“Gunfight” alternative version available on “Science Agrees” vinyl

October 3, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

Funny thing to notice, the album “Science Agrees” is not exactly the same whether you have the CD or the vinyl. The vinyl indeed offers the alternative version of the song “Gunfight”.

As reported before there are two known versions of the song. The CD contains what we can probably call the final version (as this is the one that matches the lyrics written in both CD booklet and vinyl inner sleeve) and the vinyl features the other, the “doing me harm” version.
Take a look at the video posted on our instagram account:


Science Agrees 2016.07.27 Gunfight single artwork

This is the only difference that has been noticed for now… is it the only one?

2 new Cranberries items for Concert Live’s 11th birthday

September 27, 2016  |  Comments Off on 2 new Cranberries items for Concert Live’s 11th birthday  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Concert Live are celebrating their 11th birthday and for the occasion they’re doing a special birthday sale with new products and their biggest ever discounts.
Concerning The Cranberries 2 new products appeared:

A wooden phone case engraved with the “2010 Tour” artwork, limited to 50 and available for iPhone 6/6s – iPhone 7 – Samsung Galaxy S6 – Samsung Galaxy S7
Price £15

A set of 6 placemats (12″ vinyl) / Dining table accessory
Still the “2010 Tour” artwork. It is not detailed if placemats/vinyls are able to deliver music or not 🙂
Price £15


There are also 10 discounted items (box sets, clock, poster, greatest live hits, live CDs…), all already known before. If you still haven’t some of them, maybe it’s time. Prices are quite low and the special offer stays until this Wednesday. Take a look by clicking this link.

Cranberries.com : new official website launched today

September 21, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Title says it all.
After 9 months of patience cranberries.com is finally launched!
The band just announced it a couple of hours ago today on all their social medias.


Three things to notice:
1. The image on the homepage features green and orange stripes (color of the Irish flag)
Could that be a preview of the artwork of the band’s upcoming album with the Irish Chamber Orchestra?
2. Gallery has a lot of new pictures.
3. Biography reveals “2017 promises to be a very, very special year for The Cranberries in terms of touring and recording.”

The Hand wishes a belated birthday to Dolores O’ Riordan

September 21, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan, Other News

These past days The Hand, the very famous cartoonist in The Cranberries world, was very prolific and drew several portraits of Dolores O’ Riordan.
Yesterday he published his final work on the Internet as a GIF called “12DoloreS”
followed by a post on his Twitter account today with a message revealing his real intention:

actually and intentionally it was a GIF(t) for her birthday .. but I was late, as usual :/

Unfortunately it seems it won’t turn into a new “Calendolores” 😉

As the animation goes quite fast, you may have missed some drawings!
You’ll thus find below all his BRILLIANT sketches extracted from the GIF as well as the images they are related to (as usual click on each picture to see it larger):

Animal Instinct – video



Are You Listening? – album



Science Agrees – album



D.A.R.K. – promo photo



London Astoria II – 1994



I Can’t Be With You – video



Lublin Arena – 2016



MTV European Music Awards – 1995



Promises – video



The Journey – video



The Voice of Ireland 2014 – final



Zombie – video



First images of “Science Agrees” Vinyl

September 19, 2016  |  Comments Off on First images of “Science Agrees” Vinyl  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

As we finally got our hands on the vinyl, we took pictures of it for you to see:







The Cranberries in concert in Lima, Perú… now (almost) official

September 14, 2016  |  3 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

For those who were expecting nothing more to happen for The Cranberries or D.A.R.K. late 2016 following all the concerts and tour cancellations, you were wrong!
Dolores O’Riordan Spain, just found out a great new clue which (almost) comes as an official confirmation that The Cranberries will indeed play in Lima, Perú on December 17, 2016 at Festival Vivo X El Rock 8 in just 3 months from now!
Indeed, the rock band Papa Roach just published on their Instagram account the festival line-up featuring The Cranberries. What was a possible mistake published by Bandsintown a few days ago turns out to be a spoiler.


Will there be more South/North American dates to come? What about the D.A.R.K. shows Andy Rourke was hoping to add in North America?
Time will tell…

Thanks to DORSpain for finding this.

“Science Agrees” is here and Elvis has left the building…

September 9, 2016  |  Comments Off on “Science Agrees” is here and Elvis has left the building…  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

D.A.R.K.’s debut album “Science Agrees” has finally arrived… at least on streaming platforms. As reported earlier, it might be a little more tricky to find hard copies. Please let us know if you can find the album in your local record store today!

Elvis has left the building…
On the other hand, “The D.A.R.K. Project” launched by Pledge Music has just closed. If you haven’t yet preordered your album(s) or signed album(s) it’s too late now. A few minutes ago, at midnight exactly (UK time), all the special offers have closed.


Earlier this week Pledge Music already cut off the sale of the “Signed Screen Print” probably due to the small sales of this henceforth very collector item. Take a look at the website Cranberryesque, this is perfectly explained. Anyway time is now over for all the items. For information less than 20 “Signed LPs” and more than 300 “Signed CDs” remained.

One of our readers -Max Cranfan, thanks to him- has just informed us on Facebook that his vinyl copy has shipped from Amazon UK. Some lucky fans will definitely receive a physical album possibly later today. What a great news!!!

“The Moon” officially shared today

September 6, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

September 6, 2016: what a day!
After Dolores’ Birthday, the brand new audio interview featuring Dolores O’Riordan & Andy Rourke and the official world premiere of the track “High Fashion”, the website ConsequenceOfSound.net just officially shared “The Moon” – which, as we learnt earlier, is Dolores fav track of the album. The song is introduced as a gothic club track!

So if you didn’t get the album last August 19th when it was accidentally made available on streaming platforms and/or still haven’t heard “The Moon”, it is time.

Thanks to Cranberryesque for noticing.


Also to notice a great “The Moon” fanart by Cristy shared on her Twitter:

2016.09.06 The Moon Cristy fanart

AUDIO interview with D.A.R.K.’s Dolores O’ Riordan and Andy Rourke + “High Fashion” world premiere

September 6, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

Back in April this year, Dolores O’ Riordan and Andy Rourke gave an interview for The Talkhouse supposed to be published in May. A few pictures were published on this post. As the album was postponed, the publication was delayed as well… until today as the website TheTalkouse.com made it available online.

It is a 28 min long audio interview podcast which also includes the official world premiere of the song “High Fashion”. Sure most of the fans have already heard the song as the album previously appeared/leaked on streaming platforms last August 19th before it was taken down the following day!!!

2016.04.02 talkhouse 1

2016.04.02 talkhouse 5

Naturally, no one knows more about music than musicians. On Talkhouse podcasts, smart, notable artists from the world of music talk candidly to each other about their work. It’s the kind of conversation you won’t hear anywhere else. The Talkhouse podcasts are an extension of the fascinating written dialogues that happen every day on the Talkhouse.

