Book of Condolence – Dolores O’Riordan

January 16, 2018  |  72 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries

As reported by, a book of condolence opened at Limerick City Hall for local people to pay tribute to rock star and Limerick woman Dolores O’Riordan.

For all those who can’t go, there’s an online version, please click here.
(EDIT: you can’t leave messages anymore. To read the few messages selected by the city go to or click photo below to open PDF file)

Posted in Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries. Bookmark the permalink.

72 Responses to Book of Condolence – Dolores O’Riordan

  1. Maria Rita Tempesta

    You will always remain.
    In my mind. In my eyes. In my heart. In my skin. In my bones.
    …there is a light that never dies…
    You are the light.
    Thank you Dolores.
    Thank you.Thank you.
    Take care of us.

    • David

      Mi corazón llora por tu ausencia, mi amada compañera. Se que sera breve, pues pronto nos veremos. Me llenaste de esperanza y alegría. Deseo volver a abrazarte. Ya queda menos. Mi dulce voz.

  2. Javier Atance

    Dolores, hoy tu nombre coge mucho sentido con tu marcha, porque con tu muerte desaparece la opción de ver toda la fuerza que desprendías en cada concierto. Porque tu marcha se lleva esas vacaciones de Benidorm de 1996 cuando cantaba Free to decide a grito pelado, o esa espera en la papelería del barrio para comprar los libros de texto que me hiciste amena con el mítico Zombie. También se lleva esas veces que me ponía al máximo Promises para motivarme antes de un examen o una cita con alguien especial, o esos momentos que no me quería nada y tu Ode to my family me hizo ver que no estaba solo; sin olvidarme de aquella permanencia dramática del Real Oviedo del 97 en la última jornada tras ese derby con el Gijón que no paré de escuchar a tope Salvation o, cuando peor estaba, me inyectaba de moral y optimismo con Just my imagination. Esa canción siempre quedará ligada a aquella Copa del Estu del 2000 cuando era single en las radios nacionales y que dediqué a mis amigos en un programa de videoclips de una tele local.

    Dolores, contigo te llevas muchos de mis mejores recuerdos de la adolescencia, y ya te hago saber que una plaza de mi futuro Top10 2018 será tuya. Desde hoy ya sólo me quedará tu música como recuerdo, y ese sabroso pastel de arándanos que probé gracias a ti hace ahora 23 años.

    Hasta siempre Dolores O’Riordan

  3. Annie Bénard

    Tu étais mon artiste préféré depuis 25 ans. Je t’ai vu en spectacle 7 fois à Montréal. Ta voix me manqueras. Je t’aime

  4. J. DeMarchi

    Thanks for the music.

  5. Wendy Garcia

    The world is missing you already farewell beautiful!
    Thank you for performing in Mexico. Thank you for your life!

  6. Anna Savla

    This is a very bad way to express my love towards Dolores. I believe that all fans would like to show her their real love and admiration when she was alive. Was, it sounds unbelievable to everyone. Through her songs, the Cranberries and our beloved Dolores, has stigmatised my life. I listen to her since 1996 and she always has been my favourite band and artist. Her voice has accompanied all my personal momments. I will never forget get, and will always love her. If she could receive all the love her fans express now, she would be very proud and happy. Until we meet again. Rest in peace our dearest Dolores. Anna Savla from Athens Greece.

