After the first image of the Analog Spark reissue 3 days ago, here comes the Barnes & Noble version. Below the first image posted on Instagram by abruptmodulation.
This is the translucent red version. There’s no image of the red vinyl itself, hopefully soon!
Concerning the sound inside, it is the same as the Analog Spark one. “turk99”, a user at the “Vinyl Collective” boards, contacted Analog Spark and they confirmed it’s based on their mastering.
UPDATE – 29 JUNE – 5:15 PM (UTC)
Analog Spark just twitted a great picture of the B&N version including the red vinyl, have a look below:
UPDATE – 29 JUNE – 8:15 PM (UTC)
Another picture posted by cloie78
Another picture by Instagram user beatlevinyl including sticker
Another picture by Instagram user beatsofdestruction