Dolores O’Riordan on cover of “Irish Examiner” USA

June 30, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores O’Riordan on cover of “Irish Examiner” USA  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan is on the cover of the June 13th issue of the American edition of the Irish Examiner, plus the full interview is online at their site. (LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE)

Here are some good quotes pulled from the interview:

“I’d a good break, and I’ve the hunger back, the whole vibe is back. Most of the material (for the new album) was written in Canada. In winter, there’s four feet of snow there. It’s very cold, but very inspiring. I have a piano in my house, and I use the weather, the ever-changing climate to inspire me while writing,” she claimed.

The music scene in general however, has changed a great deal while she’s been away. “The emphasis is not on CDs anymore, it’s more on Ipods. It’s always changing, when we were teens, it went from vinyl to cassette. Good music is good music though.”

Dolores, discussing her cameo in Click, also revealed that she isn’t as interested in acting now as she was just a few years ago. (”I want to play some kind of femme fatale – curly hair, big breasts and a tight dress. I imagine it would be like ‘Hollywood! I’m here – Dolores O’Riordan in person!’” she said in 2002.)

Of her cinematic venture, she told us: “Adam (Sandler) is a big fan apparently. It was a blast, we spent ten days (on location). There’s a lot of waiting around for your scene. It’s a good laugh, and very interesting behind the scenes. Every morning, we’d three and a half hours doing make up, it makes you aware of so many different forms of art.”

Of a future in acting however, she said: “Maybe when I’m older, if it felt good at the time. I did like the whole experience, but you’d have to move lock, stock and barrel to Los Angeles.”

It looks like back issues of the cover article may be available for ordering. We’ve emailed the Irish Examiner about it and will update if you can order online.

Lastly, the Irish Examiner has some juicy circa 2000-2002 hi-res photos that you obsessive picture collectors can grab here and here.

Read the whole article here or below, after the jump. (LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE)

Dolores in The Star: “AYL” is a “therapeutic diary”

June 28, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores in The Star: “AYL” is a “therapeutic diary”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan told Toronto’s the Star that the process of writing and recording Are You Listening? was therapeutic for her.

She describes the process of writing over a period of four years as a “hobby and a kind of escape” from both the good and bad elements in her life.

The Star is quick to point out that although it was written in seclusion at home, the album is loaded with heavy themes of death and insecurity — something we pointed out in our own review.

Here’s what The Toronto Star commented:

Are You Listening?, released in May, didn’t turn out to be a tip- toeing ode to domestic bliss, though. Minus the odd, sweet- natured ode to O’Riordan’s toddler daughter, it’s long on themes of death and escape while the music, like that of the Cranberries, is sometimes startlingly heavy and roiling.

Dolores also revealed that producer Dan Brodbeck actually moved into the basement of her home in Howth to work on the tracks on ProTools in O’Riordan’s spare time. She said:

“It was great because one minute we could be recording and the next I could be mashing the potatoes. He was brilliant,” says O’Riordan. “The set-up was downstairs and he’d be down there working all the time, so I’d go down and say, `I have an idea’ and I’d put it down and leave him to come up with some percussion while I went upstairs to peel some spuds. He only came upstairs when he smelled dinner cooking. Otherwise he was in the studio.”

You can read the whole interview at The Toronto Star or below after the jump. Thanks to Tara and others for the tip.

2nd single “When We Were Young” in charts

June 26, 2007  |  Comments Off on 2nd single “When We Were Young” in charts  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

It looks like “When We Were Young” will indeed be the second single from Dolores O’Riordan’s Are You Listening? The song has just entered the charts at Otvoreni Radio ( in Croatia at #19.

This comes after much speculation on the Zombieguide Forums about which song would follow “Ordinary Day.”

Otvoreni Radio was the first reported station to play the debut single “Ordinary Day” way back in February, so it’s no surprise to us that they’re the first station to pick up the second single.

To those at Sanctuary: excellent choice! Maybe “October” for the third single, hmm?

Thanks to Sale for the news.

10 more “Are You Listening?” scans in Flickr set

June 25, 2007  |  Comments Off on 10 more “Are You Listening?” scans in Flickr set  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

We’ve got 10 more print magazine scans having to do with Dolores O’Riordan’s new album in our Flickr set. Check ‘em out!

Has a newspaper or magazine published something about Dolores in your country? Send Zombieguide scans and we’ll add it to the set (with credit to you).

Win tickets and Meet & Greet for LA show

June 22, 2007  |  Comments Off on Win tickets and Meet & Greet for LA show  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Pink is the New Blog is hosting a competition to meet Dolores O’Riordan and attend her July 19th show in Los Angeles.

Entry into the contest is quite simple: Just send in a photo of you and your friends enjoying an ordinary day in the spirit of Dolores’s debut single “Ordinary Day.”

The winner will receive 2 tickets for the House of Blues show and a meet and greet pass to meet Dolores backstage — plus will have a photo op for the blog. Good luck! Visit Pink is the New Blog for more details.

Thanks to Bruno for the tip

Dolores O’Riordan Singer of the Week on Askmen

June 20, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores O’Riordan Singer of the Week on Askmen  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan is this week’s “Singer of the Week” on
The site has 3 pages dedicated to Dolores (click here for page 1, click here for page 2, click here for page 3) including one where they rank her “personality and talent,” “sexiness,” and “natural beauty.” Dolores got a not-too-shabby overall score of 75/100.

AskMen wrote,

Dolores can be described as cute, though hardly cute in a seemingly innocent or perky sort of way. She reminds us of that rare breed of moody, introspective-looking girls we remember from high school whose looks were accentuated by an alluring air of mystery. Her pretty, delicate features are counter-balanced by that ubiquitous stern expression on her face that actually makes her more attractive. Although we understand that guys who go for girls with a permanent smiley face won’t agree with such an assessment.

They also have an interesting quote about what motivated Dolores to finally complete her long-brewing solo album:

“Really, I think I decided to make a full album because I had buckets of songs and I thought, ‘It’s now or never,’ ’cause I’m not getting any younger.”
– Dolores O’Riordan on making her solo album.


Dolores O’Riordan in US’s “People” magazine

June 20, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores O’Riordan in US’s “People” magazine  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Who would have guessed? Dolores O’Riordan has a small article in one of America’s most mainstream magazines, People.

As far as we at Zombieguide can recall, the last time Dolores was mentioned in the mag was an (astoundingly positive) review for Wake Up and Smell the Co ee in 2001.

Check out Zombieguide’s newly launched Press Gallery Flickr set for the scan.
Thanks CanadianLeprechaun.

“The Times” reviews Dolores at the Koko

June 20, 2007  |  Comments Off on “The Times” reviews Dolores at the Koko  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

London’s The Times has put up a review of Dolores’s performace at the Koko on Friday. The paper gave the performace a 3/5.

Dolores O’Riordan
David Sinclair at Koko, NW1

The Cranberries’ slide down the greasy pole of pop was so steep during the late Nineties that it is easy to forget how big they were before that. Their most successful album, No Need to Argue, sold more than 16 million copies. The Irish group suspended activities in 2003, but it was not until last month that their singer Dolores O’Riordan released her first solo album, Are You Listening?, a title which must surely be tempting fate.

There were plenty of diehard Cranberries fans among the audience at Koko — the only British show on O’Riordan’s European tour — but what had they come to hear? The singer, now 35 and a mother of three, was obviously there to promote her own album, and performed most of the songs on it. But she wisely opted to take control of the Cranberries’ legacy as well. With the help of a four-man backing band she performed an equal number of old favourites, beginning with Zombie and ending with the group’s first hit, Dreams .

The only woman in pop to have tried out more hairstyles and colours than Madonna, O’Riordan has now opted for a dark shade and a plain, straight cut that was more office secretary than rock chick. She skipped around the stage like a pixie, her slightness of figure emphasised when she strapped on a white guitar that seemed outsized by comparison to play When You’re Gone .

Her voice remains an instrument of fierce tonal extremes but limited emotional range. She has reined in some of the harsh ululating tics that became her trademark, and there was a reflective mood to some of the new songs. “I think that we weren’t always grateful,” she sang on When We Were Young. But a stroppier attitude surfaced on Loser, a disposable indie-pop tune with a lyric full of vengeful put-downs.

In fairness, her own material generally stood up well, especially when compared with the Cranberries’ most famous song, Linger, which was the least interesting performance of the night. But it was nevertheless the hits of her old group, including a pretty version of Just My Imagination and a fast, vibrant Salvation, that carried the show.

Cranberries are “very cool” with solo outing

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Cranberries are “very cool” with solo outing  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

In an interview published by Calgary Sun Dolores was asked about her life in Canada, her inspirations for “Are you listening?” and the possibility of a The Cranberries reunion. Read it here:

Canada, specifically Northern Ontario, figures prominently in Are You Listening?, the first-ever solo record from Cranberries’ frontwoman Dolores O’Riordan.
In stores tomorrow, the 12-track album was largely written and demoed in O’Riordan’s longtime second home outside Peterborough that she shares with Candian-born husband Don Burton and their three young children. (She also has a 15-year- old stepson who lives in Toronto full-time.)
“It’s so inspiring up there,” said the Irish-born O’Riordan, 35, down the line from her other home in Dublin recently.

Dolores interview on San Francisco Chronicle

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores interview on San Francisco Chronicle  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

San Francisco Chronicle newspaper published a nice interview on May 13. It also appeared in the printed version. You can read it below:

As the lead singer of the Cranberries, Dolores O’Riordan owned the ’90s. Named the highest-earning woman in Ireland, she married Duran Duran’s tour manager in a transparent dress, relegated her band members to separate tour buses and feverishly battled anorexia rumors. The Irish band sold more than 30 million albums before imploding after its fifth release, “Wake Up and Smell the Co ee,” in 2001. After taking six years o to raise her family, O’Riordan, 35, returns with her solo premiere CD, “Are You Listening?” She plays July 20 at the Fillmore in San Francisco.
Q: How did you manage to make an album with two kids running all over the place?
A: Four, my darling.
Q: Four kids?
A: Four kids, yeah.
Q: I must have lost count.
A: I’m an Irishwoman. I always wanted a good brood. Q: But you only took six years o .
A: Well, I have a 15-year-old stepson. I gave birth to my first child 10 years ago this year, my second is 6 and my baby is 2. I’ve been a busy bee — hatching and singing and hatching and singing.
Q: In that order?
A: Totally in that order.
Q: That makes it doubly impressive.
A: Actually, it’s kind of weird. When you have a few good kids, they play with each other. The older kids entertain the babies, they help dress each other, they like to be involved. They like to help load the dishwasher and bring their laundry up.
Q: So, basically, you put them to work.
A: It’s good for them.
Q: It doesn’t look like a bunch of kids came out of you.
A: Thanks very much. I’m flattered. It’s funny, because when you’re having the babies you don’t socialize. You’re staying at the house waiting for this little thing to grow, so I took up knitting.
Q: It’s hard to picture the woman who sang “Zombie” knitting mittens.
A: I know. It’s amazing what we go through, us women. When we get pregnant, we get all soft and motherly and we knit. It’s quite normal, actually.
Q: Did you experience any postpartum depression?
A: No, I was very lucky. I breast-fed the children, and that helps out quite a lot. It makes you feel good because your body releases all these hormones that make you relax. Also, when you’re nursing your baby, it feels like they’re back in your tummy, so it’s not that big of a departure. It’s something I was really blessed to do.
Q: Britney Spears shaved her head after she had her babies. You did it before you had yours. What was your problem?
A: I was 18 years old when I joined the ‘Berries. The first album was huge. Six million is an awful lot to sell for a bunch of kids from a small town in Ireland. It was all a big party, and then the pressure was on to make another. The next one was even bigger, so there’s even more pressure. We were living in buses for five years now. No sense of normality. No friends. No freedom. I overdid it. I was obviously losing too much weight and getting depressed from working too much. I had no normality, no sanity.
Q: How did you get through it?
A: It was just getting away from the public eye. You have to jump o the treadmill because you’re going to break your neck otherwise.
Q: Do you feel sane now?
A: Totally. You relax more in your 30s. You realize the most important thing is that you have to look after yourself and get dinner on the table. It’s grand when you find that head space.
Q: So people shouldn’t be afraid of you anymore?
A: No. I don’t bite at all.
This article appeared on page PK – 46 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Star-Telegram: 5 questions with Dolores O’Riordan