On this week’s episode of the Talkhouse Music Podcast, Andy Rourke of the Smiths and Dolores O’Riordan of the Cranberries sit down to discuss their new supergroup, D.A.R.K, and we give their song, “High Fashion,” its world premiere. 


The new bandmates and old friends talk Dolores’ teenage Smiths fandom, Stephen Street (who helmed production duties on iconic records for both groups), initial reaction from their legendary bands’ diehard fans to the new project, and getting pelted onstage at festivals back in the day by a half-eaten apple and a packet of sausages adorned with the note “Meat is Murder.” Take a listen and subscribe now on iTunes or Stitcher to stay in the loop on future Talkhouse Podcasts.
— Elia Einhorn, Talkhouse Podcast producer and engineer


NB: If you can’t contain your excitement and need to hear “High Fashion” before the talk, skip ahead to 4:30. We don’t blame you.

Sources: The TalkhouseWBEZ 91.5 Chicago, Talkhouse Instagram

Happy Birthday to Dolores O’ Riordan 45 years old today!

September 6, 2016  |  Comments Off on Happy Birthday to Dolores O’ Riordan 45 years old today!  |  by Axl  |  Other News

Title says it all…
Happy Birthday Dolores!

2016.00.06 HB Dolores

Photo credit: HAC Weekblad

The Cranberries concerts in Cancún rescheduled to February 2017

August 19, 2016  |  9 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Following the cancellation of The Cranberries concert in Landerneau, France, due to Dolores’ back problem which prevented her to perform, Palace Resorts just confirmed a moment ago that the Mexican dates due to take place August 26, 27 and 28 will be rescheduled to February 10, 11 & 12 2017

2016.08.19 cancun rescheduled

2016.08.19 cancun new dates

Here’s the official announcement:

UPDATE THE CRANBERRIES: Due to circumstances of force majeure, Palace Resorts regrettably confirms three upcoming performances by The Cranberries scheduled to take place at Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort in Cancun on August 26, 27 and 28, 2016, have been rescheduled. The unexpected announcement is due to the unfortunate medical condition of an injury affecting Dolores O’Riordan, the band’s lead singer.

After several weeks of experiencing severe back pain caused by a bulging disc; sore and limited relief from medications prevented Dolores to go on stage, and the band was forced to cancel their last concert in France. “By now she’s simply not well enough and in too much pain to be able to perform”; said Dr. Masterson of Limerick University.

Regaining her health and ability to perform has been a priority for Dolores in the last few days. Unfortunately, the severe pain and swelling have not allowed her to recover and Dolores has been prescribed with complete rest.

Performances from The Cranberries at Moon Palace Arena will now take place on February 10, 11 and 12, 2017.

Guests who had already reserved tickets through our telemarketing or concierge staff for the shows may contact their assigned agent before September 23, 2016 to confirm their seats for the new dates. After this date, reservations will be forfeit.
For those who purchased tickets for these performances, please see detailed information below regarding new performances on February 10, 11 and 12th, 2017 at Moon Palace Arena:
• If your ticket was for the Friday, August 26, 2016 concert, you can use that ticket to go to the Friday, February 10, 2017 concert.
• If your ticket was for the Saturday, August 27, 2016 concert, you can use that ticket to go to the Saturday, February 11, 2017concert.
• If your ticket was for the Sunday, August 28, 2016 concert, you can use that ticket to go to the Sunday, February 12, 2017 concert.
If you cannot be present for the new dates, you can request a full refund as of Wednesday, August 24, 2016, and until Friday, September 23, 2016.
• If you bought your ticket at an authorized Ticketmaster retail location (e.g. Liverpool, Librerías Gandhi, Farmacias del Ahorro, etc.), please go to the retail location directly.
• If you bought your ticket at www.ticketmaster.com.mx or via phone, please call (01) 55 53 25 9000.
• If you bought your ticket at Palace Resorts box offices, please head to the location where the ticket was purchased.

We sincerely apologize for this unavoidable inconvenience and disappointment and send our best wishes to Dolores O’Riordan so she may recover fully. We also thank the fans and followers of The Cranberries for your understanding and solidarity.

We wish Dolores a prompt recovery.

“All Things Considered/Why Music Matters” old interview with Dolores

August 6, 2016  |  Comments Off on “All Things Considered/Why Music Matters” old interview with Dolores  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries

One of our readers just sent us a link of an old and rare interview with Dolores O’Riordan recorded in 2012 a few months after the death of her father.

Broadcast on the US radio NPR, the music program is called “All Things Considered”.
They launched a new series called “Why Music Matters: stories from fans in their own words about how music has changed their lives”.

Nathan Hotchkiss.

Nathan Hotchkiss

In this episode you can listen to the story of Nathan Hotchkiss explaining how The Cranberries music helped him coming to terms with his identity. For sure a nice moment to be shared and there’s a happy surprise at the end of the 8min audio clip as he had the chance to exchange a few words with Dolores herself who seems to be touched by his story.

Download and/or listen to the show by clicking this link.
Thanks to Lionel for the information!

2012.02.10 show 1
Note: NPR might sound familiar to fans as the radio also recorded a Cranberries promo performance in 2012 for “All Songs Considered/Tiny Desk Concert”. Unclear whether this was recorded the same day or not.

CONFIRMED: Cranberries “Greatest Hits” album with the Irish Chamber Orchestra

August 3, 2016  |  7 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., The Cranberries

The English magazine “Classic Pop” published in their current August/September issue a brand new interview with D.A.R.K., the first one featuring Dolores.

2016.08.03 CP cover
Even if this interview is totally focused on D.A.R.K., one part retains the reader’s attention more than the others as “Classic Pop” is the very first media to officially confirm what Cranberries World team member Jury exposed/guessed a few months ago:


DOLORES: (…) at the time I felt like it (Roses) was going to be the last album, but the years go by, things happen in your life and you end up together.

A cranberries ‘greatest hits’ album is due to be recorded soon with the Irish Chamber Orchestra and that project co-exists with the debut album by D.A.R.K.

Dolores and the boys probably had not recorded anything when this interview was done, and to this day it is unclear whether the lads totally finished all their tracks/parts nor if Dolores even started recording hers. Anyway, this is definitely good news for all The Cranberries fans.

The rest of the interview, the main part, is still very interesting as it’s the very first time we get to read Dolores’ point of view about D.A.R.K.’s project:

DOLORES: It’s a very different way of working to how The Cranberries operate (…) This project is completely different than anything else I have worked on and I’d have to call it unique. It wasn’t contrived in any way. It just kinda happened and became the sound that it was.


OLE KORETSKY: Apart from the Seventies wannabee purists, 90% of bands these days are using programs. Everybody is playing to a click track! The Cranberries are one of the bands who don’t do that. Them, AC/DC, and The Rolling Stones are just rocking out! It’s a very different vibe.

