English Cricket Captain Feeling Like a “Zombie”

December 12, 2002  |  Comments Off on English Cricket Captain Feeling Like a “Zombie”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

In a bit of off-key humor, English Cricket team captain Nasser Hussain has chosen The Cranberries’ track “Zombie” as his entrance theme for tomorrow night’s SCG match against Australia in Sydney, to be played over the stadium’s PA system.

The team’s players were given the priviledge of choosing their own entrance themes for tomorrow night’s match. Hussain, who has been feeling rather lifeless after a straight 11-loss tour, picked the song in an amusing bout of self-depricating humor. The Australian Associated Press notes, “By reputation, he’s no comedian at the best of times but he’s shown a lighter side by his pick of the pops.”

Other songs chosen by the English teammates include Elvis’ “A Little Less Conversation” and Queen’s classic “We Will Rock You.”

Source: Australian Associated Press

Hot Press “Astounded” by Magazine Sales

December 11, 2002  |  Comments Off on Hot Press “Astounded” by Magazine Sales  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

In an email sent out today to those who participated in the “My First Taste of Cranberries” section, Hot Press’ Executive Director Duan Stokes admits that the magazine staff has been “generally astounded” by the global response to the issue.

“Hot Press released the Cranberries Special Edition just over 10 days ago. They’ve been flying off our shelves and out by post to Cranberries fans all around the world. We’ve been generally astounded by how well its been received!” he writes.

He also warns that supplies are dwindling. “One word of warning, this is a limited edition and copies are finite.”

Order your copy of Hot Press here. (link no longer available!!)

Source: Hot Press

The Cranberries on Record About Their Future

December 10, 2002  |  Comments Off on The Cranberries on Record About Their Future  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

With the release of the Cranberries Limited Edition of Hot Press magazine and several recent gigs across Europe, The Cranberries have had the chance to briefly speak several times about what they plan for the coming year. Below are a few quotes gathered from various appearences.

Giving her goodbye message last Monday, December 2nd in Amsterdam, Dolores told the crowd before announcing Dreams, “Thank you guys! This is our second time here in one year; Amsterdam absolutely rocks! Thank you for your support, seriously. You know, it’s coming up to Christmas, and we’re going to take a little break from touring at Christmas, ‘cos I think we’re all getting confused as to where we are every day, but after the summer next year we’re gonna come back here, so I look forward to seeing you again, OK? Thank you so much for your support again.”

Additionally, Fergal Lawler told a gathering of fans outside the Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on November 30th that plans to open for The Rolling Stones are, in fact, in the works, but that nothing has been officially confirmed as of yet. Unfortunately for Cranberries fans, tickets for The Stones’ European tour go in sale in a few short days, and Stones fans often gobble up tickets like chickenfeed. By the time we know for certain of the exact “opener” dates, it may be too late for some European Cranberries fans to get good seats.

But of course the quotes causing the most amount of discussion are the ones that Dolores made to Hot Press for their special Cranberries edition (scans). It seems that some of the quotes have been taken far out of context, causing organizations like Showbiz Ireland to draw the false conclusions that Dolores is quitting the band entirely. However, Dolores’ full statement reveals that this is only something she is doing for her own personal enjoyment and may not be something that is commercially released at all! For the record, here is the full quote, as it appears in Hot Press:

You’ve just come back from playing Turkey. Listening back to “Dreams” off the Greatest Hits album in that context, there was stuff going on in your vocal that was suggestive of Eastern European sacred music.

“When I was out in Turkey, at the Mosque at five o’clock in the morning, through the PA system they have this chanting every two hours — the day we flew out of there was the first day of Ramadan. And for me, I’m so taken with that, if I do a solo project I’m definitely going to go into that kind of stuff, ethnic music. I’m definitely going to mess around now after the Greatest Hits, I’m definitely not going to go back and do another Cranberries album. I need to do a different project completely, and the boys need some freedom for awhile. I’d like to do a little bit more work in the studio, or a little bit more flying out to places like Turkey or Africa and recording some different ethnic things and bringing it back for inspiration. Nobody might ever listen to it or get it, but these are things in life you have to do for yourself.”

You touched on that area before with Jah Wobble’s Invaders of the Heart, and it was mooted that you’d work with Brian Eno at one stage. Is that still a possibility?

“It would be, yeah. The reason we didn’t at the time was because Brian likes to experiment in the studio, he likes to go in with pretty much nothing and just write in there. And we were like, ‘Aw, but sure we’ve everything written!’ So with The Cranberries we have a format and we write a certain way and that’s that, so I think it’s important for us to go and experiment now.”

Do you think the boys are capable of stretching as players?

