August 11, 2020  |  20 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Other News

We have just learned of the passing of a well known fan from Brazil in the Cranberries community, Elio Maraia Jr., whom we were used to know as Elio O’Riordan Junior.

Elio was the founder of the 1st fanclub in Brazil and former webmaster of “ZombieGuide South America”.
We felt it was important to let fans know as we believe some of our followers may have been closed to him.

Tonight we keep him in our thoughts.
May you rest in peace, Elio, your love for Dolores and the band will forever be remembered.

Posted in Other News. Bookmark the permalink.

20 Responses to RIP ELIO O’R JR

  1. I offer my condolences to Ello’s family and his friends. Ello and I knew one another from the trading community. A kind and generous soul with a passion for the band we all love so very much. This news is such unfortunate news. Life is fleeting and so very precious.

  2. Very sad to know about him.

    Like Denny, he lost his battle to cancer.

    A great person, great friend, HUGE FAN! RIP


  3. ML

    Such a sad news. My condolences to all those close to him.
    May his soul rest in peace.

  4. 1tipsy

    can’t believe it. R.i.P.

  5. Girl

    🙁 I’m sorry…

  6. The Original MB

    I remember him from Zombieguide, I can’t believe it… 🙁 May he rest in peace.

  7. Asjemenou_loeki_lion

    Me too remember him from Zombieguide. If I’m not wrong he had good contact with our other friend from Sao Paolo Adriano [ Cranspektrum ]. So sad I can’t believe it too. Rest in Peace Elio . You will hear our singing flying angel Dolores there in Heaven.

  8. Tipsy

    Guys years are passing by for all of us fans of the cranberries from a lifetime.

    Lets gather here to stay in touch.

    Where is Alex from Zombieguide?


    • alexverveboy

      Cranguy on October 4, 2007 closed the zombieguide forums and at the beginning of 2008 he sold all his stuff from The Cranberries, VHS, magazines etc and forgot about Dolores and The Cranberries, due to the lawsuit that Dolores and her lawyers made against him for not wanting to give back the dominance of Dolores, so that person has not been a fan of Dolores or the band for many years.

    • Thomaz

      Ok I love Dolores, but she did not treat Alex well, she didn’t handle that situation very well.

  9. viktor grd

    rest in peace elio!!!

  10. Girl

    I have never quite understood this matter. Can anyone tell it?

    • Girl

      I mean the lawsuit’s matter…

    • The Original MB

      As far as I can remember it was all about the domain name (, I think?). If I remember correctly Alex bought the domain long before she went solo, mostly to keep it safe. However, when it was decided that it should be in her hands now, she fired a lawsuit at Alex’s head instead of just contacting him in a normal, civilised way.

      Personally I am not too sure if this was actually her idea, or the management’s (or even Don’s?). She may not have much to do with it, at least that’s what I’d like to believe. Of course it’s very well possible that she did have everything to do with it, I don’t want to be too naive and/or biased just because I love her and the band… After all, this was a massive bomb, and it came right out of the blue, too. I still miss ZG.

    • Nomin

      I remember someone asked Dolores about this situation in an interview as far as I remember she didn’t give a straight answer, I think she stopped caring about fans and someone like Alex right after To the faithful departed tour.

    • Girl

      I understood, thanks. Anyway, since we’re talking about Dolores’ official website, I wonder why the current one (I mean is still “coming soon” after so many months. Also, I find it could have been entrusted to a web designer with more style and taste. This is my opinion. I noticed that the group that takes care of it is the same as the Cranberries site, which in the same way, in my opinion, has never shone for beauty, style and modernity.

  11. Jakob

    where are the comments ?

    • Axl

      They disappeared for 24 hours. Just a 1-day bug from our web hosting company. Sorry about that.

  12. As long as the subject of lawsuits has come up, does anyone have any insight to the lawsuit Dolores filed against Noel which was later settled? My thought is it had something to do with songwriting credits/royalties.

    • Rajan

      I have a hunch it had something to do with Don, I think he didn’t give her good advices.


Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)