Dolores also talks about the tough days, the time she spent in a psychiatric hospital, the help received from doctors and family and the fact she is feeling better now. Some parts of “Science Agrees” were recorded during this turmoil. Working on D.A.R.K.’s songs was a sort of therapy.

DOLORES: I was manic when I was recording Gunfight”.



Read the whole interview by clicking this link.

Extra performance date for The Cranberries in Cancún, Mexico

July 28, 2016  |  Comments Off on Extra performance date for The Cranberries in Cancún, Mexico  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

First 2 shows being sold out, The Cranberries will play a 3rd concert in Cancún, Mexico still at the Moon Palace Arena on August 28th.

2016.07.28 extra date for cancun
Tickets go on sale TOMORROW Friday 29 July at 11:00 AM by Ticketmaster México.
Prices range from $129-$249 from the Gold to the VIP section.

This was just announced today by The Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort, here below their message:

BREAKING NEWS: Due to popular demand. We’ve added an extra performance date for The Cranberries Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort! Originally scheduled to perform on Friday, August 26 and Saturday, August 27, The Cranberries will also entertain guests on Sunday, August 28, 2016. Tickets to the concert range from $129-$249 from the Gold to the VIP section. Guests can utilize the Resort Credit towards the purchase of tickets.

Thanks to Cranberries Mexico

A selfie for Dolores / An artwork for “Gunfight”

July 27, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K., Dolores O'Riordan

2016.07.27 D selfie

So rare it has to be shared!!!
Dolores took her first ever selfie today and posted it on her Facebook account with the following words:

Hello Facebook!!
This is my first selfie….ever!
I got a few days off from The Cranberries tour so I thought I’d give Facebook a crack…. It’s great to be back on the road with Mike, Noel and Ferg and I’m really looking forward to the September DARK tour with Andy and Ole. New DARK songs are here: https://DARK.lnk.to/SA
Sending you all my love…Dolores xo

On the other hand and following the news about Science Agrees new release date and Gunfight‘s availability on streaming platforms, the fansite Cranberryesque discovered on Spotify that the song had its own artwork:

2016.07.27 Gunfight single artwork

What a day!!

“Science Agrees” confirmed for September 9th (physical and digital)

July 27, 2016  |  Comments Off on “Science Agrees” confirmed for September 9th (physical and digital)  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

As previously suspected, the album “Science Agrees” has been delayed a second time, this was officially confirmed on D.A.R.K.’s Facebook account today in their post regarding Gunfight‘s availability on streaming platforms for all to listen.

Check out our new song ‘Gunfight’! Watch the video or pre-order ‘Science Agrees’ here: https://DARK.lnk.to/SA If you pre-order digitally, you’ll get three tracks instantly, ‘Curvy’, ‘Loosen The Noose’ and ‘Gunfight’.
Also, our album release date is now September 9th.

2016.07.27 SA new release date

The band also updated their Facebook cover photo.
The new release date is thus now set on September 9th both for digital and physical copies all over the world. PledgeMusic just extended pre-order time from 23 to 44 days (but still lists the release date as May 27th though!!).

This doesn’t explain why a few platforms still mention a release date on August 19th (such as Apple Music which just might not have been updated since this final postponement) and some September 23rd…

New interview with Andy Rourke from D.A.R.K.

July 25, 2016  |  Comments Off on New interview with Andy Rourke from D.A.R.K.  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

“When Dolores came on board she brought a whole other dimension. It was like the missing link we’d been looking for.
Dolores was one of the lights of the recording process because you say ‘Woah’ and everything starts coming together.”

These words are extracts from the brand new interview published on Artistdirectinterviews.com who recently met Andy Rourke (Olé & Dolores were not interviewed here).
Possibly the most interesting interview about D.A.R.K. published to this day.
It is titled “D.A.R.K. discuss what matters on Sciences Agrees”

Read the interview by clicking this link

2016.07.25 ADI

The interviewer essentially focuses on D.A.R.K. and the album “Sciences Agrees” and goes straight to the point as he does not linger on cliché questions about The Smiths, The Cranberries or how they met.

Sure, some (very few) questions have been asked before in previous interviews you might have already read, but most of them are fresh. There are even a few funny parts, like Andy not being “good with the heat” or Olé not being “a happy-go-lucky guy unless he is complaining” ( 🙂 )

Andy confirms the will of the band “to do U.S. gigs this winter” and hopes to experience grounding/humbling moments again with D.A.R.K. like those he had with The Smiths, especially as “Dolores fans are very passionate”

The album is still announced for August 19th but the interview was probably recorded before the 2nd postponement… unless this 2nd postponement only concerns physical copies and not digital release?
Just in case you missed an episode “Science Agrees” is now announced for September 9th mostly everywhere and even for September 23rd in some places!

The new Cranberries official merchandise available online now

July 22, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

As promised by The Cranberries on their Facebook page last July 8th, the new merchandise sold on their current “Summer Tour 2016” is now also available online: 2 T-Shirts and a Hoodie. (£20 and £40)

The band just posted the link on their Facebook today as well as Noel on his Twitter.
Click here

2016.07.22 onlinemerch

D.A.R.K.’s interview in “Louder Than War” magazine

July 13, 2016  |  Comments Off on D.A.R.K.’s interview in “Louder Than War” magazine  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

The UK magazine “Louder Than War” published in their last May/June 2016 issue a 2-page interview with Olé Koretsky and Andy Rourke from the band D.A.R.K.

2016.07.13 LTW news

The first page is focused on Andy Rourke and his past, essentially with The Smiths.
The second page is about D.A.R.K. from the early years to the Dolores years.

The guys talk about how they met back in 2003/2004, moving to New York, a bit of the writing process, the first rehearsals with Dolores, how different it is to record an album with D.A.R.K. compared to The Smiths and how proud and excited they are to finally put out this record as it was a long journey.

If you already read the past interviews published on the internet before (if you missed them see our interview section) you’ll notice the questions and answers are mostly the same. Anyway this is still interesting to read for the 1 or 2 new things to learn.

Read the whole interview by clicking this link.

3 new promo videos for D.A.R.K.’s upcoming concerts

July 11, 2016  |  4 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

Quite a busy period these last days for Cranberries fans who do not know which way to turn: while the band is still touring Europe on their “Summer Tour 2016”, D.A.R.K. released 3 new videos to promote their upcoming September gigs in Europe.

You can check below these 3 videos published on 3 different medias, one for the Paris show on Vimeo (which for unknown reason became private, so we re-uploaded it on our YouTube account), one for the London show on Instagram and one for the Madrid show on Facebook.
Will there be more of these exciting videos to come?



¡Hola Madrid! El 27 de septiembre presentamos los temas de nuestro primer álbum “Science Agrees” en la sala Caracol. ¡No faltéis!
Consigue ya tus entradas en http://bit.ly/entradasDARK

Posted by DARK on Monday, 11 July 2016


What’s even more interesting is that, if you can hear some bits of “The Moon” on the Paris video, some fans noticed that the backing tracks on the other two videos (London & Madrid) are extracts from songs that actually do not appear on D.A.R.K.’s debut album as we know it!!