  7. Luiz Fernando Pessoa

    Hoje após a noticia de sua morte muitos amigos me deram msgs de sentimentos pois todos sabem o quanto essa pessoa era importante para mim .
    Em 1992 ouvi pela primeira vez sua voz .q chamou logo minha atençao misturada a sonoridade da banda the cramberries de que era sua vocalista e alma .
    Uma Voz unica , angelical
    Me encantei e aos poucos me apaixonei
    Estudando as traducoes das musicas e significado dos albuns e sabendo q as letras eram a maioria dela percebi sua personalidade e identificaçao com minha personalidade e cada album a cada 2 anos combinavam perfeitamente com minha vida e situaçoes q vive durante a adolescencia e começo da vida adulta .sonhava um dia de vdd por mais absurdo e distante poder ver , ouvir ate chegar perto q seria uma gloria .
    A coisa q mais tenho medo na vida é do ” nunca mais ”
    Suas musicas e pensamentos estaram para sempre na minha memoria e coraçao
    Desde q me tornei cantor sempre cantei suas cançoes e por mais desconhecidas q fossem para as pessoas aq onde vivo todos gostavam e sempre pedem porq
    Eu cantava de coraçao
    A primeira cançao q aprendi tocar no violao foi o seu maior sucesso linger
    When You re Gone minha favorita
    Mas amo tudo q ela cantava
    E a ela tmb de todo coraçao
    Obgd a todos pelas mdgs
    Perdi novamente alguem q eu amava muito
    No caso agora alguem distante daq .q nunca estive perto fisicamente
    Mas esteve comigo anos e anos aq no meu coraçao e assim permanecera para sempre
    Dolores para mim nao era so uma cantora e idolo.ela era a pessoa q pelas entrevistas .letras e personalidade mas parecia comigo no mundo todo E que mais me identifiquei com certesa
    Ninguem esteve mais comigo na minha vida nas alegrias e tristesas q ela
    Minha maior amiga
    Sua voz confortante e maternal

    I love forever Dolores O’riordan
    Obrigado por tudo q vc fez por mim
    Pela sua musica maravilhosa
    Q sempre esta comigo
    Descanse em paz

  8. Gauthier Julien

    Merci pour cette musique géniale et cette voix inoubliable. Repose maintenant en paix. Julien

  9. Carlos FG

    Your sweet voice accompanied my steps the last 25 years. And will continue accompanying me wherever I go.
    thank you pains

  10. RIP – i am without words ! I am extremly sad !

  11. Thank you Doll for make me think every thing is posible
    While you lend me meet you . that was my biggest dream!
    You didn’t leave..
    You allways live un our hearts!
    I live you forever!!

  12. Mels33

    Dolores thank you for sharing my Life… you Were here everytime i need!! I’ve seen you 2 Times in bordeaux and you were amazing… love you so much !!!
    Rest in peace and all my condolences for your family ❤️❤️❤️

  13. Guillaume

    Thank you Dolores

  14. José Millan Del Valle

    Gracias por todo Dolores, siempre vivirás en mi corazón y tus canciones alegran todas mis mañanas, reuniones y cada vez que sea posible y en cualquier lugar…

  15. William

    You are truly my angel and live in my heart! You positive rock spirit will linger on.
    You are the light that never goes out.
    Thanks a lot for sharing your great music in my life. I was happy to see you and the band played in Hong Kong twice! Those were the brilliant moments of my life.
    RIP my music angel, my condolences for your family and loved ones.

    Miss you badly ❤

  16. Alejandro Casal Barreiro

    Dolores O’Riordan, i don’t know when I will be able to listen to your songs again without crying like I’m doing right now. How many times these songs helped me to stand up when I falled down? Hor many times these songs made me go on when I wanted to give up? How many times these songs made me feel better? How many times you was my inspiration? THOUSANDS…

    Thank you for all my angel, because you are an angel now, i don’t have any doubt about it, We will miss you, but you will be forever alive in our hearts.

    God bless you Dolly, Rest in Peace, BEAUTIFUL GIRL—

  17. Serena

    I miss you so much.. see you soon..

  18. Anton Kaptelov

    The 15th January 2018 year is the darkest day for me. The world will never be the same again.

  19. Nestor

    Dolores quisiera date las gracias desde Galicia una tierra hermana de esa Irlanda que te vio nacer por tantas canciones que pasarán a la posteridad y que llevaremos en el corazón allí donde vayamos.tu pérdida es irreparable pero tu recuerdo será eterno

  20. Cecilia

    Dolores canterai lassù tra gli angeli .
    La tua voce , tu rimarrai con noi qui .
    Ci hai lasciato troppo presto .
    Canterai insieme a chi hai amato del mondo della musica .
    Ti ricordo ancora nel tuo concerto negli anni 90;
    Avrei voluto rivederti .
    Anima dolce , forte e fragile . Non ho parole per dirti che ci mancherai .. troppo

  21. Nestor

    Dolores dejas un hueco en la música que será imposible de rellenar.nosotros te llevaremos siempre en el corazon recordando esa musica que tan felices nos hizo que me trae unos recuerdos imposibles de olvidar.gracias darnos tanto siempre serás eterna

  22. Laney

    You were amazing. You were magical. Your music gave me life. I’ll always love you. Thanks for being you.