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Star-Telegram: 5 questions with Dolores O’Riordan  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Star-Telegram published a five question interview with Dolores O’Riordan on May 13:

Dolores O’Riordan joined the Cranberries at age 18 and didn’t look back. Five albums and roughly 13 years later, the group took a break, allowing the 35-year-old singer to live life and enjoy her children. Gradually, O’Riordan began writing again, taking four years to piece together her first solo record, Are You Listening?, which hits stores Tuesday. O’Riordan called from Dublin, Ireland, to talk about the new album, her gradual return to the spotlight and the Cranberries’ legacy.
1 Did you have any kind of road map, a grand plan for this record?
No, I didn’t at all. I just wrote. Basically, I took a break from the music and entertainment industry for the first time in my life, since I was 18. As you get older, you start having kids and whatnot, it slows down a little bit. After the greatest-hits record came out and things ended between [the Cranberries] and Universal, I figured that was the right time to switch o , get completely o the merry-go-round. I loved the whole idea of not being contractually bound; I kind of became myself again.
2 What song from Are You Listening? would surprise fans?
I would say Black Widow, because it’s very di erent. … Stay With Me is kind of nice, because it’s darker chords but the chorus is unpredictable. I had a great time experimenting.
3 While you were away from music, did you keep listening to other bands?
Completely pulled myself out. To be honest with you, between the fourth and fifth Cranberries albums, I wasn’t listening to much, more so because you’re having babies, you’re reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting, you’re breast-feeding. And if you’re not doing that, you’re reading books about houses and kitchens and that kind of normal family stu .
4 Were you concerned that because the musical landscape has changed so much in the last few years, you might have a tough time finding an audience?
No, I don’t worry too much about that stu because I have a belief in the power of music, or the power of art, whatever you’re doing and if it’s good, it’s good and if it’s [junk], it’s [junk]. At the end of the day, I think that’s what really matters. If you do get something beautiful in your hands — I think people out there have ears. … The music will get out there if it’s good enough.
5 Has enough time passed for you to look back and assess what the Cranberries accomplished, what you’re proud of?
Strangely enough, it has — at the time, you’re in the eye of the storm and you don’t really realize what’s happening. I think taking the four years o was really cool because then suddenly … you’re pulling all these things out of boxes, and you’re actually looking at them. Now you’ve time to look at things, you’ve time to look at the bigger picture. … We actually did something cool.

The Sydney Morning Herald published article about Dolores

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on The Sydney Morning Herald published article about Dolores  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

On May 25, The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, published an article about Dolores Oriordan’s comeback with an exclusive picture. Screencaps of the printed version were posted on the forums.

For Cranberry’s new drive comes to fruition
“I want to keep my identity” … the former lead singer of the Cranberries, Dolores O’Riordan, has released a new album, Are You Listening? , and will begin touring again this year.
THERE was a time in the mid-1990s when hearing Dolores O’Riordan was unavoidable.
Her voice was everywhere, on the radio and in shopping centres singing and shrieking songs such as Linger and Zombie, which she wrote and performed with the Irish mega-group The Cranberries. Then, in 1996, O’Riordan had a nervous breakdown and the band, after selling 40 million albums, began to disintegrate, breaking up three years ago.
O’Riordan, 35, is now a mother of three who knits and practises yoga. The shaved head has been replaced by long dark locks.
“I don’t find much pressure in motherhood; I love being a mother,” O’Riordan said, in Sydney yesterday to promote her new solo album, Are You Listening? “It was more challenging growing up in the public eye – the fishbowl syndrome. My first son was born 10 years ago. Giving birth helped me to heal and helped me to open up and receive love.”
With such an idyllic domestic life, it seems di cult to believe O’Riordan would consider returning to the lifestyle that sent her over the brink.
Many of her songs are dedicated to family members: her children and her Canadian husband, Don Burton, the former tour manager for Duran Duran whom she met at age 19 while touring the US and married in 1994.
This year O’Riordan begins touring again, including Australia in October, but insists it will be with a di erent mindset. “I have been a singer and an entertainer longer than I have been a mother, and it is a big part of my identity. I want to keep my identity.
“In the four years I was at home, writing became a hobby, and that was lovely. When you are not trying and you are not stuck in a contract and you don’t think people are waiting, suddenly you get great inspiration.”
O’Riordan rarely smiles but admits it is a long way from the days when paralysis set in before going on stage with the band.
“There is no real pressure. Pressure is something we place on ourselves. When you are young you make mistakes – you sign yourself away for two or three years. It is hard to back off then.”

Thanks to gasjetter for the article images and OldieFreshGyal for finding the online article.

Philadelphia Inquirer: “solo effort worth the wait”

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Philadelphia Inquirer: “solo effort worth the wait”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper posted a brief but positive Dolores O’Riodan’s solo album review on May 27. Read it below:

More than five years after her band, the Cranberries, quietly disbanded, Irish songstress Dolores O’Riordan has reemerged with a solo e ort worth the wait. Aside from a few artsy collaborations, O’Riordan had been keeping a low profile, working on this disc and raising her children. It’s no surprise, then, that issues related to family – love for her husband, the birth of a child – are sprinkled throughout, but the Youth- produced CD sounds more inspired than self-indulgent.


O’Riordan smartly sidesteps the overwrought, prog-rock flavorings of the end-stage Cranberries to focus on her greatest strength: a supple, strong voice that works best with melodic pop. Revved up by urgent guitars, sweeping keyboards and driving percussion – not to mention some nicely cinematic songwriting – O’Riordan takes on everything from romantic love (”Apple of My Eye”) to a death in the family (”Black Widow”) in a muscular fashion.


– Nicole Pensiero

Harsh words for Dolores in UCSD Guardian’s review

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Harsh words for Dolores in UCSD Guardian’s review  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The UCSD Guardian, newspaper of the University of California students, posted its “Are you listening?” review on May 10. Here’s the article:

The Cranberries were never the paramount wordsmiths in the biz, but their catchy-sweet songs also never failed to iron-brand our brains – nor the adult alternative niche of the 1990s, a scene the Irish band largely and so graciously helped carve out.
Lead singer Dolores O’Riordan, responsible for Cranberries tracks like “Dreams” and “Linger,” with which we have fierce love/hate relationships to this day, preserves that same elemental formula in her solo venture: primitive lyrics and a beguiling beat. O’Riordan clearly dragged some songwriting baggage into her new hurricane of haunting cries, occasionally upset by “Zombie”- like guitar crunches.
The problem is not only that it’s impossible for O’Riordan to be anything but “the lead singer of the Cranberries,” but also that her evident attempt at personal poignance is turned futile by elementary and predictable rhymes. I don’t know if the boys had a hand in editing her lyrics when she wrote for the band, but perhaps their presence would have been helpful here: The songstress sinks into such methodical triteness – “As the days go by/ The apple of my eye,” “Another lonely night in December/ It is the time of year people remember” – that it doesn’t even come as much of a shock when she rhymes the word “sea” with itself. In its old age, O’Riordan’s breathy Celtic yodel reaches new heights of sermonic insight: “Don’t let life consume you/ It could eat you up inside,” she projects in all seriousness.
On the album cover, the 35-year-old looks more chic than ever, sporting sleek black hair and a pea coat – a drastic departure from her Cranberries pixie cut and tomboy garb – but, unfortunately, her craft has not undergone the same maturing process. Sorry, O’Riordan – you may know “life is more intricate than it seems,” but your art is not. And congratulations, all you fading adult contemporary radio stations – you can finally take those old Cranberries staples out of rotation for a new breed of brilliance. gives Dolores’s album 3 out 5 stars

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on gives Dolores’s album 3 out 5 stars  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan (”one of South Africa’s leading news and information websites”) posted its “Are You Listening?” review on June 1, which refers to the “small” changes that Dolores has made since The Cranberries era. Read the entire article below or by clicking here.

Although she was the last to join, it didn’t take long for Dolores O’Riordan to take control of The Cranberries. As their singer/chief songwriter/lyricist/keyboard player/guitarist she did virtually everything apart from clean the toilet on the tourbus. No surprise then that, despite featuring new musicians and appearing five years after her band faded away, her debut solo album sounds more than a little familiar.
But there are some small, important, changes.

That voice is still unmistakable but no longer has just two default settings: sweet and piercing. The songs still shift between innocent ballads and hard rockers that continue to recycle the grungy guitar riff introduced on ‘Zombie’, but the new backing musicians sound more dynamic and powerful. The trademark vocal gymnastics (“ooh ooh, aah aah”, “doo doo doo doo”) are still there but lyrically she doesn’t try so damn hard.

It’s probably the most striking change, with O’Riordan moving away from making brash political or social statements that just sounded stupid and ignorant (“At times of war, we’re all the losers, there’s no victory, We’ll shoot to kill and kill your lover, fine by me,” she sang so insightfully ten years ago on ‘Warchild’).

Instead she’s returned to the more personal, introspective lyrics and sense of innocence that provided the heart of The Cranberries’ never-bettered debut album. Now it’s all about relationships, emotions, birth, death and nostalgia again.
Despite its trite message of “be yourself”, bouncy first single ‘Ordinary Day’ is a sincere tribute to her youngest daughter; the sinister Tori Amos flavoured ‘Black Widow’ which explodes into full-blown yelling is about her mother-in-law’s losing battle with cancer; the familiarity of ‘Angel Fire’ is rendered irrelevant by its surprisingly inspirational yet religion-free message inspired by meeting Pope John Paul II.

And the high octane ‘When We Were Young’ is obviously about her childhood but for the first time since 1994 O’Riordan’s lyrics are obscure enough for them to be interpreted on many levels.

So when Therapy? drummer Graham Hopkins, Whitesnake bassist Marco Mendoza and The Cranberries tour guitarist Steve Demarchi tear into ‘Stay With Me’ it’s easy to identify with the brooding tale of obsession, or understand the venom of the punchy ‘Loser’.
But this is still the same woman who preached about “their tanks and their bombs, And their bombs, and their guns”, and she can’t resist a bit of lecturing most notably on the ill-advised Celtic-flavoured ‘Human Spirit’. “Don’t let life consume you,” she advises, “it could eat you up inside”. Thanks.