For those who would like to investigate on this, you might remember that all 10 tracks of “Science Agrees” are available as preview on Shazam as reported before.

It is definitely worth wondering what these new tracks are: unreleased tracks? hidden tracks on the album? or maybe the reason why the album was delayed to September 9th as the band might have chosen to change the tracklist at the very last minute?
Time will tell…

The Cranberries in concert at festival “La Nuit de l’Erdre”

July 3, 2016  |  7 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The “Summer Tour 2016” continues, this time in France near Nantes headlining festival “La Nuit de l’Erdre” in front of 17,000 fans. This was the 4th concert of this short tour and it was sold out once again.

The band just had a 3-week-break. Dolores and Johanna were arriving from the USA.
Johanna wrote on Twitter: “Jet lag in a hotel in France”
See Mike resting on his bed a few hours before the show as published on the band’s instagram.

2016.07.01 preshow 1

Perfectly on time (10:40 PM) and right when the other band playing the second stage finished their set, The Cranberries entered the main stage playing Analyse without intro. Not even 30 seconds between the 2 bands! This suddenness surprised everyone in the audience… especially when there’s no musical intro!
There was a few sound problems during the show. A possible contact failure on Noel’s Guitar (?)

2016.07.01 show 1

The Cranberries - Festival de la Nuit de l'Erdre 2016




The setlist was the same as the other 3 European shows minus 2 songs, Loud And Clear and Desperate Andy. The show was shorter than expected, about 1h15 instead of 1h30. Hard to explain why as there was no curfew and the band was officially announced for a 1H30-show. As usual most of the crowd didn’t know/understand that Dreams was the last song and was expecting a second encore, especially as 15 minutes left. Plus The Cranberries not coming back to salute properly at the end of the show (as they always do 🙁 ) let a “we want more” feeling in the air.

Setlist, The Cranberries, La Nuit de l’Erdre (July 1, 2016):
01. Analyse
02. Animal Instinct
03. Wanted
04. Linger
05. When You’re Gone
06. Dreaming My Dreams
07. Just My Imagination
08. Ode To My Family
09. Free To Decide
10. I Can’t Be With You
11. Conduct
12. Schizophrenic Playboys
13. Salvation
14. Ridiculous Thoughts
15. Zombie
16. Empty
17. You And Me
18. Promises
19. Dreams
Outro: “Exodus” (Bob Marley & The Wailers)

2016.07.01 setlist

The CW team instagramed a few photos that day and tried to periscope a few things and the first 2 songs of the show. Sorry internet 3G was really poor on the site and the quality kinda sucks.
Nothing we can do about that.
Anyway here’s our HD video of Conduct recorded from the front row!

Photo credits: Nicolas Tessier, Clémence Rougetet, Laurent Franzi, Soonnight.com, ouest-france.fr

Concert Live: 2 new Cranberries items for sale

June 27, 2016  |  3 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Concert Live again and again and again, you know those who recorded a few concerts of The Cranberries in 2010 & 2012, oh yes.. sure you know… well, they are now selling 2 new items.

First item and after the “success” of their first soundwave poster based on “Linger”, they are now offering a 2nd poster based on the track “Zombie”.
Still 25 copies, numbered, framed and mounted.
Price £22.99

2016.06.27 CL zombie soundwave poster

Second item is a 12″ vinyl wall clock featuring artwork from the 2010 tour.
limited to 50 copies, numbered as well.
Estimated dispatch date: July 12
Price £20.00

2016.06.27 CL vinyl clock

And for tomorrow (Tuesday 28) Concert Live just announced a special offer starting at 9:00 AM.
See the ad below:

2016.06.27 CL tomorrow

“Hopefully in the winter D.A.R.K. will be doing gigs in the U.S.”

June 23, 2016  |  Comments Off on “Hopefully in the winter D.A.R.K. will be doing gigs in the U.S.”  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

Hopefully in the winter D.A.R.K. will be doing gigs in the U.S.
Andy Rourke

This is the part of the interview where all the American fans will become very happy.
The interview is called “An interview with Andy Rourke of D.A.R.K.” and is available on the Spill Magazine website, a Toronto-based online publication dedicated to covering the independent music scene.

2016.06.23 spill feature dark

Andy Rourke essentially talks about the musical vision of D.A.R.K. as he sees it, the manner of recording tracks, how Dolores was involved in the project, doing gigs and touring, as well as his musical legacy with The Smiths.

A new Cranberries album: “I wouldn’t say soon!”

June 20, 2016  |  Comments Off on A new Cranberries album: “I wouldn’t say soon!”  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Here comes another interview of The Cranberries given at Festi’Neuch in Switzerland.
This time, Fergal and Noel answered questions for a local radio called RTN.

2016.06.09 RTN

Among a few questions about playing festivals, past hiatus or their families, a question (and an answer actually!!) about the next Cranberries album retains attention:

RTN: Is there a chance for us to have a new Cranberries album anytime soon?

Noel: Humm, yeah we’ve been talking about it, we’ve got to write this first… So I wouldn’t say soon… But hopefully we will start getting down to it as we kinda get more into the gigs.

Listen to the whole RTN interview (6min long) by clicking this link.
Thanks once more to DO’RSpain for finding this.

[Festi’Neuch] RadioFr.Fribourg interviewed Noel Hogan – Audio & Video

June 18, 2016  |  Comments Off on [Festi’Neuch] RadioFr.Fribourg interviewed Noel Hogan – Audio & Video  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

A few hours before the show at Festi’Neuch in Switzerland last week, the radio “RadioFr.Fribourg” had the opportunity to interview Noel Hogan.

Hopefully next year we will be back to do more of our own gigs again…


The radio released the audio podcast (MP3):


On June 10th, the interviewer Jonathan Grossenbacher posted on his Twitter account a photo of that moment with a few words addressed to Noel: “Thanks for this amazing moment!”

2016.06.09 radiofr itw JGtwitter

And yesterday the radio posted the video on YouTube:


The interview is exactly the same, podcast and YouTube. The audio podcast is a just little longer only because “Just My Imagination” (album version) was aired at the end.

Thanks to The Cranberries Brasil & Dolores O’Riordan Spain for noticing.

“Science Agrees” pushed back to September… (UPDATED)

June 17, 2016  |  4 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

It seems the D.A.R.K.’s debut album “Science Agrees” has been delayed again… As seen in the last lines of the news yesterday the new release date is now set for September 9th in the USA.
An article on the US website Readjunk.com already talked about that last week.

Science Agrees

Also last week an article on RockChickenz.com announced the album for September 9th. The website/blog is based in Ireland so the release date announced in the article should concern Ireland (?).

And today another clue, the record shop Fnac in France and Belgium is now announcing the album for “September 2016”. This probably means the new release date for the whole Europe might be September 2016… and probably the 9th (or close) even if that information is not officially mentionned yet.