“No, I think Mike’s a bass player, Ferg’s a drummer and Noel’s a guitarist and that’s it. I don’t think Noel’s gonna suddenly take up the piano or double bass. I think if he was going to he would’ve done it in the last five years, I think that’s his gift and his talent and he likes to stick with that. He likes time off to be time off. As regards people playing different instruments, you would have to pretty much hire those.”

And the last new revelation of great importance comes to us from the December 6th issue of the Irish gossip tabloid The Star. In it, Dolores tells the paper, “It’s a relationship, as if you were going out with a girl for a long time but needed a break. If you miss her, you go back, if you don’t, you don’t go back.” The rest of the article is quoted as saying, “The relationship is now on a temporary break, as all involved decide if they want to continue together or seek pastures new… As for the future, she talks about working again with The Cranberries, on their own terms, and maybe getting involved in film soundtracks.” Of course, when reading this, keep in mind that this is a gossip magazine, so take it with a pinch of salt.

Zombieguide will have more as we know it. Thanks to Stéphane, Mickael, and an anonymous contributor for the information.

“Ooof, now I’m becoming verklempt, talk amongst yourselves!”

Source: Exclusive!

Exclusive: Hi-Res Hot Press Scans!

December 7, 2002  |  Comments Off on Exclusive: Hi-Res Hot Press Scans!  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Major props to Hot Press! With this month’s release of The Cranberries issue of The Hot Press Collectors’ Series, the staff over at the Irish magazine have put together an awe-inspiring ode to Limerick’s finest. The 80-page issue is jam-packed with Cranberries material ranging from a 1991 interview to a brand new one taken less than a month ago.

So as you take a look at our exclusive, high-res scans, just take it from us that the new issue is worth every bit of the $5 plus shipping that they ask for international orders (about $11 total for the US). The Hot Press staff no doubt put a good bit of time and effort into putting this issue together, so if you like what you see, be sure you patronize them. After all, if the staff (and other any other magazine, for that matter) gets a good response to this issue, they’re more likely to do something like this again in the future with The Cranberries. Case in point, put your money where your mouth is and head over to HotPress.com and order the new the new issue online — you won’t regret it!!

And now that you have your issue ordered (we know you do!), head over to the Magazines section and check out our high-resolution scans! We’ll have more scans very shortly, as soon as time allows!

Also, if you see one you like, be sure you save it to your hard drive, as we probably won’t be able to host these images in hi-res format forever… Enjoy!!

Source: Exclusive!

Help Kids This Christmas Through New Hernandez

December 7, 2002  |  Comments Off on Help Kids This Christmas Through New Hernandez  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

We told you days ago about the New Jersey-based organization New Hernandez, which is holding the 2002 Time Is Ticking Out Awards. As we told you before, New Hernandez is dedicated to sponsoring and assisting less-fortunate kids in their area, and they’re asking for a bit of help from the Cranberries fan community.

Cordell Adams, one of the group’s organizers tells us that, “We do not want any money form the fans, we just would like unopened toys or store gift certificates (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc.) for the kids! … the kids here & the center nominated you, we just help build the site. There are over 30 kids here at the center and it is hard for us to give the kids what they want for Christmas! We usually just settle for things we can afford and we know it isn’t what they want but we teach them ‘It’s the thought that counts!'”

So if you’d like to help the organization with making a kid’s Christmas a little brighter this year, you can email them at Newhernandez@hotmail.com for the mailing address or for more information.

Source: N/A

Cranberries Proud to Say “I’m From Limerick”

December 3, 2002  |  Comments Off on Cranberries Proud to Say “I’m From Limerick”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The Cranberries are starring as part of a new cinematic short film entitled,“I’m From Limerick,” created by the town in order to boost citizens’ morale after a strong recent wave of bad press against the city. The video presents many native-born celebrities relating their pride in their identity as residents of Limerick.

“I’m from Limerick is a campaign whose message is directed at and for the people of Limerick. It is designed to impart a sense of identity and belonging, confidence and civic pride. The message itself – I’m from Limerick – is simply stated, yet lends itself to broad application and interpretation,” related the city’s center coordinator, Andrew Mawhinney.

The short film is being shown in the Irish city’s cinemas until the end of the year, being placed before such blockbusters as Harry Potter II and Lord of the Rings II. The film is also being shown in primary (elementary) schools in the community, and the campaign also extends with posters and other propaganda.

Other local native celebrities joining The Cranberries include Frank McCourt, JP McManus, Ciarán Carey, Geri Maye, Sam Lynch, Mick Hanly, Vincent Browne, and Peter Clohessy. The Cranberries’ famous track “Dreams” is the main musical feature in the film, several scenes from the song’s music video included.