Slips like these notwithstanding ‘Are You Listening’ is a mature album that clearly reflects O’Riordan’s growth as a person, if not a musician. And, looking back at the latter days of The Cranberries, it’s certainly the best album she’s produced since ‘No Need To Argue’.

Knoxville News: AYL has “several chart possibilities”

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Knoxville News: AYL has “several chart possibilities”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The Knoxville News Sentinel newspaper reviewed “Are You Listening?” on May 25 and gave it 1 out of 2 rating. The article is below:

Dolores O’Riordan (Sanctuary)
Rating: 1/2

Some 14 years ago, The Cranberries asked, “Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?,” with the title of their debut album, and it turns out they could: Over the next half decade, the band from Limerick, Ireland, posted a string of hits and platinum albums.
Eventually, enthusiasm for The Cranberries dried up, and now the group’s lead singer, Dolores O’Riordan, asks, “Are You Listening?,” with the title of her debut solo release.
Good question.
Rock music is at a commercial nadir, and it’s always been a particularly tough genre for women soloists, not to mention former lead singers of bands that wore out their welcome.
But at the least, past fans of The Cranberries ought to give O’Riordan a chance. The singer who gave voice to such delicate songs as “Dreams” and “Linger” and was a woman possessed belting through “Zombie” and “Salvation” is in as strong form now as she was for all those hits.
If anyone is indeed listening, O’Riordan has several chart possibilities on her solo release, which was co-produced by Youth and is a natural progression from The Cranberries’ modern-rock sound. That includes the first two tracks – the pop- rock dreamscape “Ordinary Day” and the more urgently buzzing “When We Were Young,” both eliciting nostalgic thoughts of her band. She also revisits the structure of “Zombie” with a “Stay With Me” that alternates meditative verses with desperate chorus outbursts.
O’Riordan evocatively uses wistfulness to sharpen the hook of the slower “Apple of My Eye,” and closing track “Ecstasy” sways with an oddly e ective combination of sensuality and drowsiness. Plus, despite its gimmicky premise, the sassy “Loser” – with its opening line of, “I’m sick and tired of people like you!” – packs a wallop.
However, just as The Cranberries often got bogged down in the murk, O’Riordan likewise sinks into muddy arrangements and all- around tepid tracks that water down the impact of the latter half of “Are You Listening?”
Those cuts aren’t a deal-breaker; they’re more flat than detrimental, but they won’t help O’Riordan beat the odds against her return to relevance

Advertiser: Interview + photo with Dolores

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Advertiser: Interview + photo with Dolores  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The Advertiser newspaper ( posted an article about Dolores’s comeback on May 30 with a beautiful picture of the singer.

Dolores is back
At one time in the `90s, Dolores O’Riordan was battling with Garbage’s Shirley Manson as the coolest chick in rock music.

The Irish band she fronted, the Cranberries had hits around the world with Linger, Zombie and Dreams.

In 2003 the band announced they would be taking time off to pursue other projects.

For their enigmatic frontwoman, that meant spending time thinking about things other than music; such as raising a family.

But during the time off O’Riordan found herself writing songs and is now back with her debut solo album, Are You Listening?

The Irish singer says after the Cranberries it was relief to get back to regular life.

“The writing became a hobby in the background, it took a backseat to parenthood and being a person and being a human being,” she says.

“My priorities were taking the kids to school and being a mum and being a daughter and being a sister. Just spending a lot of that time with my family that I’d probably lost a lot of, touring with the Cranberries.”

O`Riordan says inspiration for her songs comes from her day to day life and recording the new album was a much more home-grown process than any of the recording she did with the Cranberries.

“I always use my songwriting as a therapuetic kind of thing. We would work from my house and it was very relaxed, a very organic process.”

Are You Listening? (Shock) out now.

Dolores grateful to Adam Sandler’s “Click”

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores grateful to Adam Sandler’s “Click”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan reported on May 25 that Dolores O’Riordan thanked the Adams’s Sandler movie “Click”, where she had a cameo role and sang “Linger”, for reminding her how much she missed the musical scene.

Former THE CRANBERRIES star DOLORES O’RIORDAN has thanked ADAM SANDLER’S film CLICK for convincing her to make a musical comeback. The Irish star – who left the band in 2003 after su ering a nervous breakdown – had a cameo role as a wedding singer in the 2006 movie and admits landing the part persuaded her to return to the entertainment industry. She says, “I went over to Los Angeles and spent 10 days on the Sony lot there for the cameo and I had a riot. I really enjoyed it, and I thought: ‘I miss this stu ’. “After that I realised that I should probably go back to the old entertainment world again.”

Irish Voice: “Are You Listening?” is “a sonic feast”

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Irish Voice: “Are You Listening?” is “a sonic feast”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The Irish Voice newspaper published a positive review for Dolores O’Riordan’s “Are You Listening?” on May 24:

Listen Up! O’Riordan’s Still a Star
IT’S always a fun parlor game to dissect the sound of your favorite band when they hit the wall and the individual players release solo CDs.
Lennon and McCartney parted ways and began making music of their own, and even a casual listener heard a clear distinction between John’s bile and Paul’s sugar that made the bones of the tart pop that is the body of the Beatles work.
When Mick and Keith had their infamous spat in the 1980s, the ingredients of their successful sound were laid bare in both Jagger’s contemporary yet glossy pop CDs and the gloriously ramshackle blues of Richard’s Talk Is Cheap disc.
With Are You Listening?, the new CD from Dolores O’Riordan, the secrets of the Cranberries addictive pop rock sound are laid bare for all to analyze.
What a sonic feast it is! There is not a bad track on the 13 songs that make up this disc, and many of them stand alongside the greatest hits of the Cranberries’ mid-1990s heyday
If her interviews leading up to the record’s release are to be believed, Dolores has gone to hell and back since the Cranberries have been on hiatus. Burned out from fame and paparazzi, the singer admitted to the Irish Voice a few months ago that Are You Listening? was a hard-fought trip back into the spotlight.
“Ordinary Day” is the opening track, and it is an alternative rock masterpiece brimming with the kind of optimism seen around this time of year, when the school bell ushers in the start of summer break.
“This is just an ordinary day/wipe the insecurity away/I can see that the darkness will erode/looking out the corner of my eye/I Can see that the sunshine will explode/far across the desert in the sky/beautiful girl, won’t you be my inspiration?” she sings.
“This was my first career break ever. I took four years o , and it allowed me to get my feet on the ground,” she says on the prerecorded audio files posted on her o cial website.
The exuberant tone on tracks like “Ordinary Day” and the sexy shu e of “Accept Things” is truly infectious, but the good feelings are fleeting.
Over a grumbling bass line, she sings bitterly that “the summer is over and I am going through changes” on “October.”
“When We Were Young” is a wistful look at better days; it’s a ca einated cousin to No Need to Argue’s “Ode to My Family.” O’Riordan’s trademark banshee yodel is front and center in the mix, and its ability to illicit goose bumps in the listener is as potent as ever.
“Black Widow” is a beautifully creepy track built on a tentative piano tinkle. “It’s a metaphor for cancer and watching my mother-in-law dying slowly,” she explains. “It was a slow three month experience and very sad to see any human being go through it, particularly someone so loving and kind.”
Waiting for her lover/crying in her bedroom/over and over she calls,” O’Riordan whispers. Before long, the gauzy haiku prose gives way to an ornery metallic ri that electrifies the song with spine tingling results.
It might be a metaphor for illness, but this is a relentless rocker nonetheless. If the James Bond is looking for a killer song for the next installment of their franchise, they would be well advised to name their next flick “Black Widow.”
“Human Spirit” is based on a similar piano vibe, but it is tricked out with fuzzy drums and Middle Eastern flutes that usher in an orchestral pop arrangement. “Don’t betray your lover/you will just betray yourself/is there emptiness inside?” she warns.
“‘Human Spirit’ is about respecting yourself and being true to yourself,” she explains. “In a way, the song is saying that we all have one chance and we kind of mess up when we take things for granted. It’s kind of saying you’ve gotta count all of your blessings and appreciate it.”
Cranberries fans might feel like they’ve been left in the lurch with the band in hiatus, but they should count their own blessings for the great music coming out of the band’s camp recently.
Like Dolores, Cranberries guitarist Noel Hogan has branched out into solo work. His Mono Band samples electronica, pop textures from around the world, and a revolving door of singers to create an organic band sound on their debut CD that is completely addictive.
“We left it three years ago and we agreed to go our separate ways and see where we go at some point,” he said when I asked him the question about the Cranberries’ future last month.
With his experimentations fueling the creative fire and O’Riordan’s knack for writing killer pop tunes still intact, as is evidenced on Are You Listening?, the Cranberries will be a force to be reckoned with if they decide to compete for chart gold
In the meantime, feast your ears on Dolores’ disc. It’s mature, introspective, and kicks like a mule.
Are you listening? You’d be a fool not to!

TheCelebrityCafe gives album 9 out of 10

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on TheCelebrityCafe gives album 9 out of 10  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan, who claims to be the Internet’s longest running entertainment magazine, published their “Are you listening?” review on May 22. You can read it below:

Dolores O’Riordan’s solo album, Are You Listening, has been a long time coming. Though The Cranberries broke up following their 2001 album, Wake Up and Smell the Co ee, O’Riordan’s vocal stylings didn’t retreat into the woodwork. She collaborated with artists in other countries such as Germany’s Jam and Spoon and Italy’s Zucchero. But for her long awaited solo attempt, she sought production help from Youth, who has also produced albums for The Verve and U2. O’Riordan’s sweet and resonate voice will delight fans who have missed her songbird timbre.
“Ordinary Day” has both O’Riordan’s voice and the guitar echo in the intro. Then, drum work enters the mix as she expounds how she has found her muse in one person, and how they shouldn’t be so careless with their a ection, with lyrics like, “This is just an ordinary day. Wipe the insecurities away. I can see that the darkness will erode. Lookin’ out the corners of my eye. I can see that the sunshine will explode. Far across the desert in the sky. Beautiful girl. Won’t you be my inspiration. Don’t you throw your love around. What in the world, what in the world could ever come between us? Beautiful girl. Beautiful girl. I’ll never let you down.”
On “When We Were Young,” O’Riordan talks about how things seem so di erent when one’s age isn’t such a high number. Experiences seemed more defined, and the sensations were heightened, as O’Riordan croons lines like, “Funny how things just tasted better when we were young. When we were young. Funny how things just seemed so easy when we were young. It’s been a long day. It’s been a long day. It’s been a long day. It’s been a long day. I wanna get out. I wanna go home…I wanna get out. I wanna go home.” It seems O’Riordan is hankering for a time when things were simpler, and how she felt wasn’t so sad. Her voice as she utters each line reeks of despair and need, and listeners might think back to their younger days as they listen to this song.
“In the Garden” has piano in the intro which varies greatly from the previous tracks. On this song, O’Riordan croons about a child frolicking in her garden and how her disguise has broken down in O’Riordan’s eyes, with lines like, “I see you playin’ in the garden. Outside my window. Oh. You’re like your father. I see right through you. Just like your father. I thought I knew you…It’s a panic. You can’t go here. You can’t go. You can’t go here.” The song starts o with a slow tone, but then O’Riordan becomes overwrought and the instrumentation gets kicked up considerably into a frenzied pace. It seems O’Riordan is not comfortable with this revelation and is expressing it in a song that shows o her disposition as calm and collected at first, which then becomes distraught and scared.
Dolores O’Riordan’s Are You Listening will please Cranberries fans, and while doing that, might make listeners compare the situations O’Riordan is talking about to their own lives.
Reviewer: Sari N. Kent
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
Reader’s Rating: 10.00
Reader’s Votes: 3