If USA and Europe have a new release date for September, there is a good chance that the new release date for the world is September as well. The album was originally planned for May 27th then delayed to August 19th and now delayed again to September… let’s hope this one is the right one!

UPDATE – June 23
“Science Agrees” delayed to September 9th on Amazon Germany and Amazon Italy today.
September 9th is on the way to be the new worldwide release date!

New HQ promo pictures of D.A.R.K.

June 16, 2016  |  4 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

Reybee Inc published on their website yesterday 3 promo pictures of D.A.R.K.
The 1st one is an older one already seen on social medias before but published for the very first time in very HQ (7.8MB) and the other 2 are totally new. All 3 pictures are credited Jen Maler and tagged as taken on April 5, 2016. Great ones!!

April 5, 2016 - Shoot with DARK the band featuring Dolores O'riordan of The Cranberries, Andy Rourke of The Smiths and DJ Ole Koretsky credit Jen Maler

April 5, 2016 – Shoot with DARK the band featuring Dolores O’riordan of The Cranberries, Andy Rourke of The Smiths and DJ Ole Koretsky credit Jen Maler

April 5, 2016 - Shoot with DARK the band featuring Dolores O'riordan of The Cranberries, Andy Rourke of The Smiths and DJ Ole Koretsky credit Jen Maler

April 5, 2016 – Shoot with DARK the band featuring Dolores O’riordan of The Cranberries, Andy Rourke of The Smiths and DJ Ole Koretsky credit Jen Maler

April 5, 2016 - Shoot with DARK the band featuring Dolores O'riordan of The Cranberries, Andy Rourke of The Smiths and DJ Ole Koretsky credit Jen Maler

April 5, 2016 – Shoot with DARK the band featuring Dolores O’riordan of The Cranberries, Andy Rourke of The Smiths and DJ Ole Koretsky credit Jen Maler

Also to notice on the Reybee’s website the album of D.A.R.K. is now announced for September 9.
This is possibly the release date for USA only as Reybee is in charge of the U.S.
The rest of the world is still announced for a release on August 19th…

EDIT: The 2nd picture has been published in a magazine called “Louder Than War” and can be ordered on this link. Have a glimpse of the article on Jen Maler Instagram.
Thanks to Dany Coin for the info and Pep Vila for noticing!

Next Cranberries concert: schedule revealed

June 16, 2016  |  11 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The next Cranberries concert will take place in France at “La Nuit de l’Erdre” on July 1st.
The schedules were recently revealed on the website and all the social medias of the festival.
The Cranberries will play a 1h30 show starting at 10:40 PM

2016.07.01 schedules

Like Festi’Neuch in Switzerland and Festival Jardins Pedralbes in Spain, this festival is sold out!

The Cranberries live in Barcelona tonight

June 11, 2016  |  4 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The Cranberries will play Festival Jardins Pedralbes in Barcelona, Spain tonight at 10:00 PM.
The show is sold out (seating capacity 2100) and it is the last one for the band this month!
This post will be updated all day so please keep coming back…

2016.06.11 soldout

2016.06.11 pic1

2016.06.11 pic2

2016.06.11 pic3

2016.09.11 pic4

2016.06.11 pic5

2016.06.11 pic6

2016.06.11 pic7

No backdrop tonight to let the view on the beautiful “Palau de Pedralbes”

2016.06.11 pic8

Noel & Fergal giving an interview for Catalunya Radio earlier today

2016.06.11 pic9



PERISCOPE #1 – Linger


2016.09.11 pic10

2016.06.11 pic 11


PERISCOPE #2 – Just My Imagination 


PERISCOPE #3 – Desperate Andy


PERISCOPE #4 – Zombie


PERISCOPE #5 – Promises


PERISCOPE #6 – Dreams


11:30 PM local time: The show is now over.
Setlist very similar (possibly the same) as the other 2 shows in Poland and Switzerland.

2016.06.11 pic12

2016.06.11 pic13

2016.06.11 pic14

2016.06.11 pic15 2016.06.11 pic16

2016.06.11 pic17

2016.06.11 setlist


The Cranberries rehearsing “Linger” for “The Bachelorette” show

June 6, 2016  |  Comments Off on The Cranberries rehearsing “Linger” for “The Bachelorette” show  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Andrew Kimmel, producer of the TV Show “The Bachelorette”, published a real gem 5 months ago on YouTube, a video of The Cranberries minus Mike and Fergal rehearsing “Linger” with a string quartet at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin recorded in June 2015 April 2015 for the Season 9 of the American TV Show “The Bachelorette”.

This is a different version as the one aired on TV (again, this is taken from the rehearsals) but it’s very similar and this time it’s a full version. You might remember the episode with The Cranberries didn’t air the whole song (only 2 minutes) and there were dialogues on it; have a look at the news from last year.

This new video is only one camera, one angle and there is extra time before and after the song. And available in HD 1080p. Thank You Mister Producer!

The Cranberries live in concert at Arena Lublin, first photos/videos

June 3, 2016  |  7 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The very first show of The Cranberries in a long time started a few minutes ago.
Unfortunately the live streaming announced yesterday was a fake. (All YouTube and Prostreamy links). Even The band officially announced the event on their Facebook and got fooled. Incredible how many scammers there are for this show!

Anyway the only way to follow the concert if you are not in Lublin tonight is social medias like Instagram, Twitter or Periscope. Here below the first photos taken by people at the Arena today. Authors will be credited a little later. More photos and information will come as the evening progresses…

2016.06.03 LA1

2016.06.03 LA2

2016.06.03 LA3

Pierwsi fani już są!
Od 18:30 otwieramy bramy dla wszystkich sektorów!
Ojjjj będzie się działo! 😀
Koncert The Cranberries & Lao Che

Posted by Arena Lublin on Friday, 3 June 2016


2016.06.03 LA4

2016.06.03 LA5

2016.06.03 LA6

2016.06.03 LAcrowd

2016.06.03 LA7

2016.06.03 LA8

2016.06.03 LA9

2016.06.03 LA10

2016.06.03 LA12

2016.06.03 LA13



(stay online 24h only!!)


2016.06.03 LA14

2016.06.03 LA15

2016.06.03 LA16

2016.06.03 LA17


The Cranberries już na scenie! <3 <3 <3

Posted by Arena Lublin on Friday, 3 June 2016


KNOWN SETLIST so far, no particular order:
Analyse, Ode to My Family, Animal Instinct, Wanted, When You’re Gone, Just My Imagination, Conduct, Zombie, Empty, You and Me, Promises







2016.06.03 setlist


  1. Analyse
  2. Animal Instinct
  3. Wanted
  4. Linger
  5. When You’re Gone
  6. Dreaming My Dreams
  7. Just My Imagination
  8. Ode To My Family
  9. Loud And Clear
  10. Free To Decide
  11. I Can’t Be With You
  12. Conduct
  13. Desperate Andy
  14. Schizophrenic Playboys
  15. Salvation
  16. Ridiculous Thoughts
  17. Zombie
  18. Empty
  19. You And Me
  20. Promises
  21. Dreams


Lublin to be broadcast live tomorrow + Meet and Greet contest (UPDATED 3x)

June 2, 2016  |  5 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

More surprises to come from Poland.
It seems the Lublin show will be broadcast live on YouTube as well as one other stuff.
Indeed 2 feeds are available on YouTube right now. They are displaying different timing.

