“Salvation” (tribute album): And the winner is…..

November 27, 2020  |  13 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The winner of the artwork for the “Salvation” tribute album cover has been revealed on 2fm.rte.ie today. The media also published a shortlist of 12 other album covers.

Congrats to winner Sam Dermody… as well as all the other artists who sent their amazing artworks.

Album to be released in 2021.

Salvation – Artwork by Sam Dermody

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13 Responses to “Salvation” (tribute album): And the winner is…..

  1. Xaby

    Congratulations to Sam Dermody!!!!!!! It’s AMAZING artistic cover, the perfect mix of TTFD and NNTA, ARTIST ️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

  2. Emerald

    Great, when the album will be released?

  3. Fred

    Nice one but too close to the real cover. I would have picked either the one from Yusef Najafi or the one from Eoghan Hegarty. Their mistake (as pretty much all artworks) is that only Dolores appears on their art. They might have won with the whole band appearing. So maybe the best 2 for that reason could be the ones from Indica Allin or Aisling Ni.

  4. Jo

    I don’t like it. Not very interesting and pretty basic. Not much inventiveness and no risk. Some on the list were much better.

  5. Mado

    Awesome. Just what is that weird logo (top left) for? I don’t get it.

    • Webmaster

      This is an album in aid of Pieta House, preventing suicide and self harm. That’s the Pieta House logo.

  6. The Original MB

    Meh, I prefer the one by Aisling Ni Cheallaigh. By a landslide!

  7. Jimcran

    Why did not they let people/fans vote among the shortlisted drawings. Universal chose one of the worst. No work at all. A 5 yo can do it. Take the couch of nnta with the background of ttfd 2 min work. Come on. Poor graphic skills! For instance aisling’s drawing was way better. It contains almost all album covers in one. I also like the ones by yusef and by eoghan.

  8. Girl

    On my opinion the most beautiful, is the second, by Aisling Ni Cheallaigh. It’s genial!

    • JB

      Totally agree. On bass drum instead of Noel for the letter O she should have picked Fergal who is missing on this great drawing. Maybe this is why she did not win. The only mistake for me.

    • Girl

      Oh, it’s true…because the second A in a certain way is Mike.
      I hadn’t noticed Ferg was missing.


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