Vanguardia (Mex) writes about Dolores’s comeback

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Vanguardia (Mex) writes about Dolores’s comeback  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Vanguardia, mexican newspaper, posted on May 21, an article about Dolores O’Riordan’s comeback to the musical scene. They a rm that “Are you listening?” is one of the most awaited albums in Mexico:

El pasado 7 de mayo se estrenó en Europa el álbum “Are you Listening?”, del cual se promociona el primer sencillo “Ordinary Day”, una canción que identifica inmediatamente el incomparable estilo de la intérprete, pero que poco se asemeja a lo que la convirtió en un icono de la generación “X” hace más de 10 años.
Aunque a nuestro país no ha llegado el nuevo disco de Dolores O’Riordan, puede considerarse como uno de los más esperados, sobre todo por aquellos que sobrepasan los 26 años de edad, generación que vivió al máximo el éxito de The Cranberries, una agrupación que influyó en el pop-rock de la época y marcó a la generación de los rebeldes que al fin encontraban un camino en la vida.
La cantante ha definido a su disco como una narración autobiográfica, “Es totalmente diferente a The Cranberries, jamás habría escrito algo tan personal y tan oscuro con los chicos”; y definitivamente lo es, “Ordinary Day” es una canción que en su video promocional, rodado en Praga, deja en evidencia la melancolía y la filosofía que siempre rodearon a la cantante, un video que a primera vista parece haber sido grabado en blanco y negro, pero el engaño visual se da sólo por la atmósfera depresiva que rodea a Dolores.
Para la realización del álbum se rodeó de grandes amigos, consejeros y buenos músicos, la producción del disco corrió a cargo de ella, Youth, quien ha trabajado con Paul Mc Cartney; Richard Cycky, Dan Brodbeck, Matt Vaughan y Morgan Page, quien hizo el remix de “Ordinary Day” y ha colaborado con Nelly Furtado, Coldplay y Delirum.
Su regreso se dio con la disquera Sanctuary Records, una casa productora independiente que dio a Dolores la libertad necesaria para manejar ella misma su carrera y proponer su propio estilo, sin exigirle que siga pareciéndose a aquella de los años 90.
Los cambios han sido radicales, es una mujer madura, no oculta en absoluto su edad, ya no luce como aquella muchacha extremadamente delgada que usaba el pelo casi a rapa, su look es totalmente neutral, dejó de lado las excentricidades, usa el cabello a ras del hombro, lo cual es sorprendente, sonríe más, es madre de tres hijos y lo que la sigue acompañando es su inseparable guitarra.
Dolores es más elegante y más fina, pero no ha perdido el toque rockero.
¿Y The Cranberries?
Muchas cosas han cambiado con el tiempo, la última producción musical de ella y la banda fue “Wake Up and Smell de Co ee”, editada en 2001, después de eso Dolores colaboró en diferentes proyectos, participó con una canción en el sound track de “Spiderman 2”, pero nunca dejaba claro si el grupo volvería a unificarse para realizar un nuevo disco.
A la fecha las incógnitas siguen siendo las mismas y su debut como solista sólo refuerza la idea de que para verlos reunidos de nuevo aún falta mucho tiempo, si es que eso llega a suceder.
Su separación, no fue un desencuentro de opiniones, ni el resultado tortuoso e inevitable de una serie de conflictos irreconciliables, Dolores había enfrentado diferentes problemas de salud a lo largo de su carrera, su constante batalla contra la anorexia era muy popular, pero sobre todo su matrimonio y maternidad requerían que ella alejara los pasos del escenario, para encaminarlos hacia una vida más relajada y 100 por ciento familiar.
La semana pasada, estuvo en Hong Kong y no pudo evitar los cuestionamientos respecto a la separación de la banda.
La cantante no descartó que vuelvan a trabajar juntos, incluso comentó que el hecho de trabajar como solista, no la aleja de su pasado, mucho menos de sus buenos amigos, pero no concluyó, ni cómo ni cuando, The Cranberries regresará a la escena musical.

Dolores O’Riordan passed her driving test

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores O’Riordan passed her driving test  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan [finally] got her driving license in Canada. World Entertainment News Network reported on May 19:

Former The Cranberries star Dolores O’Riordan is celebrating after passing her driving test in Canada.
The Irish singer, who is married to Canadian Don Burton, took her test in freezing temperatures in her adopted second home recently.
She tells Mojo magazine, “It was challenging… 20 degrees below and in about five feet of snow on the wrong side of the road.”

Barnet Times: the album “hardly worth the wait”

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on Barnet Times: the album “hardly worth the wait”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Barnet Times (UK) newspaper published a Dolores O’Riordan’s “Are You Listening?” review on May 17. If you want, you can read it below:

The name rings a bell, but its only when the music kicks in, does it all make sense. O’Riordan was, of course, the lead singer of the Nineties success story The Cranberries.
Once you hear that distinctive voice and trademark vocal key changes, it’s like she’s never been away, which isn’t necessarily a good thing.
Her debut solo album falls short because it sounds exactly like The Cranberries of ten years ago – folk-tinged, melodic rock powered by that crystalline voice – and it’s all rather dull and uninspiring.
Her voice may have been O’Riordan’s blessing, but halfway through AYL it begins to prove her curse; I was left stretching for the volume control as she grated like fingernails being run down a blackboard.
There are some bright moments, namely Loser, which catches the attention with a razor-sharp hook, and final track, Ecstasy, is a slow burner that shows a gentler side, but it’s hardly been worth the wait.

OC Register gives “Are You Listening?” a C grade

June 2, 2007  |  Comments Off on OC Register gives “Are You Listening?” a C grade  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The Orange County Register newspaper posted an “Are you listening?” review on May 17. Fans, just keep breathing:

Cranberries vocalist resurrects ye olde ’90s rock
I take the title question of the former Cranberries singer’s first solo album, “Are You Listening?,” as if it’s asking me whether I’ve been paying attention to the sort of portentous, heavily dramatic Irish rock that O’Riordan and Sinead O’Connor and, um, pretty much nobody else worth remembering once made, back when the ’80s were becoming the ’90s.
Answer: No, apart from having to endure Evanescence whenever it’s unavoidable, I haven’t listened to that sort of thing since Sinead made “Universal Mother’ in ‘94. I have a good reason, I think: Too much of that sound can begin to drone on and on, especially when the songwriting fails the atmosphere. Sinead’s “The Lion and the Cobra” and “I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got” – and, I should add, the first two Cranberries albums – sustain interest through variety, dynamics, resonant melodies and lyrics full of escapist wonder and heartbreaking solace.
But while I haven’t listened to that since “Universal Mother,” I havekept listening to Sinead, because her evolution remains fascinating; two years ago she movingly explored her love of Jamaican music and philosophy, this June she unveils a double- disc focused on “Theology.” O’Riordan, on the other hand, has returned after six years of nothing more than cameos, with an album that reveals her stuck in time yet sometimes desperately trying to sound modern.
Sonically, that is. Lyrically she’s inspired by current personal matters – her husband, the death of her grandmother. But while I’ll grant that, say, “Black Widow” (that’s the one for Grandma) is more listenable than Evanescence – in part because it’s half an homage to the feel of Enya and Clannad – it’s nonetheless a prime example of what’s wrong with this comeback e ort: It too often sounds like O’Riordan and co-producer Youth (shaper of booming U2 and Verve productions) are trying to make the same ol’ Cranberries sound salable to a younger demographic.
When, frankly, the same ol’ Cranberries sound wasn’t so salable the first time around. O’Riordan’s fluttering voice would have had to hiccup up a half-dozen more memorable hits for that. I bet there are staunch fans of her approach who will glom onto this in a major way. If the title question is anything like what I think it is, then Dolores is right to wonder if anyone at all has been listening. Whaddya expect? They’ve been starved. So let ‘em feast.
Me, I’m on hunger strike.
Grade: C

Billboard: “Ordinary Day” a “handsome return”

May 31, 2007  |  Comments Off on Billboard: “Ordinary Day” a “handsome return”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

American radio trade magazine Billboard has nothing but praise for “Ordinary Day,” and says the song has all the right elements for a potential hit — not to mention a tempo that likens it to the ever-classic “Linger.”

Here’s their review from the May 19 print issue:

It’s been four years since ’90s modern rock darlings the Cranberries went on hiatus. It’s taken the years since for lead singer Dolores O’Riordan to record solo bow “Are You Listening?,” due May 15. Launch single “Ordinary Day” showcases a tempo closer to pop classic “Linger” than delectable screamer “Zombie,” with its hypnotic harmonies and steady acoustic instrumentation. The lyric (”Always be yourself along the way/Living through the spirit of your dreams”) is a guidebook for O’Riordan’s third daughter, Dakota. Adult top 40 has a prizewinner here: familiar voice, female-friendly message and opulent melody. An esteemed, handsome return. —Chuck Taylor

Billboard has also put out a moderately positive album review:

ALBUM: ARE YOU LISTENING? (Sanctuary Records)
Everyone else is doing it, so why can’t she? On the latest solo debut from a ’90s alt-rock singer, one-time Cranberry O’Riordan takes a pleasingly safe route, sticking to her playbook and ending up sounding, well, not much unlike she did with her old bunch. It’s hard to imagine anything else happening when you sound as singular as she does, though, and “Are You Listening?” rises and falls — about half of each — almost entirely on the lovely, lilting and occasionally sharp-toothed tones of O’Riordan’s voice. There are a few deviations: angry Dolores (”Loser,” where she tears into a pinhead ex) and nostalgically pensive Dolores (”When We Were Young”), all jousting with the aftermath of a breakup. Still, there are plenty of sweet moments, like “Apple of My Eye,” one of a number of cases in which more of the same is just fine.

Observer: O’Riordan a “comeback casuality”?

May 31, 2007  |  Comments Off on Observer: O’Riordan a “comeback casuality”?  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The Observer, one of the UK’s major papers, published an article on May 20th describing Dolores O’Riordan’s di culty in entering a music market already saturated with rock albums and reunions.

Here’s the article:

Do you have to let it linger?: All Saints, East 17, Brett Anderson… Dolores looks set to be pop’s latest comeback casualty
Once more with feeling: Dolores O’Riordan now, and with the Cranberries in 1995. Retna
When ex-Cranberries frontwoman Dolores O’Riordan settled on the title Are You Listening? for her comeback album (her solo debut and first studio album since 2001), she was surely not hoping for a straight ‘no’. But with her return to the marketplace a good decade after the Cranberries’ popularity peaked, she has risked receiving such an answer.

Update: Dolores O’Riordan on the cover of Hot Press

May 31, 2007  |  Comments Off on Update: Dolores O’Riordan on the cover of Hot Press  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

It was only a matter of time — Dolores O’Riordan shares the cover of the newest issue of Hot Press, Ireland’s biggest entertainment magazine, with the White Stripes.