The first one is clearly tomorrow’s show. It is perfectly announced as a live stream and time matches the usual schedule for a concert starting around 8:00 PM local time. The other one is more mysterious as the broadcast will begin in the morning. What is it exactly and where is it (the word “? No more information for now. Maybe fans understanding Polish might help. A possible a press conference, or soundcheck?? Clearly another surprise to come.
Die-hard fans!!!
It’s time to check if your streaming recorder is perfectly working and ready for tomorrow!!

On the other hand Arena Lublin launched a meet & greet contest on their Facebook.
15 Polish fans will have the chance to meet Mike, Noel and Fergal before the show tomorrow. Dolores is not officially announced but there is a good chance she will join.

And last, earlier today, the band unveiled on social medias the new backdrop for the Summer Tour: it will be the classic “The Cranberries” logo.
Looking great isn’t it?

2016.06.02 new backdrop22016.06.02 new backdrop1

UPDATE – 3 JUNE – 9:10 AM (UTC)

The unknown “morning” streaming have been delayed. it was supposed to start more than 1 hour ago. New schedule is NOON local time, (10:00 AM UTC). Starts in 50 minutes then… Still no information on what it could stream… surprise!

UPDATE – 3 JUNE – 10:20 AM (UTC)

Bad surprise!
One of our readers Kamil Urczyński reported on our Facebook that YouTube link was FAKE.

Here’s what Kamil says: “Link to youtube is fake, it will charge a fee for the sent sms to encourage subscriptions and paid surveys. Only true livestream is Prostreamy.pl”

Tomek, in the comments below, also posted about Prostreamy.pl

If any Polish fans can confirm, it would help a lot.
Indeed when you go to YouTube now, the streaming was supposed to start 20 minutes ago and nothing appears except a weird link below the video opening a new window where you are asked to enter a phone number. It seems Kamil says the truth, so watch out and report to YouTube if you can.

What’s for sure is that Lublin show will be broadcast live on the internet tonight. This was confirmed by The Cranberries this morning on their Facebook, but the band posted the same link as us. Even if both YouTube accounts are 2 different users the look is very close and the band might have been fooled as well. Let’s hope they’ll be able to confirm the correct link asap if YouTube link(s) really is/are fake.

UPDATE – 3 JUNE – 1:30 PM (UTC)

One of the fake YouTube account has been suspended!
The other, the one from the “morning” is still running so be careful.

Both are fake

We don’t know yet if there is a true live stream tonight.

The Cranberries are in Poland

June 1, 2016  |  6 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Yesterday, 31 May 2016, the 3 lads were back on tour as seen on The Cranberries Instagram. Nice photo taken in a car with Noel driving! On the way to Dublin to take a plane for Lublin, Poland where the 1st show in almost 4 years will take place next Friday.

This morning, 1 June 2016, early start… as seen on The Cranberries Instagram

In the afternoon, Arena Lublin posted on the Facebook Events page of the show, a lot of photos of the arrival of the guys with also Mikey Freedom Hart, Johanna Wiseley and some of their crew members at Lublin Airport. Yes they all flew with Ryan Air!!

Dolores wasn’t travelling with the boys but later on the evening Olé Koretsky revealed on Instagram that he was in Warszawa (Teatr Narodowy). No doubt Dolores is somewhere around even if not appearing on the photo. We can definitely say The Cranberries have all arrived in Poland.

And last for the day, Johanna posted on Instagram a photo of the 3 boys when in Lublin Old Town.

More pictures of their stay in Poland will probably appear tomorrow, possibly media and/or soundcheck to do (?) so this post will be updated as soon as possible. Please check back later.

UPDATE – JUNE 2 – 2:10 PM (UTC)

Lubelska TV posted a short video of the guys arriving at the airport yesterday.
Click this link to watch the video directly on their website.
Thanks to Andrzej for the link!

The Cranberries “Greatest Live Hits Volume 2”

May 27, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Concert Live just announced today the release of The Cranberries “Greatest Live Hits Volume 2”.
The album includes 20 tracks recorded on the Reunion Tour in 2010 & the Roses Tour in 2012
2CD set, limited edition, 100 copies.
Price £6 + shipping.

2016.05.27 CLGLHV2

1. The Journey – Live at Hammersmith Apollo 2012
2. Free To Decide – Live at Zénith, Nantes 2010
3. Salvation – Live at Royal Albert Hall 2010
4. Dreams – Live in Madrid 2010
5. Linger – Live at Royal Albert Hall 2010
6. You And Me – Live at Pavello Ollimpic Badalona, Barcelona 2010
7. Zombie – Live at Royal Albert Hall 2010
8. Time Is Ticking Out – Live at Pavello Ollimpic Badalona, Barcelona 2010
9. Ridiculous Thoughts – Live at Zénith, Nantes 2010
10. Electric Blue – Live in Madrid 2010
11. Desperate Andy – Live at Pavello Ollimpic Badalona, Barcelona 2010

1. I Can’t Be With You – Live at Zénith, Nantes 2010
2. Analyse – Live at Royal Albert Hall 2010
3. Zombie – Live at Royal Albert Hall 2010
4. Linger – Live at Zénith, Caen 2012
5. When You’re Gone – Live at Mediolanum Forum, Milan 2010
6. The Journey – Live at Zénith, Nantes 2010
7. Shattered – Live at Hammersmith Apollo 2012
8. Ode My Family – Live at Pavello Ollimpic Badalona, Barcelona 2010
9. How – Live at Zénith, Caen 2012

Click this link to buy the album directly on Concert Live’s website.

“Science Agrees” full album preview on Shazam

May 24, 2016  |  4 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

Shazam is definitely one of THE new way to preview a new album. 6 songs of D.A.R.K.’s debut album ‘Science Agrees” already appeared on the app these last weeks:
Four samples of 30 seconds of “Gunfight, Steal You Away, High Fashion, The Moon” were made available as well as two full songs officially released “Curvy” and “Loosen The Noose”.

If you wanna listen to the other 4 samples that are not officially online yet, you can force them to appear. Simply change the number of the song in the address bar of your internet browser and let the magic happen, all songs appear!!



2016.05.24 chynamite shazam


2016.05.16 Gshazam


2016.05.24 stealyouaway shazam


2016.05.16 HFshazam


2016.05.24 watchout shazam


2016.05.24 milesaway shazam


2016.05.24 themoon shazam


2016.05.24 underwater shazamTRACK#10: LOOSEN THE NOOSE

Again this trick might not work for everyone worldwide but no doubt some people will capture all the new 30 seconds samples and upload them somewhere, like Soundcloud for example.
Post will be updated as soon as we have links.

