Dear fans,
Since January 15, we have continued to research, report, and share news and reactions as the world experiences the disbelief and grief surrounding the tragic death of the woman who meant so much to us all. As we have pursued this behind the scenes work here at Cranberries World, we have done so with broken hearts and an indescribable sorrow. It is in that same sorrow now, that we would like to take a moment to share a message from our team.
Cranberries World has become an international community of individuals who represent all ages, backgrounds, lifestyles and experiences; and our team is comprised in that same kind of diversity. Like all of us here, what we share, within our team, is our admiration, appreciation, respect and love for the music, people, memories, and gifts that came into our lives through Dolores O’ Riordan and an unmatched talent that extended beyond her remarkable voice.
The loss of Dolores has devastated our lives more than words can ever express. As each new day comes and goes, we are tormented by the reality that a day has existed without her presence in this world. Our hearts ache at the memories that come into our minds when we see or remember an old photo. Our worlds shatter as we recall experiences at concerts or conversations that some of us were fortunate enough to have shared with her over the last several decades. Then, of course, there is her music. The sharing of her creativity, talent and beautiful voice is how she introduced us into her world.
Through her art, she expressed so many aspects of life. We appreciate that creating through songwriting is often a painful process, yet she worked through any such pain so that she could not only express herself in ways that she believed in, but also in ways that she hoped that we could relate. And relate, we did, as she connected with us through her music, performances, words and personality. She wrote of emotions that ranged from the philosophical to the lighthearted, and delivered her words in beautiful melodies that she crafted with a special type of artistic talent that the world rarely sees.
We understand that the music will indeed be the legacy that she leaves behind. However, we also acknowledge that in addition to losing an incredibly gifted musician, the world has also lost a beautiful soul. We, as fans, had the benefit of experiencing, firsthand, her generosity and kindness. Fans were regularly treated to her attention, authenticity, and affectionate, loving spirit.
She worked hard to give, and made the connections with her audience through her music strong and sincere. Her success, in that regard, will continue to be a driving force in our lives. This, too, is another aspect of her legacy.
Today, as we approach a month since her passing, we remain grief-stricken and shattered.
Words may still be hard to find, and pain unlikely to ease any time soon, but our deepest thoughts continue to go out to her family, children, relatives, as well as to her band mates.
With broken hearts of our own, we extend our sympathies to everyone who visits with us and want to let you know that we are grateful for your support as we all mourn, together.
We do recognise that Dolores left us with an incredible amount of treasures. From the music to the memories, we have all been forever changed by having had Dolores in our lives.
She had given us hope, and was considered by many of us a guiding light.
While we know that everything has changed now that she is no longer with us, we will do our best in continuing the work of Cranberries World, which we hope will honor her life and career, while pursuing to support Noel, Mike, and Fergal, whom we admire and respect greatly.
We appreciate the community that drives Cranberries World and would like to thank every of you for your participation in building this “Crancyclopedia” of ours, that will keep the memories alive.
For Dolores will forever live in our hearts.
The CW Team