The issue is on newsstands now.
Update: The issue is now available to order online!

On a side note, I’m back in the States now, which means that Zombieguide updates should return to normal over the next week as Dolores O’Riordan
breezes through the first of her European tour dates.

The Independent reviews “Are You Listening?”

May 5, 2007  |  Comments Off on The Independent reviews “Are You Listening?”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The Bristish newspaper The Independent has published their review of Dolores O’Riordan’s solo album, Are You Listening?.

Experience counts as Cranberries’ Dolores goes solo
Enjoyment > Music > Features CHRIS MUGAN
The Independent
Published: 04 May 2007
© 2007 Independent News and Media Limited
Experience counts as Cranberries’ Dolores goes solo
The Cranberries’ vocalist is recording again after her maternity leave. Now solo, Dolores O’Riordan talks to Chris Mugan
Showcase gigs are usually uncomfortable, anodyne a airs, where a new signing performs for a record label’s sta and invitees. The cool reception and polite applause can make for a dispiriting start to a solo career. Dolores O’Riordan doesn’t let this get to her. The former lead singer of The Cranberries may only be performing in the basement of a private members’ club, but she punches the air as if reaching out to the furthest reaches of a vast arena. As the former singer of one of Ireland’s biggest cultural exports, adjusting to more intimate venues is going to take some time. At least she is enjoying performing again, after her old band stuttered to a close.
Next day, the star from Limerick looks just as fresh-faced as we chat about the gig in a north London o ce complex. She laughs when I mention the eye-popping energy of drummer Graham Hopkins, formerly of Northern Ireland’s explosive rock outfit Therapy?. “He broke six sticks that night, you know,” she says proudly, in a brogue that betrays her roots.
The vocalist is just as proud of the rest of her new band. “It’s a relief because I do want to tour and you need to have that energy and bond, so it’s all falling into place. Especially because this record is not a stylised or manufactured thing, it’s about the songs.”
As if to emphasis the point, she is dressed in black with a studded belt that would suit fellow Irish legend Phil Lynott. Despite the rock look, O’Riordan still exudes the maternal glow of a mother of three. She was last in the news in 2004 for being unsuccessfully sued by a former nanny, though it is more life- changing events that inform new album Are You Listening?. Death and new life are the two poles between which she has oscillated over a four-year stretch.
“I was doing it as therapy,” O’Riordan explains about the personal nature of her songwriting, and the time it took to release her first solo record. “I wanted to switch o and be a human being, so I escaped from the industry and the whole entertainment side of things. For 14 or 15 years I’d always felt under pressure, because there was always another album to come, and another album then.”
The Cranberries formed in Limerick in 1990, with 19-year-old O’Riordan imposing herself as the band’s precocious lyricist. Indeed, her calling card was the words to what became one of their biggest hits, “Linger”. Their debut album came out three years later and after a faltering start propelled them to fame on both sides of the Atlantic. Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We? was ignored in the US until The Cranberries toured there and got on MTV, while it took 12 months for “Linger” to become a UK hit.
Their rise continued with their second album No Need To Argue and its histrionic smash hit “Zombie”. Throughout this time, the band toured ceaselessly and racked up sales across the world. Such a focused work ethic stood them in good stead as their output declined in quality and the three albums that followed saw ever-decreasing sales. A sound now aimed at the arenas they played failed to win critical plaudits or new fans, leaving them with such consolations as the minor hit “Promises” in 1999 and a best international sales award in Taiwan. Fittingly for such constant giggers, their swan song was support slots with the Stones and AC/DC.
Almost since The Cranberries achieved success in the Nineties, rumours have abounded that O’Riordan would go solo. “People were always saying that,” O’Riordan complains. “I wanted to fulfil the journey with [the band], not just jump ship when we had the success. By going through the highs and lows, you learn from your mistakes.”
Stars, The Cranberries’ greatest hits set, was a full stop for the band, though before then its members knew the end was nigh, especially as they began to raise families. “There were a lot of things happening in the background, a lot of sick kids. We had one child in an incubator for three months and the same one had leukaemia,” O’Riordan says, careful to protect identities. “One of the guys was coming from hospital to the stage for a year and a half. Another guy got glaucoma, so there was so much illness.”
Only now can O’Riordan admit the toll that success took on her. When she auditioned for the band in 1990, this youngest of seven siblings still lived with her parents. As The Cranberries achieved success in the US, their singer became infamous for a haughty manner and elfin size, which she reveals was due to an eating disorder. She admits to having gone through therapy early in her career after a nervous breakdown in 1994.
“I was 90 pounds in weight, not sleeping, not eating and having a lot of panic attacks. I didn’t know what was happening; you don’t when you’re cracking up, and I couldn’t go home. I didn’t want to go back there with my tail between my legs; I was too proud. Then I went to see a really great psychoanalyst. He saw a lot of entertainers. I needed to get away and find myself. So I went o to the forest for a few months and learnt how to relax. I smelt a flower for the first time in five years and started crying because I realised I’d forgotten about life.”
O’Riordan uses the word “human” a lot, as if to stress that being human is more than simply being a member of a species, it is a state of mind. Her lyrics, too, are full of self-help jargon, whether it is being unable to “relate to you”, or learning to “accept things”.
In 2003,O’Riordan’s mother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer and given eight months to live. That inspired “Black Widow”, one of the earliest songs to be written for this album. The singer took time out with her Canadian husband to support his family, putting her kids into school there. “She came round a lot, so that song was about watching her,” O’Riordan remembers. “You don’t know what cancer is like until you go through it with someone, starting on the inside and eating its way to the surface.”
If she has taken one lesson from her time with The Cranberries, it has been not to take herself too seriously. “It’s not about being perfect. If I make a mistake, it’s not the end of the world. When I was younger, I’d be so depressed. I’d sit for hours in my dressing room and couldn’t move on in my head. In my twenties, I thought I knew so much about the world, but when I hit 30 I made so many boo-boos I realised I never knew it all. It’s peculiar when you’re young to have everyone looking at you; you get paranoid and self-conscious. I’d stay in my room doing six hours of yoga.”
She admits to behaving in an arrogant manner. “If you’re with yourself all the time and not meeting anyone or experiencing anyone, you can’t evolve. You get up on stage and get this attention that isn’t natural. I lacked normality and relationships. I had no friends for four or five years, while they all went to college.”
This explains the unevenness of some of her songwriting with The Cranberries, when she would churn out such desperate polemics as “Bosnia” (”We live in our secure surroundings/ And people die out there”). O’Riordan rolls her eyes at the memory. “Taking four years o was such a good idea, because you experience so much. When you try to write an album in a year and you’re living in a tour bus, you can only write about being famous or being stuck in a hotel room.”
What immediately strikes you about Are You Listening? is how personal the record is. “When you go through experiences, whether they are really dark or beautiful, they give you inspiration, but it’s just life, isn’t it? There were no boundaries because I was representing myself and I felt I could really spit things out without inhibitions. If you have pain and issues, once you get them out of your system, every time you perform you feel better. You know you’re not the only one, because everyone else feels it. You become human again.”
Another part of the learning process has been the varied collaborations since she left The Cranberries. O’Riordan has worked with the German dance pioneers Jam & Spoon, Italy’s famed crooner Zucchero and on the soundtrack for Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. She even had a cameo as a wedding singer in the Adam Sandler vehicle Click.
But it was working with David Lynch’s favourite composer Angelo Badalamenti that had the most impact. “You learn something from all these people, like with Jam & Spoon I was doing a more soulful style, but I contacted Angelo direct. I loved Twin Peaks, and I love that darker music. I realised how much I could do on my own, when he’d send me music and I would lay down vocals at home.”
O’Riordan nursed her youngest girl Dakota on the set of Click, after a period of inactivity to raise the child and ensure that her other children did not feel left out. When she returned home, she wrote her song for Dakota, the first single “Ordinary Day”, and set about writing in earnest. She’s married to the former Duran Duran tour manager Don Burton, so forming a band was simplicity itself. The most surprising thing about the album, especially after the lilting melancholy of “Ordinary Day”, is its rocky extremes, notably the super-heavy, Metallica-style power chords on “In the Garden” and the venomous “Loser”.
It is less of a shock when you learn that alongside Therapy?’s Hopkins, there is the bassist Marco Mendoza, who has played with Thin Lizzy and Whitesnake, while Toronto-based Steve Demarchi played guitar for The Cranberries. Yet O’Riordan had not planned on a rock sound. She mentions the song “Letting Go”, again about her mother-in-law, and which was leaked.
“When I started out recording this album, I wrote two songs that didn’t make it on to the record. ‘Letting Go’ had this funeral march thing, and ‘Without You’ was about missing my own family. They were both soft, piano-driven songs, so I thought this album was going to be nice and ethereal, but then I wrote ‘Black Widow’ and I started yelling. I realised I needed drums to take it to the next level, so it all kind of unfolded from there. I didn’t know what kind of music it was, because I don’t have that much knowledge.”
Another track, “Angel Fire”, reminds us of O’Riordan’s spiritual side. She was brought up Catholic and still has fond memories of the former Pope, John Paul II. She is a regular performer at the Vatican’s Christmas concerts, where she premiered the song last year. “I’m Christian in lots of ways, but not conventional. A lot of the stu I learnt, I take with me today – that we should let each other be ourselves. I was chu ed to see the inside [of the Vatican] and I met Il Papa, who was lovely, very saintly. I was mad about him. I thought he really cared for the poor and he loved to meet the people. I saw him when he came to Limerick, when I was a kid. So it was pretty mindblowing to take my mum out to meet him.”
Despite the involvement of the mega-producer Youth on the single and “Apple of My Eye”, recording Are You Listening? has been a relatively stripped-down a air. The band would fly in to either Toronto or Dublin, where her children go to school, and lay down up to six songs in a two-day session. “They were really great players and it was great that we didn’t have the pressure of a major studio,” O’Riordan enthuses. “Sometimes you draw a mental blank in that situation, which you don’t have in a little room.”
O’Riordan has rediscovered her magic in homely surroundings. With a band she trusts and a healthy work-life balance, she is unlikely to consider a Cranberries reunion in the short term. Indeed, the solo artist jokingly points out that 2010 would mark her old group’s 20th anniversary.
Relations between them remain cordial, though, with o ers of guitars for her forthcoming tour. Not that she needs their help – O’Riordan has found that she gets further when she travels light.
‘Ordinary Day’ is out now on Sanctuary; ‘Are You Listening?’ is released on Monday.

Thanks to aguafiestas for the news!

Ray Wilson to support Dolores’s European tour

May 5, 2007  |  Comments Off on Ray Wilson to support Dolores’s European tour  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

According to his offcial website, the Scottish rock singer Ray Wilson will be supporting the European leg of Dolores O’Riordan’s solo tour. He will be the opening 10 out of 11 concerts scheduled next June, by playing a short acoustic set.

You can visit Ray Wilson’s MySpace page to get an idea of what to expect.

Thanks to Stéphane and Frank for the news!

MP3: Dolores Acoustic at RTL2

May 3, 2007  |  Comments Off on MP3: Dolores Acoustic at RTL2  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

As planned, the French radio station RTL2 has aired the 4 acoustic songs Dolores recorded last March for the show “Zacoustics by Zegut”.