UPDATE  – 7:50 PM (UTC)

Tickets for Cancún go on sale this Friday. Details!

May 24, 2016  |  Comments Off on Tickets for Cancún go on sale this Friday. Details!  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

More details about the 2 shows The Cranberries will play at Moon Palace Arena in Cancún, Mexico on August 26 & 27 – 7:00 PM. Tickets for both shows go on sale this Friday May 27 at 11:00 AM local time on TicketmasterMexico. No presale, only general sale!

Click this link to buy ticket for the 1st show on Aug. 26th
And/or click this other link to buy ticket for the 2nd show on Aug. 27th

2016.08.26 27 internet ad

2016.08.26 27 palaceresortsentertainment fb ad
Both shows are officially confirmed by the band but please note they are quite unusual as tickets include preshow dinner with open bar for everyone and will be numbered. Audience will be seated on tables, 10 seats on each table. 200 tables are available each day which makes 2000 tickets per show. Price depends on the proximity of the table with the stage:

VIP: $2,890 Mxn (USD 155)
Diamond: $2,190 Mxn (USD 120)
Platinum: $1,690 Mxn (USD 90)
Gold: $1,390 Mxn (USD 75)

2016.08.26 27 seated areas

2016.08.26 27 PRE fb banner

These 2 shows sound quite intimate and fancy like the ones in Monaco back in July 2002 but no dresscode seems required. No more shows in Mexico are planned for now so Mexican fans, this might be your only chance to see The Cranberries this summer.

2016.08.26 27 moon palace cranmex
Thanks to CranberriesMexico for all those details!

“Curvy” UK promo CD-single on eBay

May 20, 2016  |  Comments Off on “Curvy” UK promo CD-single on eBay  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

“Curvy” UK promo CD single just appeared for the very first time on eBay.
Seller is from UK and opening bid is GBP 0.99
Here is the first image of it as posted on eBay:

2016.05.20 curvypromocd

Thanks to DORSpain & Fanberries for noticing.

“High Fashion” + “Gunfight” extracts from “Science Agrees” (UPDATED)

May 16, 2016  |  5 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

2 new extracts of D.A.R.K.’s forthcoming album “Science Agrees” just appeared on Shazam… again!!
It seems we’ll soon end up with previews of the whole album if extracts keep on coming like that.
Or will Shazam become the new way to discover an album?

2016.05.16 HFshazam

2016.05.16 Gshazam

Listen to 30 seconds of “High Fashion” by clicking this link
and 30 seconds of “Gunfight” by clicking this other link.

EDIT: It may be working in some countries and not working in others. Hard to understand how Shazam really works worldwide and their policy.

UPDATE MAY 17 – 1:00 PM (UTC)
For those who can’t access the samples on Shazam, below you can find direct Soundcloud links.
Thanks to Fireworks!!!


and even The Moon:

“God Be With You” on the charity album to fight homelessness

May 11, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Dolores O'Riordan, The Cranberries

The tracklisting of the charity album to fight homelessness featuring Dolores O’Riordan among other Irish artists is now known. The website Lovin Dublin just published the full list and it will be the song “God Be With You” concerning Dolores. The album is called “Rising Against Homelessness” and goes on sale this week in Irish record stores, Starbucks outlets and will also be available to download from iTunes.
Price €10.

2016.10.11 rising against homelessness


1. ‘The Patriot Game’ by Munday and friends

2. ‘The Foggy Dew’ by The Chieftains with Sinead O’Connor

3. ‘God Be With You ‘ by Dolores O’Riordan 

4. ‘Wild Mountain Time’ by The Waterboys

5. ‘The Town I Loved So Well’ by Camille O’Sullivan

6. ‘The Auld Triangle’ by HomeTown

7. ‘The Night Visiting Song’ by August Wells

8. ‘Children of ’16’ by Declan O’Rourke

9. ‘Villains Remix’ by The Saw Doctors with Giles Packham

10. ‘Hairy Jaysus’ by Kila with Giles Packham

11. ‘Down By The Sally Gardens’ by Heathers

12. ‘Romantic Ireland Is Dead and Gone’ by The Walls

13. ‘The Galtee Mountain Bay’ by Pauline Scanlon.

14. ‘A Song for Ireland’ by Stephen Robinson

15. ‘Foggy Dew 2016’ by Lethal Dialect

16. ‘Amhrán na bhFiann’ by Meltybrains?

As you probably all know, “God Be With You” already appears on the remastered version of the album “To The Faithful Departed”. Dolores being credited on this new charity album and not “The Cranberries” it is quite unclear for now whether the song is a new version or the old Cranberries version.

Sources: Lovin Dublin, Irish Mirror

Edit: “God Be With You” was originally recorded and released as a Dolores solo track for “The Devil’s Own” soundtrack, so there’s a good chance that this is still the same old version on this charity CD.
Thanks Richard!!

more pictures:
2016.10.12 RAH1

2016.10.12 RAH2

2016.10.12 RAH3

Noel Hogan got tattooed last week!

May 10, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  Noel Hogan

Last week Noel Hogan got tattooed by Ross Nagle, a tattooist at “Allstar Ink Tattoo” shop located in Limerick, Ireland. Here is the result posted by Ross on Instagram:

Ross Nagle:
Lil tattoo for my friend and local legend @noelhogan from The Cranberries. The Cranberries are on tour around Europe this summer so if you get the chance, get some tickets! Thanks Noel

Noel let the following comment: “Cheers Ross. Delighted with the result. N.

Happy Birthday to Mike Hogan 43 years old today!

April 29, 2016  |  2 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Title says it all!
Happy Birthday Mike.
Photo below comes from The Cranberries Instagram

2016.04.28 Mike Hogan at ICOStudio

“Science Agrees” promo CD surfaces

April 26, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

“Science Agrees” promo CD just appeared for the very first time on eBay. Seller is from Poland and opening bid is 200PLN plus shipping which makes about $50 plus shipping. It’s quite expensive but that’s the price to pay to hear the album before it is released and own a collector item.

Below is the first image of the CD. It is not really HQ, just enough to tell the cover art looks no different than the retail album should look. And about the CD itself, impossible to know for now even if there is a good chance that the retail version will be a little different.

2016.04.26 SApromocdSource: eBay

The Cranberries now on Instagram!

April 22, 2016  |  Comments Off on The Cranberries now on Instagram!  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

It’s official The Cranberries now have an Instagram account.
Earlier today Noel Hogan twitted the link of the very first picture posted there.

2016.04.22 instagram1stpic
That one isn’t really new and was already seen on Noel’s Tumblr before but who cares, having The Cranberries on Instagram is definitely a good news…
Follow the band by clicking this link or search for thecranberries.i directly inside the app.

