pledge Music already cut off the sale of the “Signed Screen Print” probably due to the small sales of this henceforth very collector item. Take a look at the website Cranberryesque, this is perfectly explained. Anyway time is now over for all the items. For information less than 20 “Signed LPs” and more than 300 “Signed CDs” remained.

One of our readers -Max Cranfan, thanks to him- has just informed us on Facebook that his vinyl copy has shipped from Amazon UK. Some lucky fans will definitely receive a physical album possibly later today. What a great news!!!

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