You can download four high-quality MP3’s directly from Zombieguide:

1. When You’re Gone
2. Ordinary Day
3. Apple Of My Eye
4. In The Ghetto

If you haven’t already, you can join the forums to discuss the performance!

Live showcase in Paris on May 10th

April 30, 2007  |  Comments Off on Live showcase in Paris on May 10th  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

therebels writes in to report that Dolores O’Riordan will be in Paris on May 10th for a short live showcase and an autograph signing
session at the Virgin Megastore on the Champs-Elysées. According to Virgin Megastore’s website, the show is scheduled to start at 6:30 pm.

We hope that Zombieguide readers in Paris will be able to attend the show, and will join the forums to tell the rest of us how it went!

Pre-order “Are You Listening?” on iTunes Europe

April 28, 2007  |  Comments Off on Pre-order “Are You Listening?” on iTunes Europe  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Europeans fans can now pre-order Dolores O’Riordan’s Are You Listening? on their national iTunes music store. The digital songs will be available for download starting May 7th. The album, priced at €9.99, will include two bonus tracks, “Willow Pattern” and “Forever”.

Here is the complete track list:

1. Ordinary Day
2. When We Were Young
3. In The Garden
4. Human Spirit
5. Loser
6. Stay With Me
7. Apple Of My Eye
8. Black Widow
9. October
10. Accept Things
11. Angel Fire
12. Ecstacy
13. Willow Pattern (Bonus track)
14. Forever (Pre-order only!)

“Are You Listening?” available in Spain?

April 27, 2007  |  Comments Off on “Are You Listening?” available in Spain?  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Retails stores in Spain are selling Dolores O’Riordan new solo album a few days early. The Fnac store in Barcelona is confirmed to be selling the CD. It is likely that other Fnac stores in Europe are selling the CD as well.
Update: The Fnac stores in France won’t be selling the CD until its offcial release date.

Check below for scans of the packaging. Check out the forums for more scans and photos.

Thanks to Fergalet for the news and scans!

MP3: Dolores performs on Hinet Radio

April 24, 2007  |  Comments Off on MP3: Dolores performs on Hinet Radio  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan performed “Ordinary Day” and did an interview on China’s Hinet Radio earlier today. If you missed it, you can grab an MP3 in the Forums. (Thanks CordellNJ)

Full live showcase @ London’s Hospital online

April 24, 2007  |  Comments Off on Full live showcase @ London’s Hospital online  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Sanctuary Records has posted a professionally-shot video of Dolores O’Riordan’s live showcase at London’s Hospital — watch it here! [LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE]

And here’s the setlist from the night’s gig:
1. “Loser”
2. “Angel Fire”
3. “In The Ghetto” (Elvis Presley)
4. “Linger” (Cranberries)
5. “When We Were Young”
6. “Ordinary Day”
7. “Apple Of My Eye”
8. “Dreams” (Cranberries)

AP + Reuters covers Dolores in Hong Kong

April 24, 2007  |  Comments Off on AP + Reuters covers Dolores in Hong Kong  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Major news agencies Associated Press and Reuters both covered Dolores O’Riordan’s autograph session and press conference at the HMV store in Hong Kong today.

Photos from both the AP and Reuters are below.
Cranberries singer says reunion possible, click here to read pdf file.

“Aargauer Zeitung” reviews “Are You Listening?”

April 24, 2007  |  Comments Off on “Aargauer Zeitung” reviews “Are You Listening?”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The German newspaper Aargauer Zeitung has published their review of Dolores O’Riordan’s Are You Listening?

Dolores O’Riordan wird der Musikwelt auf ewig als die junge Cranberries-Fronfrau in Erinnerung bleiben, welche 1995 vom irischen Limerick aus den Hit «Zombie» in die Welt hinausschmetterte. Die Cranberries haben eine unbefristete Kreativpause eingelegt, doch O’Riordan legt mit «Are you listening?» jetzt ihren Erstling vor. Um es vorwegzunehmen: Es ist ein gelungenes Album – was teilweise auch am feinen Handchen von Starproduzent und Killing-Joke-Bassist Youth liegt. Anspieltipps: das von einem nervas klimpernden Klavier getragene, minimalistisch-unheilvolle «Black Widow» sowie «Ecstasy», das mit wabernden Synthesizern a la The Cure und unbeschwert federnden Drumparts aufwartet. Und uber allem schwebt ausnahmslos die unverwechselbare, kris- tallene Stimme der O’Riordan. Fazit: Fur Cranberries-Fans ein Muss, fur alle anderen mehr als nur harenswert. CHRISTOPH BRUNNER
DOLORES O’RIORDAN Are you listening? Sanctuary/Phonag.

“Sisterly Love” +2 more B-sides for Japan album

April 23, 2007  |  Comments Off on “Sisterly Love” +2 more B-sides for Japan album  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Are You Listening? will have 3 bonus tracks on the Japanese version, BMG Japan has posted, including a newly announced title, “Sisterly Love.”

Japan will have a total 15 tracks:

1. Ordinary Day
2. When We Were Young
3. In the Garden
4. Human Spirit
5. Loser
6. Stay with Me
7. Apple of My Eye
8. Black Widow
9. October
10. Accept Things
11. Angel Fire
12. Ecstasy
13. Letting Go
14. Forever
15. Sisterly Love

OD B-side “Without You” preview clip online

April 23, 2007  |  Comments Off on OD B-side “Without You” preview clip online  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

HMV Hong Kong has posted a 30-second clip of “Without You,” the B-side that will accompany the “Ordinary Day” single. Listen here. [LINK NO LONGER AVAILABLE]

HMV also confirms that the 7′′ vinyl, which includes the song “Forever,” will be limited to only 1000 copies. Both the CD and vinyl release in the UK on April 30.

Additionally, is listing a 4-track version of the “Ordinary Day” single:
1. Ordinary Day
2. Without You
3. Forever
4. Ordinary Day (video?)

Amazon doesn’t list a country for this version, but says that it is due out April 30.

Read below the original news exactly as published back then, or by clicking here (pdf file).

Sunday Magazine: “Fame almost killed me”

April 23, 2007  |  Comments Off on Sunday Magazine: “Fame almost killed me”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

In a new interview for the April 15 issue of the UK’s Sunday Magazine, Dolores O’Riordan made her own headline by telling the magazine, “Fame almost killed me.”

Speaking about the days at the end of the To the Faithful Departed tour, she said, “I was overworking and I had this terrible metldown. It happens when you get famous very young.”

“In the industry, so many people feed o you, you don’t know who to trust. Many in that situation turn to drugs and don’t live to tell the tale.”

When asked about her tabloid headline-making lawsuit against former nanny Joy Fahy in 2004, she responded, “The allegations were very damaging. Our children are precious, we’d do anything to protect them. I’m a wonderful mum. Nobody says otherwise.”

A high-res scan and brand new photo are below for your enjoyment.

Read below the original news exactly as published back then (minus the images), or by clicking here (pdf file)

Photos + Setlist: Dolores performs in Taiwan

April 23, 2007  |  Comments Off on Photos + Setlist: Dolores performs in Taiwan  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan today performed a short 3- song showcase in Taipei, Taiwan. This is the first stop on her Asian promo tour which will take her to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Thailand.

Today’s setlist was:

1. Ordinary Day
2. Linger (The Cranberries)
3. Angel Fire

The Cranberries achieved remarkable success in Taiwan even in more recent years. Stars: The Best of The Cranberries 1992-2002 was the best-selling international album in Taiwan in 2002, despite not having toured there sinice 1996. Furthermore, Taiwan got lavish box sets of Wake Up and Smell the Coffee and Stars unavailable anywhere else in the world.

Taiwan News Online has the story from Dolores’s showcase gig and press conference, click here to read pdf file.

Dolores O’Riordan on cover of Examiner Weekend

April 22, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores O’Riordan on cover of Examiner Weekend  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan was on the cover of yesterday’s (April 21) issue of the Irish Examiner’s Weekend supplement.

(The cover photo is a wire photo, found here, unlike the incredible unique shots in yesterday’s Telegraph Magazine.)

If anyone can get us nice scans or text, please send it in!

Screencap gallery: Dolores on TV4 Poland

April 22, 2007  |  Comments Off on Screencap gallery: Dolores on TV4 Poland  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Strona Cranberries has a screencapture gallery of Dolores O’Riordan on TV4’s “Na topie wywiad z…” program in Poland. Click here for yesterday’s news story on that subject.

Sunday Independent publishes Pt. 1 of new interview

April 22, 2007  |  Comments Off on Sunday Independent publishes Pt. 1 of new interview  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Ireland’s Sunday Independent today has a wonderful and lengthy teaser for a new interview with Dolores O’Riordan.

The newspaper published “part 1′′ of a new interview today, promising that the full article will run next week in the April 29th issue.

Here’s Part 1 of the Sunday Independent interview:

Mother Dolores buries the hatchet
Barry Egan
22 April 2007
The Sunday Independent (Ireland)
DOLORES O’Riordan walks into the garden of her Howth home and explains why she walked away from one of the biggest bands in the world.
Are you Listening? her debut solo album, out in two weeks, is her first recorded work since The Cranberries’ Bury The Hatchet in 1999. [sic]
The Limerick young
wan who became an international superstar had done five albums plus a Greatest Hits with The Cranberries.
“There was an awful lot going on behind the scenes that was so much more important than being in The Cranberries or any band,” she says.

Weekend Mail: AYL? one of the best albums of ‘07

April 22, 2007  |  Comments Off on Weekend Mail: AYL? one of the best albums of ‘07  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

The April 21st issue of the Weekend Mail (a publication of Malaysia’s New Straits Times) has nothing but praise for Dolores O’Riordan’s forthcoming new album, calling it “one of the better albums to be released this year.”

Here’s what they had to say:

Dolores O’Riordan
Are You Listening (Sanctuary Records/Import)
Release date: May 15, 2007
FROM the first listen, it seems like
the debut solo album by former the Cranberries frontwoman is going to be one of the better albums to be released this year. The first single, Ordinary harks back to her Cranberries’ days but that’s about it, apart from her of course distinctive voice. As a whole, the album moves along the same lines as Siouxsie and the Banshees and Sinead O’Connor – during their peak – while lyrically, this could be her most personal album to date. Songs like the first single, Black Widow and Apple Of My Eye ought to be a testament.

Read below the original news exactly as published back then (minus the image), or by clicking here (pdf file).

Info for Hong Kong autograph session @ HMV

April 22, 2007  |  Comments Off on Info for Hong Kong autograph session @ HMV  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan will be signing autographs at the HMV Style House in Hong Kong on Tuesday. Fans who preordered a copy of Are You Listening? will be able to receive a free autographed poster.

Here are the specifics, according to HKclubbing:

Dolores O’riordan will be in Hong Kong on April 24th and 25th 2007.
Fans will have the chance to see her with the following details:
Date: April 24th 2007
Venue: HMV Style House – 1/F, Style House, The Park Lane, Causeway Bay
Time: 18h30
Autograph entitlement:
(1) Customers can pre-order the album Are You Listening? at any local HMV store or HMV website. With the receipt, they will receive a poster at the autograph session.
(2) Customers can also purchase her single available for sales on April 23rd 2007 is giving away some guest lists for her private showcase on April 25th! More information cominh soon.
(information provided by the record label)

Thanks to Juanberries.