2016.04.22 TCInstagram

Sources: Noel Hogan twitter, The Cranberries Instagram

Olé Koretsky and Andy Rourke from D.A.R.K. give first interview

April 20, 2016  |  Comments Off on Olé Koretsky and Andy Rourke from D.A.R.K. give first interview  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

Way Out Radio, an online Fanzine & Podcast, published “An interview with Andy Rourke, The Smiths”.
Even if not in the title Olé Koretsky was also interviewed! The Journalist Paula Frost met the 2 guys just a few days ago and they are mostly talking about the band JetLag/D.A.R.K.
Dolores was not interviewed but it is still very interesting to read.

2016.04.18 wayoutradio itw

The guys talk a little bit about their childhood and their musical influences, the first time they met and how they came to meet Dolores, why the name Jetlag was changed into D.A.R.K. (which indeed is their initials), the writing process, the rehearsals and the line up on tour (Olé on vocals and a little bit of guitar, Andy on bass, Dolores on vocals only, plus a drummer working with a sampler and another guitar player), their favorite D.A.R.K. song (The Moon) and of course The Smiths and a few more things. Nice!

Source: Way Out Radio

“Science Agrees” physical album delayed in the USA

April 20, 2016  |  Comments Off on “Science Agrees” physical album delayed in the USA  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

The US release date for the physical album “Science Agrees” has changed.
Amazon USA is now announcing the CD/Vinyl release for June 24 instead of May 27.
The digital version of the full album remains available on May 27 in the US (and worldwide).

Science AgreesFor now reason is unknown. Possibly late June might be a better time to promote the album in the USA and to have the full band available (like in store appearances, media interviews or whatever).
Remember, on May 27 D.A.R.K. will be touring Europe and just after Dolores will be touring with The Cranberries still in Europe, so no time for USA before mid-June.

Source: Amazon USA

Concert Live’s “Single Greatest Live Hits Collection” CANCELLED

April 17, 2016  |  Comments Off on Concert Live’s “Single Greatest Live Hits Collection” CANCELLED  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Customers who recently ordered The Cranberries “Single Greatest Live Hits Collection” box set 7″ vinyls at Concert Live just received an email to warn them that their order was cancelled due to additional costs of production. To apologize the email includes a discount code giving 25% off any purchase over £10 made through their website.

2016.03.25 concert live vinyl box set


Dear valued customer,

Thank you for your recent purchase of our new 7 inch single products.
Unfortunately, although we have started, and made good progress with the manufacture of these titles, our original supplier has informed us that they are unable to complete the manufacturing due to an increase in their costs of production.
This has been very frustrating for us and has sadly meant that the additional cost of production would result in us having to increase the retail price of the products which is not a cost we are willing to place on our customers.
We therefore feel that the best course of action at this time is to refund you on your purchase, and offer you a discount voucher for your next purchase with us as although this issue has been out of our hands, its not fair on you, our customers, that this issue causes either further delays, or cost.
Please find here your discount code. This code gives you 25% off any purchase over £10 made through the Concert Live website and is active as of now.
All refunds are being processed today and will be credited back on to the card you used to purchase. Please note depending upon the bank funds may take up to 5 days to appear in your account.
If you have any other questions please contact us at support@concertlive.co.uk.
Thank you for your continued support and our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Concert Live

“No Need To Argue” CRANBERRY COLOR VINYL to be released on Sept.16

April 14, 2016  |  9 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Fun news today coming from Runt. The album No Need To Argue will be reissued again on September 16, 2016 in a cranberry vinyl version. Very collector!! 🙂
Like the other reissues last year (No Need To Argue and Bury The Hatchet on 180g vinyls) this LP will be released on Plain Label and can be pre-ordered online right now for $29.98 at Runt

No Need To Argue

“Curvy” radio edit version on RTÉ 2FM

April 13, 2016  |  1 Comments  |  by Axl  |  D.A.R.K.

Last April 12, the Irish radio RTÉ 2FM broadcasted a radio edit version of Curvy on “The Alternative with Dan Hegarty” show.
This radio version is only 3:20 which means more than 2 minutes cut!
The intro and the final verses were edited out.
It’s quite reasonable to cut the long intro but the final verses missing is… kinda weird!
Have your opinion and listen to the replay by clicking this link.
Curvy starts at 00:14:10

2016.04.12 rte2fm

Thanks to CranberryMan for the info

Source: RTÉ 2FM The Alternative with Dan Hegarty

Mexico confirmed + The Cranberries rehearsal setlist (SPOIL!!!!!)

April 12, 2016  |  8 Comments  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

Two major news at the same time given by The Cranberries today.
The 1st one concerns the shows in Cancún which are now officially confirmed by the band on Facebook.
As mentioned yesterday the two shows will take place at Moon Palace Arena on August 26 & 27, 2016.
Fans will be now able to buy their tickets confidently as the band will definitely come and play in Mexico.
Tickets go on sale May 23rd.

This is a great news for South America as we can easily imagine these two shows won’t be the only ones on the continent. It would be very costly for the band to travel and play a one-off in one city…

2016.04.08 moonpalacewebsitead


Second news concerns the setlist rehearsed these days by the band and revealed by Noel Hogan on Twitter earlier today.

Last week The Cranberries gathered in a studio to rehearse a few songs and on the 2nd rehearsal day, Noel posted some nice pictures where we can see the boys and some of their gears.
On one photo we could read what was probably a very first version of a setlist as seen in this news.
A few fans noticed that the list was very similar to that of the Roses Tour 2012!
Today for the second week of rehearsal, the band seems to be rehearsing more songs.
Take a look at the new list below:

2016.04.12 rehearsal setlist

Quite a nice surprise as this song list features a lot more rarities with a few ones not played live in a very long time such as Hollywood, Wake Up And Smell The Coffee or This Is The Day. Please note this is just a list of everything they’re trying in no particular order and some of these songs might not be included in the final set. Some more might be added as well. Definitely exciting!
What do you think?

Cancún and Barcelona new promo ads for The Cranberries

April 11, 2016  |  Comments Off on Cancún and Barcelona new promo ads for The Cranberries  |  by Axl  |  The Cranberries

The Festival Jardins Pedralbes (Barcelona, Spain) just released a promo video featuring The Cranberries among other artists playing the festival this year:

Tickets for this concert went on sale this morning. Prices range from €16 to €128!
You can buy tickets online by clicking this link.
Some die-hard fans already bought theirs. Thanks to DO’RSpain for the picture.

2016.06.11 tickets

More information about The Cranberries announced in Cancún, Mexico on August 26 & 27, 2016.
The shows are still not confirmed by the band but the Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort published a new ad on their website a few days ago where the name of the venue is revealed. It will be the Moon Palace Arena. These shows become a bit more likely every day.

2016.04.08 moonpalacewebsitead


Cranberries World (Present - 01/2012) Cranberries Press (01/2012 - 10/2011) Zombieguide (09/2007 - 07/1999)