  23. Miranda Barnett

    You were someone I looked up to, short and petite you may have beeñ but you had an amazing voiçe, thankyou for sharing your voice and music with the world R.I.P chickadee you will be missed but never forgotten. Xoxoxo

  24. Jie Ng

    I believe you’re in a better place now, I will always remember you!

  25. Nicola La Macchia

    Ciao Dolores, con te se ne va un pezzo della mia adolescenza.

  26. Emanuela Gough

    I wish I could find the right words but sometimes silence expresses itself…a kiss and a hug…R.I.P Dolores xxxx

  27. Carlota

    Tu música, tu voz.. han significado tanto para mí. Han sido, son y serán la banda sonora de mi vida. Siempre recordaré la primera vez que escuché esa voz tan mágica, increíble, única, en directo. Siempre en mi corazón. Allá donde estés siempre te recordaremos

    Your music and your yoice will always remain in my heart

    Rest in peace

  28. Ram Kumar Bhandari

    Your music will always inspire me on my life. Your beautiful voice will always be remembered.

    Rest in peace.

  29. Vander

    I was 12 years old in 1993 when i heard your voice for first time. I Will never forget those times. You changed my life, contributed with my personal identification, You made me smiles, dream, cry, dance, shout and sleep in peace. Dear Dolores, your death bring me a deep hole but i’m sure we meet again. Go ahead my friend. Will Love you forever. Vander from Brazil

  30. Os bons vão embora mais cedo, triste realidade da vida. Peço a Deus que ilumine a alma dessa pessoa ímpar que foi a Dolores, uma pessoa que vez da sua voz e de suas poesias a salvação, alegria e a serenidade florar em nossos corações. Doce Dolores quão importante foi você para nós, quão difícil é aceitar que tenha ido embora tão cedo, mas obrigado por tudo, por plantar e deixa esse legado de coisas boas em nossas vidas e no mundo.
    Te amo pra sempre!!!

  31. Jubiross

    Gracias bonita por tu música, crecí con tu voz y fuerza, fue tan emocionándote verte en escenario, te espere con ansias hasta las 4 Am enLima Peru valió la pena, mi ídolo descansa en paz siemroe serás recordada por tu valentía de enfrentar la vida de la mejor manera que sabías interpretando tus emociones. Descansa mi Princesa irlandesa

  32. GIL Franck

    Je ne trouve pas de mots pour décrire tout ce que tu représentes pour moi depuis plus de 25 ans.Depuis ton départ il y a ce grand vide,J ai eu la chance de te voir 8 fois en concert,de t embrasser,de faire des photos avec toi ,de t offrir des fleurs,tu as bercé ma fille ,tu fais partie de moi de ma famille ,de ma vie
    Aujourd’hui ne me reste que ton autographe, ton médiator, les photos ,les albums ,le son de ta voix…
    Repose en paix Dolores

  33. Dear Dolores

    You changed my life….
    You gave me strength in the black period in my life.
    And I managed to get my life back on track.
    Linger was the first song that touched my broken hearth.
    You fixed it!
    I am forever thankful for that.

    Shine in heaven

    Love Anko

  34. Juan Ramón García Reyes

    Dolores, te llevaste una parte de mi alma, sentí morir cuando me enteré y mi mundo se vino abajo.

    Estabas conmigo desde los 12 años y ahora en mis 33 siento que pedí a mi compañera, a mi amiga, confidente y consejera. Te amé y te amaré siempre.

    Me duele tanto tanto tanto tu partida, aún recuerdo cuando te escribía cartas a Limerick que quizás nunca leíste pero te decía cuanto me hacían feliz tus canciones.

    Mi más sentido pésame a tu familia, a tus hijos, tu madre, tu banda y a todos nosotros tus fans que morimos un poco cuando te fuiste.

    The Glory, mi último regalo: te amo Dolores!

    Rest in peace my lovely Dolores, I will never forget you!

