No sign of the new Mono Band EP yet

September 16, 2017  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Mono Band

The new Mono Band EP was supposed to be released yesterday September 15 but now, 24 hours after, there is still no sign of it in many countries whether searching on Spotify or iTunes. For sure there’s nothing in Russia, USA, Canada, France, Italy, Belgium for now…

Some of our readers are asking for more information but we’re sorry to say we don’t have any and we dont know when the EP will be really out. No one in our team could find it yet.
So, to anyone reading this: Does your local iTunes or Spotify have the new Mono Band EP?

The only sign of a new track is the Facebook message below shared by Noel Hogan a few days ago:

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One Response to No sign of the new Mono Band EP yet

  1. Emerald

    changes the addedum but the same results : always mess


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