TV4 interview: Dolores to tour Poland in fall

April 21, 2007  |  Comments Off on TV4 interview: Dolores to tour Poland in fall  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Poland’s TV4 aired a new interview with Dolores on their “Na topie wywiad z…” program this morning at 7:00 a.m., the result of Dolores’s recent promo jaunt to Warsaw.

Dolores said that she is planning a concert for Poland in autumn, which hints at another European leg of her world tour to come this fall.

If you missed it, it will air again tomorrow morning (April 22) at 3:05 a.m.

Source: Strona Cranberries

Read the original news exactly as it was published back then by zooming below or clicking here (pdf file).

More interviews from M6 Music, MTV Turkey

April 21, 2007  |  Comments Off on More interviews from M6 Music, MTV Turkey  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

MTV Turkey aired a new interview with Dolores O’Riordan last week, where Dolores says some especially interesting stuff:

Speaking about the screaming teenage girl in the “Ordinary Day” video, she says, “By the time we got to that shot, it was late at night and she was quite tired. The director said to her, ‘Just start yelling.’ So she started screaming her head o — in Czech! So we were saying, ‘What’s she saying, what’s she saying?’ She was saying, ‘Go away. Leave me alone.’ Isn’t that interesting?”

Dolores also warned, quite seriously, that her lengthy 4-year break from the music industry nearly turned into an indefinite one:

“It was the time for me to come back. I felt that if I stayed out to pasture for another four or eight years, I might never come back. It’s what I do, it’s who I am.”

Adriano informs us that this interview also aired on MTV Brazil.

You can download the interview video from (thanks to stellian) or watch the Youtube version below.


M6 Music Rock in France last week aired their interview with Dolores O’Riordan, hosted by radio show host Zegut. Dolores speaks nearly equal parts French and English in the interview.

You can download a high quality version in the forums (thanks badjoe and maze) or watch via Youtube below.


Finally, here is a translation of the French part of the Zegut interview (thanks to celticyodels):

Zegut: She is Irish. Her name is Dolores. She’s releasing a magnificent album. She’s the ex singer of the cranberries.

Z: Thank you for accepting our invitation to “Focus” “M6 Music Rock” . The first question, how do you pronounce your name?

Dolores: Dolores O’Riordan.

Z: You are the ex-singer of The Cranberries. What motivated you for this solo album?

D: I think since I was 18 years old, I arrived in the US with The Cranberries. The success of The Cranberries was very big for an 18 years old girl. I probably spent 15 years with the band. I went on the bus, did a tour. After the tour, I made another CD. After the CD, I did promotion. And my life is like this [roller coaster]. Between the 15 years with the band I had four children, but when I had a baby, after three months, I had to go back with The Cranberries. Now it’s the first time in my life that I can stay at home for long time. During that time I wrote from time to time. Something would happen and it would become like a therapy for me. To be honest, it was the best 4 years in my life. For that reason, the songs and the album are fresh. The inspiration came from the children, mother, father, and the things that happened in life.

Z: You are signed to a small label. Is it an intentional choice?

D: Yes, it is an intentional choice. I think that for an artists like me, Sanctuary is a very good company, because they like to take time to understand artists. I am a unique and different artist unlike the manufactured big artists. I feel like they appreciate me, and they’re working with me with respect. I have respect for them. This makes you feel better everyday when you wake up.

Z: you’re not just a product.

D: exactly, not just a product.

Z: Don’t you think that in a few years there will be in one side the artists and the other side the people who like the artists and go to their concerts, and what is between the two, the means, will disappear or change?

D: This is one of the good things of the internet is that it takes away all the middlemen. It gets to that point where the artists can talk directly to their fans and you know how many people are into you. Whereas before manufactured artists and major record companies had so much control, I suppose, because the radio will chose what to play and who was played, but now it’s definitely a democracy where the people can choose for themselves through the internet and through downloading. so that’s cool, you know!

Z: As an adolescent, what kind of music did you listen to?

D: I really liked Alternative music like Depeche mode and Cure…..etc (in English)

Z: In the new album there are some titles like “In The Garden” “Stay with Me” “Black Widow” there is a dark side with some metal guitars. Were the four years that inspired the songs hard?

D: When I started writing this album, I wrote all the album on the piano. The Guitarist came in and transposed the piano chords to guitar with strange guitar tuning. With strange chords and strange tuning, when he played… We’re experimenting….. etc (in English)

Z: Apart from liking AC/DC, having an album with some Dark side, and a guitarist who likes metal, would that mean that you might have a cover during your concerts, for example something like AC/DC.

Z: Have you definitely turned the cranberries page? Are you going to continue with your solo career?

D: I don’t know, but the door is open.

Z: The Police are reuniting after 30 years. Do you think that’d happen with the cranberries?

D: Maybe, But I think when there’s only 6 or 8 years, it’s not much. If it’s a long time, I think it’s a good reunion, cos people wait.

“In the Garden” on Toronto Star’s Anti-Hit List

April 21, 2007  |  Comments Off on “In the Garden” on Toronto Star’s Anti-Hit List  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan’s “In the Garden,” an album track from her forthcoming Are You Listening?, made it to today’s “Anti-Hit List” column in Toronto’s biggest newspaper, the Toronto Star.

The list praises great songs that don’t have the hallmarks of radio friendly pop.

The Star’s John Sakamoto writes,

7. DOLORES O’RIORDAN, “In the Garden”
Considerably more diverting than the new single “Ordinary Day,” this haunting track from the Cranberries singer starts out a little like Kate Bush’s “Cloudbusting” before bursting into a startlingly forceful refrain. The transition from tranquil domesticity (”I see you playing in the garden”) to something darker takes place within the space of a single couplet: “You’re like your father, I see right through you/Just like your father, I thought I knew you.” (From Are You Listening?, out May 15,

Dolores O’Riordan on cover of Telegraph Magazine

April 21, 2007  |  Comments Off on Dolores O’Riordan on cover of Telegraph Magazine  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O’Riordan has a stunning cover shot on the front of today’s Telegraph Magazine in the UK, a supplement to the Daily Telegraph newspaper.

The cover’s subhead is a bit backhanded — “What Dolores O’Riordan did when The Cranberries passed their sell-by date” — but the Telegraph has been known to produce some truly excellent interviews (not to mention one of our most favorite photos of Dolores ever), so you’re in for a treat.

You can read the entire interview at the Telegraph’s site [link no longer available], or reproduced below…

Back in the swing

Last Updated: 12:01am BST 21/04/2007

Ten years ago the Cranberries were the biggest indie band in the world, but the pressure of fame caused singer Dolores O’Riordan to have a nervous breakdown. Now she is ready to face the world again – alone. By Craig McLean

Whatever happened to the Cranberries? In the early 1990s they were the little Irish band that had it all – four backwater teenagers from Limerick who formed a group, toured in a bread van, drank a load, had a laugh and, as if by magic, signed a six-album deal in London with the American arm of an international record label. The songs, co-written and sung by Dolores O’Riordan, were the key to their appeal. She was an elfin frontwoman with the voice of a giantess, a slip of a thing who could slip from Celtic etherealism to punchy arena-rock drama.

Dolores O’Riordon
Dolores O’Riordon: ‘I honestly think that it was beyond anorexia – it was bigger than that. I was having a nervous breakdown.’

Their songs and their sound – a U2-lite fronted by a less strident Sinead O’Connor – made them global megastars, particularly in America. The singles Linger and Dreams were huge hits, ubiquitous on MTV, radio, TV shows and over the PA systems in every high-street shop. In 1994, almost a year and a half after its original UK release, their debut album Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We? reached number one in the UK, its rise powered by the sheer momentum of their phenomenal American achievements.

O’Riordan, now 35 and preparing to release her debut solo album, Are You Listening?, remembers the madness of her first trip to America at the age of 19. ‘I was blown away, “Woah, this is so cool.”’ And then, ‘A few weeks later, every flippin’ establishment you walk into, you’re on TV. And you’re going, “Who’s that?” Which is kind of dangerous. “Oh, that’s the Entertainer, but I’m not that person.” That was how I used to try and deal with it, which isn’t very healthy really. I often see young people doing that, referring to themselves in the third person. At the time you think that’s OK. But later on you go, “That’s… crazy.”’

She was, by her own admission, a hopelessly naive country girl – one record company executive who met the Cranberries back then described O’Riordan as like ‘someone who’d fallen from space’. ‘I think there’s a difference between somebody who grows up in Paris or London and goes to Los Angeles,’ O’Riordan says. ‘But if you grow up in the green fields, and you rarely go into the city, you’re so overprotected that when you do go to LA it’s almost a bigger slap in the head.’

In their first flush of success in America, the Cranberries supported their hit debut album by touring with Suede, The The, Duran Duran and then, as O’Riordan remembers it, ‘tons of headline tours’. They played the huge Woodstock festival in 1994. On one tour they were doing two shows a night. And the hard work paid off: by the mid-1990s the Cranberries were the second-biggest Irish band in the world. They had Number One singles in 26 countries. By the end of the decade, propelled by the subsequent big hit singles Ode To My Family and Zombie, they had sold 28 million copies of their first three albums. Their singer, meanwhile, was often accorded the dubious accolade of ‘Ireland’s richest woman’.

And then… what? The Cranberries slipped off the radar. There were another two albums, Bury the Hatchet, and in 2001, Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, but you could be forgiven for not noticing. Maybe the band barely noticed either. For a long time, almost since the release of their first album, O’Riordan, Noel Hogan (guitar), his brother Mike Hogan (bass) and Fergal Lawler (drums) had collectively given the impression of a band who didn’t much care for being wildly popular. O’Riordan, especially, was characterised as at best shy and withdrawn, and at worst moody and erratic.

Almost as soon as we have sat down on a sofa upstairs in her Dublin house, without being asked to, O’Riordan starts explaining. And explaining herself. She does this without much in the way of grammatical pauses, nor pauses for breath. ‘What happened was we did five albums with the Cranberries and then the Greatest Hits, and four years ago I decided to take time off and step away from the band. Because there was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that was much more important than being in a rock band. My husband Don’s mother, Denise, was diagnosed with cancer, and she was given eight months to live. We decided to go and stay there and help live her days with her, ’cause you don’t get those chances again, right? That’s the priority and she’s the children’s grandmother.’

From upstairs floats the sound of Taylor, nine, Molly, six, and Dakota, two, O’Riordan and husband Don Burton’s three children. (She has a stepson, Donny, 15, who lives in Toronto with his mother, Burton’s former partner.) A strapping Canadian a decade her senior, Burton was tour-managing Duran Duran when he and O’Riordan met. After a two-month courtship they were engaged, getting married in the summer of 1994. The bride, infamously, wore a see-through dress.

‘Behind the scenes as well as in the band there was a lot of illness,’ O’Riordan continues, oblivious to what is going on downstairs – her mother, Eileen, is on hand, as she is every day, to help with her children. ‘And when the Greatest Hits came out and we did that tour, I just felt I wanted to take a break, totally. Probably because, as well, I was so young when I got famous. I did album, tour, album, tour, album, tour, then I had a public nervous breakdown where I just lost tons of weight.’