  35. anna

    Grazie per avermi accompagnata per un tratto della mia vita.
    Ti sia lieve la terra, Dolores. ❤

  36. Nyd Murray

    Dolores, todavía me cuesta tanto trabajo asimilar tu partida. Veía tus tweets, escuchaba tus canciones (con los Cranberries y tus discos de solista también), te veía en vídeos de conciertos y entrevistas y siempre pensaba en lo talentosa, hermosa y genial que eras, fuiste una inspiración para mí desde que tenía 13 años y ahora tengo 25. Siempre me pareciste una gran artista y una gran persona. Tu gente cercana y tus fans te vamos a extrañar mucho. Espero que estés en un mejor lugar, siempre seré tu fan! <3 Y estoy segura que el legado que dejó tu talento seguirá inspirando a más personas, a nuevas generaciones.

    Love you so much Dolores, you'll never be forgotten.

  37. Roman Duma

    Rest in peace Dolores. Thank you for your music.

  38. Shayne Tseng


  39. Haingo

    Misaotra an’i Dolores tamin’ny mozika nentiny.
    Mandria am-piadanana.

  40. leila VINIT

    dolores, mon coeur est rempi de larmes ma gorge est serrée….c’est une histoire d’amour qui commence en 1994, j’avais 14 ans et qui ne s’est jamais arrété….premier concert en 1996 à paris 8 heure de route et de longue heure d’attente sous la pluie…..puis de nombreux autres concerts marseille, lyon, paris , carcassone, montpellier, toulon, nice….toujours au premier rang,tu m’as meme amenée en Hollande il y a deux ans… j’avais su que se serait mon dernier concert….nous devions vous voir en juin ….mais le concert était annulé……ho dolores comme tu vas me manquer. Merci de m’avoir fait vivre tant de joies avec vous avec ma soeur , mes parents ….j’ai eu quelques moments privilégiés comme aprés le concert à bercy où aprés ‘ heure d’attente tu nous a invité à monter dans le bus!!!! un bouquet de jonquille offert au zénith et que tu garders comme ma banderole…..tant de souvenirs , je pourrais en ecrire des pages.
    merci dolores pour ta musique, tes chansons qui me procure tant d’émotions et qui ont été là dans des moments bien difficiles et d’autres de grande joie.
    enfin mes pensées vont à tes enfants, Taylor Molly et Dakota et ton beau fils. a Don, et milles baisers à vous les gas!!! Noel Mike et Fergal, je vous aime.
    à vous les fans du monde entier qui comme moi etes inconsolables.

    DOLORES rejoint ma petite soeur, partie trop tot, elle t’adorait aussi, retrouve la, prend la tant tes bras et rockez ensemble jusqu’au bout de la nuit… pour l’éternité.

    LEILA, france

  41. Dilma Alves


  42. Alex

    Buon cielo,little Girl!Grazie x tutte le emozioni.

  43. Volodymyr

    It’s hard to say goodbye… Dolores! I still can’t believe its true that you’re gone. I miss you so much even I’ve never met you in private. You mean so much to me not only by your music, your sweet voice, but also your humanity, philosophy. You toughed me English in your songs, so meaningful, so powerful. You opened your soul to all of us, shared part of you, which will never be gone. You will always live in my heart, in hearts of thousands of your fans and friends, in your music. You are part of my life and always will be. Goodbye Dolores, rest in peace, meet your dad, and find a better world. miss you

  44. Jean Michel

    Une voix et un charisme absolu………….
    Tu étais belle et jeune……….
    Grace à toi j’ai vécu des moments magiques et rencontré des gens extraordinaires……..
    Tu nous manqueras toujours mais ta voix sera toujours en moi…..
    Reposes en paix Dolores……

  45. Mônica Maria Jacinto

    Descanse em paz
    Faça uma bonita Viajem
    Você viverá eternamente na sua música e nos corações de seus fãs!

  46. Joel


    Merci pour ta voix exceptionnelle,
    Merci pour ton talent immense,
    Merci pour ta discrétion,
    Merci pour la beauté de tes textes,
    Merci pour ton engagement,
    Merci pour ton humilité,
    Depuis plus de 20 ans je t’ecoute et apprécie ce formidable groupe,
    Nous avions eu grand plaisir à te découvrir au Nouveau Siècle en mai 2017,
    Nous nous étions promis de revoir l’un de vos prochains concerts,
    Le destin en a décidé autrement,
    Tu manqueras à la musique,

    Rip Dolores

    Repose en paix pour toujours

  47. Monika

    Dolores Im miss you so much I will always remember…Tank you

  48. Gracias porque con tus canciones, tu voz y tu estilo formaron parte de mi vida, una gran etapa. Los 90 fueron geniales, pero con The Cranberries serán ahora inolvidables..