The city’s Mayor John Cronin helped launch the video in the primary schools this past September, commenting, “I want… people to be more proud of being from Limerick than anything else, because they should be. I’m from Limerick and I’ve always been so proud of that and am delighted to tell anyone I meet that I’m from Limerick. I want to see others doing that too. This will have a huge impact on children. It will be right up their alley as it’s snappy, enjoyable and not at all boring for them to watch.”

Recent negative “outside” press has blighted the town’s reputation, a trend which the campaign’s organizers hope to reverse. “We are turning people’s perception of how we view Limerick around, and are promoting Limerick as a wonderful place to live in.”

Speaking of the people and personalities that appear in the video, Mawhinney commented that “The people in the video come from many walks of life, and were filmed in a variety of settings in Limerick city and county.”

Both the campaign and the film, which will continue to run for several weeks, are being funded by both the EU Lodis Project and Dell Computers.

Source: Limerick Leader

Translated Interviews from “Rockstar,” “A Night With…”

December 3, 2002  |  Comments Off on Translated Interviews from “Rockstar,” “A Night With…”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

In two recent interviews from Italy, Rock Star (scans) and A Night With the Cranberries (video captures), singer Dolores O’Riordan and guitarist Noel Hogan talked extensively on what the release of “Stars” means to the band’s outlook. Furthermore, both Dolores and Noel dropped several hints about what they would like to explore in the near future, including several more hints about ethnic music and instruments and studio experimentation. Read the English translations of both interviews below for yourself for more detail.

Thanks to Maurizio for the translations.

Rock Star (Italy): UNDER A GOOD STAR

Exclusive: Revealing Interview with Dolores O’Riordan

Stars is out: The compilation with all the singles of The Cranberries to celebrate the 10 years career of the band. But it’s not just a Best of; it’s also, according to the words of an enigmatic Dolores, the end of an era.

One meter and sixty centimeters tall, enclosed in her totally black dress and apparent frailty, Dolores gladly accepted to spend part of a grey Milan afternoon talking to us about the first 10 years of the Cranberries. Allusive but at the same time also elusive, Dolores let us understand that the future, somehow or other, will be more interesting than the past.

Q – The Cranberries celebrate the first 10 years of their career. How has been this adventure?
A – If I had to draw a diagram, (on the next page) the start of this adventure was not in 1992 but in 1990, 12 years ago! We had a first peak in 1992-93, when our first album went out; than we disappeared in 1996, the year of To the Faithful Departed; After that the ascent restarted: since 1996 I spent much time searching my own dimension and spirituality; And finally now I’m very well and at peace with myself.

Q – What allowed you to reach this higher level of spirituality?
A – The experiences I had, in particular the negative ones. When you are near the limit and all everything’s close to breaking off, and you succeed in getting out of this situation, you feel stronger than ever. The difference between now and before is that nowadays I don’t feel under pressure and I don’t care about the number of copies we sell. When our first album went out, Everybody Else is Doing it So Why Can’t We?, we felt a lot of pressure, we were immature teenagers; Now we’ve grown up and we are able to do our best when we write songs.

Q – But many people say your first album is also the best!
A – This is what people think; now we’re talking about what I think!

Q – In this 10 years have you ever seriously risked splitting up?
A – Yes, In 1996 we didn’t just risk, we really split up even there was no official communication: we didn’t meet each other for approximately 1 year and we had no plans to come back.

Q – And what let you change your ideas?
A – Noel sent me a tape with some songs he had written when I was in Canada, and they were beautiful! So one night, in the middle of a drink, I phoned him and I told that I missed him and that he was an extraordinary person! So we decided to meet and try the new songs.

Q – In Stars there are two new songs: one is New New York, clearly in regard to September 11. Don’t you think you are just one of the people that wrote and sang about it?
A – I don’t care about what the others do. I just do what I like and what is going throuth my mind.

Q – Have you ever thought to write a song called “New Kabul”?
A – No, and I think I’m not going to do it now; I was in New York when I wrote that song and I wrote just the one thing that made sense for me.

Q – Are you worried about the possibility of a War in Iraq?
A – Yes of course. I think that the situation could just get worse not better: bombs are never the best way to achive something good. Instead they are just used to start something wicked! History says this, not myself.

Q – Coming back to the GH, do you think it could synthesize the essence of the Cranberries?
A – It’s just a collection of our singles. It’s a good CD to give as a gift to someone and, at the same time, let him know The Cranberries. There are all our most popular songs.

