Check out Olé Koretsky’s new solo project

April 25, 2020  |  8 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Other News

Former member of Dolores’ side project D.A.R.K. has released new EP. The music video of the song “The One” was posted yesterday on Olé Koretsky’s new YouTube channel simply called “KORETSKY”.

Olé announced it on Facebook this afternoon.

Have a look also at the article/interview posted on, or click image below to access pdf file.

Posted in Other News. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Check out Olé Koretsky’s new solo project

  1. Nicholas T.

    Kinda like it, very relaxing music. Who’s in the car with him? (Dolores knees?)

  2. Edi

    When the whole EP will be available?

  3. Edi

    What about second album of D.A.R.K ? Will it be released in the future?


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