In October 1996, after the release of their third album To the Faithful Departed, a burnt-out band cancelled the remainder of a world tour. O’Riordan, especially, simply wasn’t up to it. At the time she weighed six and a half stone, and she was racked with self-doubt. She had always been insecure – she readily volunteers that this was because, ‘I didn’t get a lot of attention from my dad when I was young. That’s a big part of it for girls. Because your dad is the first love of your life. If he doesn’t put you on his lap and give you a pet, you do end up not really liking yourself that much.’ Convent-educated O’Riordan is the youngest of seven children, and was raised in a strict Catholic household. Her father, Terence, was injured in an accident when she was a child, and so her mother had to support the family.

Receiving the adulation of countless thousands of concert-goers, it seems, was no help. That was the ‘wrong love’. Working and travelling but ‘having no friends around you, and no normal love, and no reality – of course you’re gonna turn into a kind of a lunatic eventually. So, it happened to me,’ she says, a broad smile fixed across her face.

Was she anorexic? ‘I honestly think that it was beyond anorexia – it was bigger than that. I was having a nervous breakdown. Losing lots of weight. I wasn’t sleeping, I couldn’t eat. I was suffering an awful lot from out-of-control anxiety attacks. I just couldn’t control my motor skills – I was panicking too much to move my limbs.’

O’Riordan says that her paralysis would occur before going on stage, meeting strangers, ‘or sitting with strange people. It was very weird. It was a bit scary. So I went to see the psychiatrist and he just said it was too much stress.’

She began to recover, the healing process helped along by the birth of her first child the year after the diagnosis of her breakdown. But the fire had gone out of the Cranberries, and their music. They had spent the preceding six years racing to the top of the mountain. They would spend the next six sliding slowly down the other side.

It is a sunny Saturday in Dublin’s affluent outer suburbs. Howth is a millionaires’ playground, albeit one disguised as an unostentatious, family-oriented neighbourhood. The politician and businessman Feargal Quinn is a neighbour, Ronan Keating of the recently reformed Boyzone lives nearby. O’Riordan is back home for just a day. She is busy promoting Are You Listening?, her first job of work in four years, and right now she is in a different European country every day.

In writing songs for herself rather than a band, ‘there was an element of freedom that I’d never had before. When I wrote Black Widow [about her mother-in-law’s battle with cancer], it was my first time experimenting with dark music. I’ve always played around with aggression, happiness, sadness, but never darkness.’

Are You Listening? is a collection of well-crafted pop songs, not as maudlin, wishy-washy and lumpen as the Cranberries’ latter albums. Her remarkable voice, too, is less histrionic. The punchy Ordinary Days (dedicated to Dakota) and the ballad Apple of my Eye (about Burton) have melodies to rival those long-ago career-launching singles. On the big rock thumper, Loser, she doesn’t pull any punches (‘The moral of the adventure is this/Take me for granted, you are taking the piss’) but refuses to say who it is about, save that it is someone in the music industry.

As she bustles about the house she is cheerful and welcoming, with a slightly manic, chat-chat-chat edge. This could come of the speedy pace at which she and Burton are operating just now (he is managing her) after four years’ ‘retirement’. Or it could come from the ingrained trauma of the 1990s, and the subsequent therapy she underwent – she was a patient of ‘celebrity therapist’ Beechy Colclough, Harley Street confidant of everyone from Elton John to Robbie Williams and Kate Moss. It is hard to imagine how full-on and clenched she might be if she wasn’t a serious yoga addict (she does two hours a day).

Today her house is a base for the Telegraph photoshoot and the attendant frocks and finery – much to her daughters’ excitement, and much to her son’s consternation. For the first couple of years of their lives, Taylor and (for a shorter period) Molly were on the road with O’Riordan. But none of her children can remember mummy working, or being on television. Yet the past year, which O’Riordan has spent writing and recording her solo album in her home studios, here in County Dublin and in Ontario (their Canadian home is normally described as a log cabin, but one imagines it is rather grander than that), has co­incided with dawning consciousness on the part of Taylor. ‘He’s been coming home from school and saying, “Mammy, my friends tell me that you’re famous and that you’re from a band…”’

O’Riordan and Burton have lived in this spacious, modern villa for three years. The walls in the hallway are covered with large-scale photographs taken at the children’s christenings – O’Riordan, glowing new mother in sleeveless dress, Celtic cross tattoo visible on one upper arm, loveheart tattoo on the other. Another shows her extended family, gathered after the ceremony, cheering for the camera. And Burton, beaming dad, in leather trousers and, in another, a pink brocaded suit.

Jostling for wallspace in the hall and up the stairwell are some of O’Riordan’s music-industry awards: the 1994 award from America for Most Performed Song on College Campus, for Zombie, O’Riordan’s heartfelt if clumsy song about the Troubles (‘In your head they are fighting/With their tanks and their bombs/And their bombs, and their guns’); an acknowledgement of the nomination of Zombie for an Ivor Novello songwriting award; silver, gold and platinum discs from South Africa, Australia and umpteen other countries.

Downstairs, the children’s bedrooms, a riot of Bratz and Spider-Man duvets. Next door, the bathroom, with a pile of copies of Motor Boats Monthly and The Robb Report Collection (Real Estate and Interior Design) by the toilet. Opposite, the lounge-cum-bar. Finally, upstairs, in the loft-style space, is the office and O’Riordan’s little studio, easel (she loves to paint) and racks and racks of stagewear gathered over 10 years touring the world. All in all it’s fancy, but not as fancy as their previous abode: Riversfield Stud was a 150-acre farm in Kilmallock, near her hometown of Limerick. ‘This is a real family home,’ O’Riordan says. ‘We’re so much happier in this home than we were in the big place. That was very lonely.’

They had moved there in 1998, shortly after the birth of Taylor, at the height of O’Riordan’s traumas. She remembers being in Australia when her paternal grandmother died; she couldn’t get home for the funeral, because that would have meant halting the Cranberries’ tour. ‘It’s not just about you, it’s about all these people around you. There are hundreds of people depending on you.’ She had been forced to spend most of her first pregnancy in Canada, away from her mother. For an avowed family woman like O’Riordan, not to mention one feeling lonely and isolated already, this was a serious wrench. ‘While I was pregnant, my maternal grandmother passed away – I was in the morgue at her funeral, and there were paparazzi outside. I knew then that I had to get out of the country and go somewhere where I could recover and get away from it completely.’

Was buying the stud farm a continuation of that reclusive behaviour? ‘It was like my Neverland. I was having that, “God, who am I?” moment. But I couldn’t go out and walk around casually. People would come up and go, “If I had your money, I’d burn it.” But you couldn’t go to the pub and have one pint. So I built my own pubs and my own world. But you become a bit dysfunctional and a bit weird after a while. Too reclusive. ‘Sometimes I’d be asking the staff, “Will you come in, I’m lonely!”’ she cackles, her eyes wide. Nor did her young family ease her traumas. ‘The kids’ bedrooms were miles away. A different wing! They’re quite cheap those big old manors, you can buy them down the country for a couple of million.’

Amid the torrent of her speech, O’Riordan offers glimpses of what sounds like a terrible existence, where her fame and her wealth cursed both her and her family. She is from the countryside herself, and knows the ways of rural Ireland, but talks of her ‘sticking out’ in the little towns and villages. She says, ‘Imagine living in this big house and you can’t go out because somebody’ll throw stones at you or chase you. “Your mammy’s nee nee ne-ne neer,”’ she says in a sing-song sneer.

Finally, in 2004, they sold the house and most of the land for E4.5 million (£3 million). Now, in County Dublin, she only needs a housekeeper, and the children go to a local school ‘and we’re part of the community. It’s very safe, it’s much better for the kids. I can go out, walk around, nobody comes up to me. Some people ask for autographs sometimes, but that’s it.’

But being dubbed Ireland’s richest woman can’t have helped, I suggest. ‘Oh, it’s crazy. I flippin’ wish, man!’ Her reputed super-wealth was, she agrees, like a neon sign over her head. ‘Here she comes, who wants a free drink? Here, I’d like to build something, please charge me 10 times!’ she hoots, manically. The implication is that she was exploited, targeted. Indeed, in 2004 she and Burton were taken to court by their former child-minder, and accused of false imprisonment, breach of contract and negligence. The lawsuit failed. Equally, during my afternoon with O’Riordan, I overhear Burton talking about obsessive fans, in Belgium, Amsterdam and New Zealand, and how he has had to get Interpol involved.

‘It used to be upsetting,’ O’Riordan replies when I bring up the subject of overzealous fans. ‘I decided there’s nothing I can do about it by dwelling on it. So if I ever get anything weird I take it to the police, and they just deal with it. But you have to realise that it’s usually just a coward, someone trying to play with your head, mind games.’

It is time to take the photographs. We walk down to the nearby cliffs overlooking Dublin Bay, taking a route through the 2.5-acre plot overlooking the sea on which she and Burton are about to begin building a new house. Burton, a bit of a handyman, describes their plans for a three-level, 10,000 sq ft home, complete with swimming-pool, gym and recording studio. It seems that they will continue to live in the villa up the hill, though.

O’Riordan, resplendent in a Gucci dress, is radiant in every sense. She is still very thin, bony almost, and incredibly petite. But she is full of beans, even more so when Burton’s near to hand – she calls him ‘my rock, my pillar’. It is hard to imagine her even attempting a comeback without his steady management behind the scenes.

The Cranberries are not completely defunct, she says. ‘I stepped away from the group four years ago. I walked out of this big, big room I was in for a very long time into a smaller room, a different room, an interesting new room. But I didn’t shut the door. It’s kind of open.’ She says she is not in touch with ‘the boys’ (who all live in Limerick) – she says they were never that close in the first place – although Burton talks to Noel Hogan ‘a lot’.

‘I can’t really see myself going back immediately. The reunion that the Police are doing is quite respectable and quite decent because it’s 30 years since the split [it’s actually more like 20]. That sounds kind of cool. They’ve given it a good old break and did their own stuff.’

Two weeks later, Dolores O’Riordan plays her first live show in four years, an intimate, brief showcase event in the basement of the Hospital, an arts venue in London’s Covent Garden. She and her band – seasoned session players with a distinct whiff of gnarly old rock dudes about them – are dressed in black. She is in feisty form, kicking her white-trainer-clad feet high in the air. Her cover of In the Ghetto is cringy – too much melodrama, not enough soul – but the new songs sound as powerful as the old ones she plays, Dreams and Linger. Performing the hits that launched and then defined her, she says, holds no fear. ‘The audience always join in. And it’s, “Oh, fun time!” as opposed to, “I’m-performing-for-you time.” So the old energy’s going round the room like this…’ – she waggles her arms around her – ‘…in a circle, wooh!’

It is not so much a zen approach to rock’n’roll as a yogic one. And, in the end, it’s a grown-up approach – that of a woman who became famous while still a girl, and got trapped there. It has taken O’Riordan this long – and three children – to free herself. ‘I was obsessed with my career,’ she freely confesses. ‘It was my life, now it’s just a hobby. It’s fun. Thankfully, by making those decisions to have children when I did, I have the possibility now to have a second life with them. My mam said to me, “Careers come and go, but children are for ever.” It’s true. I’d hate to be a very successful career woman and have all this accomplishment, but have no children or grandchildren. Who’d be around when you were dying, like? Who’d mind you?’

# ‘Are You Listening?’ is released on May 7


Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)