    • Maria Teresa Pazos Andrade

      Ha sido todo un placer poder escuchar tu musica y tu gran voz, te hechare mucho de menos,espero que los angeles cuiden de ti .un veso.

  49. fabio g

    Con la tua musica hai portato l’amore in un mondo pieno di odio.
    Con le tue parole hai portato in tanti di noi, la speranza la gioia che tu cercavi nel tuo silenzio..
    Riposa in pace amica cara. La tua perdita è immensa sono a pezzi.

  50. Julia Gonzalez

    I am deeply saddened by your loss… her music always has taken me to specific moments in my life, it inspired me as an artist, and influenced a whole generation. I’m glad that the world had the chance to feel through her music like I did, and to really appreciate the work of a great artist. My deepest condolences to her family love and sympathy to you all.

  51. I was listening to Loud And Clear and scrolling the web and see the sad sad news! I’m like what? No it can’t be! My heart is shattered in a million pieces but only Dolores knows what she felt deep inside. My condolences to her children and mother. I will miss her dearly but to me her legacy will go on. I will continue to hear her music along with her beautiful voice Our Father supplied her with. Her talent, her gift of having a beautiful voice. Will miss her. May she rest with the angels until Judgement day.

  52. I was listening to Loud And Clear when I heard the sad news that she past away. I was like no! This can’t be true! Only she knew why…Her legacy will continue forever! She is now resting with the angels until Our Father returns. He gave her a wonderful gift, her voice that all of us enjoyed. I will miss her so much but her music will live on.

  53. Mathieu

    Une voix, une âme, une pure artiste, un ange qui nous quitte.
    Elle a été une étoile filante, brillante de mille feux, nous éclairant de toute sa luminosité, aussi intense que courte.
    Pourquoi? Une société qui n’écoute rien des souffrances et des gens ?

    Repose en paix Dolores, je suis sûr que là ou tu es c’est beau, comme tu as été magnifique parmi nous.

  54. Nycholas

    Listening to a song like “I still do” now makes me shiver

    ‘Cause if I died tonight
    Would you hold my hand, no
    Would you understand
    And if I lived in spite
    Would you still be here, no
    Would you disappear

    RIP Dolores, you will be missed forever, I still can’t believe you’re really gone.

    Thank you so much.

  55. Romenno

    You was only with 5 days of life before me. Your music has bring me light & happiness. Your leave from this world has take some of my happiness, but i wish that will help you to get over the river Sticks & so on! You have a lot to offer in the balance of other side. i’ m one of the witness for that.. Have a good trip. We will remember you as one of the light carrier in this dark world. You was a gift for us. Whether our wishes to be a good witness for you! Rest in Peace & Light On for You, our voice of eternity.!

  56. David Martín Fernández

    Siento un dolor tan profundo…Para mi se ha ido un ser querido, para mi se ha marchado mi gran amor.Alguien que con su voz me hacía inmensamente feliz. Cuantos maravillosos recuerdos en tantos momentos de mi vida, absolutamente ligados a tu música Dolores, a tu preciosa voz. Lloro por tu pérdida, como nunca hubiera imaginado. Siempre te amaré Dolores.

  57. Gabriela Garza

    Sin saberlo fuiste mi compañera en grandes momentos de mi vida, contigo viví mis maravillosos años de diversión, fuiste mi refugio en mi embarazo y mi consuelo cuando las cosas no salían bien, tu música se convirtió en las canciones de cuna, Dreams me unió con uno de mis grandes amores y Cordell es mi alarma diaria desde hace 5 años que el se fue. Fuiste mi inspiración, por ti quería aprender inglés con la ilusión de algún poderror cruzar una palabra contigo, quería aprender a tocar guitarra para tocar y transmitir eso que tu generadas en mi. Me duele tanto saber que llegó tu tiempo de trascender, pero agradezco infinitamente el tener la oportunidad de coincidir contigo, de haber tenido la oportunidad de verte y sentirte en tusu conciertos y de contar con tus discos, oro puro que has dejado para jamás olvidarte. Gracias Dolores simplemente gracias por existir, por ser esa guerrera y fuente de inspiración para muchos. Hasta Siempre

  58. Robert

    So glad you gifted the world with your beautiful voice and music. Gone far too soon. I’m so happy to have met you. You will be dearly missed.

  59. Alan

    Dolores, Not forgotten, we will Miss You When You’re Gone but make no mistake, you will Linger, in our Dreams long after.

    Thank You for sharing yourself with us all and for proving the beauty and the heart of Ireland.

  60. Marco

    Dolores O`Riordan (und den Cranberries) danke für viele gefühlvolle und glückliche Momente in meiner Jugend durch Deine Musik. Deine Stimme begleitete mich stets auf meinem Weg und das wird sie auch in Zukunft immer tun. Danke für alles und Ruhe in Frieden, wir vermissen Dich in alle Ewigkeit. Love U forever from Switzerland

  61. Fabiano

    Ciao Dolores, grazie per la tua musica.
    Le tue canzoni mi hanno accompagnato in momenti unici della mia vita.
    Fino a che avró respiro, non smetterò mai di ascoltari.

  62. Josee Bellerose

    Je suis rempli d’une tristesse immense suite à ton départ. Tu es une femme magnifique et une inspiration en tant que grande femme du monde. Ta voix me bouleversais et me boulversera toujours. Mes pensées sont tournés vers tes enfants qui eux perdent le plus précieux d’une vie, leur maman.

  63. Ernest Loeki & Melany The Netherlands

    We couldn’t be there with you in Limerick in St. Joseph Church on sunday 21 january, while I so much wished to see you one more time and my last goodbye to you and blowing ALL SHINING STARS TO YOU dear Dolores. But I’m sure you feel those stars and your soul is in touch with EVERYONE on earth who are remembering you these days. And you will fly as an angels around us and in your songs when we here your voice your soul is there too!!! We’ll miss you so much and love you FOREVER our lovely Dolores O’Riordan!!

  64. A.

    Liebe Dolores danke dafür das Du durch deine Stimme und Musik mein Leben verändert hast!
    Ich hörte dich seit 1997 und es half mir aus vielen schweren und trüben Zeiten in meinem Leben.
    Immer wieder stand ich auf und nahm mein Leben trotz der vielen Hürden in die Hand!
    Nun bin ich gerade mal 6 Jahre jünger und habe selbst Kinder, noch immer höre ich deine Musik im
    Alltag und wann immer mir danach ist!
    Völlig schockiert und traurig bin ich über diese schlimmen Nachrichten!
    Meine Gedanken und Gebete bei deinen Kindern und deinen Freunden und deiner Familie!
    Danke für die schöne Stimme die mich immer noch tief berührt, Ruhe in Frieden Dolores!

    Herzliche und traurige Grüße aus Deutschland

  65. thierry

    Dolorès, le silence de ta présence nous manque, le silence de ta voix en or nous manque
    Comment tes enfants, ta famille, tes proches, Noël, Mike, Fergal, nous les fans et tant d’autres, comment allons faire face à ce vide immense.
    Nos cœurs sont au spleen et à la mélancolie
    repose en paix
    love always

  66. thierry

    Dolores, the silence of your presence we miss, the silence of your golden voice we miss
    How do your children, your family, your loved ones, Noel, Mike, Fergal, us fans and so many others, how are we going to face this huge void.
    Our hearts are spleen and melancholy
    rest in peace
    love always

  67. Joseph Liccione

    The WORLD Lost it’s Perfect Angel….

  68. Donal

    A Lovely soul. I really enjoyed Dolores’ voice, especially in a 1994 concert. The moment I heard her song playing in a shop, I wondered, ‘who could that be?’ So unique.

    May God be with the O’Riordan clan, and to all who were close to Dolores…. There are elements out there who just cant handle the pure, bright light that people like Dolores bring. That part is too much to take in.

  69. Alex F

    To the family of Dolores and to the remaining band members my only message is to let you know that your music and your words have changed the world forever. You have saved millions of lives and helped me through some very hard times.

    Your music connected with me on such a deep level and I am so thankful for you.

    May you know that your music will be played forever.

    Rest in Peace and just know The Cranberries will live forever!


Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)