Q – Do you think there’re still people that don’t know the Cranberries?
A – There’re a lot! Maybe they sing the refrain of Linger or know other songs, but they often don’t know that it’s played by the Cranberries and they have never seen our faces. I often go to shops or malls and no one recognizes me. A few days ago some people asked me for some information. They thought I was a shop assistant!!!

Q – Where did you take the cover picture? It looks like a runway of an airport.
A – It’s a road in Las Vegas. We were there for some shows and we liked the place very much. So we called Andy Earl, our photographer, and he found this road. It seems that part is just the end of the road and behind it there’s nothing.

Q – On the back of the cover the band walks away straight toward the horizon line. Is there a metaphor?
A – Yes. We’re arrived at the end of an era and no one knows what there is beyond the horizon.

Q – What will happen?
A – The world has arrived at the end of an era and ironically, this is linked to the destiny of the Cranberries. I can say that there’s some expectation in the air.

Q – Are you thinking of starting a solo career?
A – I’m not sure. I would like to do many things that I couldn’t do in the last 10 years. Everytime I tried to take a break, I had a baby or I got a nervous breakdown. That’s 2 babies and a nervous breakdown!!

Q – Will you try something different from the Cranberries?
A – I am attracted to ethnic music and ethnic instruments, from flutes to bongos, and every type of steel drum; I don’t like the didgeridoo, I tried to play it but I’m a total disaster; I don’t Indian music, the kind that you hear in restaurants, there’s too much stuff inside. I like the music with many pauses just like African music.

Q – Will you act, maybe in a musical?
A – Maybe I will act, but certainly not in a musical! I hate them. When I was 12, at school, I was asked to do an audition for the part of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, because at that time I already had a good voice; Disgusting! I arrived in a hall with all the teachers looking at me, and all I could do was laugh, laugh and laugh. At that time I already had my strong character; In the classroom I made a lot of jokes and I made a real mess. I was a leader and I was too much of a “bully” to act the part of that idiot Dorothy. Obviously I didn’t get the part! They let me do a peasant, I had to sing offstage and walk across the stage pushing a cart.


Dolores: We’ve completed a circle. It’s been an incredible lesson in life but we feel like we’re at the end of an era and at the beginning of a different kind of era. We started as teenagers than we went to America and we become very big, [only] a few Irish bands did it — we did! Than we played around the world and we decided to take a break because we lost our own identity. And than we got together just for fun and we’ve got the fun back into the band that we’ve lost to become such a big and famous band. We captured that fun again and now we feel like beginning again just like we were teenagers.

Noel: Stars in many ways sounds like the other stuff but some people tell us that there’s something different. It’s hard to say if this will be the direction we’re going! We haven’t thought about it yet.

Dolores: We always start from music, I think that if I started from lyrics the result would be less natural. When there’s something that only involves me, I can start writing music by myself with the piano; Other times Fergal or Noel write music and record it on a tape; then they give me the tape and just by listening I can think about something and I start to write lyrics.

Noel: In the future, I think we would like to, maybe with the next album, experiment with our sound a bit more and see if we can take a different direction for awhile.

Dolores: We definitely know that it’s time to try different kinds or ways of writing because, as Noel said, we have a couple of formulas but we’ve never actually gone into a studio and said, “Oh, let’s experiment!”

Noel: You become a little too comfortable, things get too easy and you don’t push yourself to your limit, so I think it’s definitely what we are going to try over the next year or so.

Dolores: For example we could start from the bass line — dododododo dodod dodod — and continue from it. We’ve never experimented with different music writing; So we kinda need to do that; Just different stuff… and it will be different!

Source: Exclusive

Special Edition Hot Press Released

December 1, 2002  |  Comments Off on Special Edition Hot Press Released  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

We’ve heard bits and pieces about it over the past month, but finally the Special Edition Hot Press Cranberries Edition has been released in Ireland. The new Cranberries issue is Issue 1 of an upcoming Collectors’ Series of the magazine.

Our first picture of the new magazine’s cover is below, showing Dolores with her arms covered in embroidered hosiery, gazing over the rim of a glass of wine.

Of course if you’re among the lucky ones pick up the new issue, we’re on the lookout for high-resolution scans! Send them to alex@zombieguide.com

Cranberries to Open for the Rolling Stones

November 28, 2002  |  Comments Off on Cranberries to Open for the Rolling Stones  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

According to an interview with Cranberries bassist Mike Hogan that appeared in Tuesday’s edition of the Mexican newspaper El Universal, The Cranberries are on tap to open for the classic rockers The Rolling Stones sometime next year.

“We have the same company that schedules our tours, so they proposed it to us to be part of it and of course we accepted, although it’ll only be five or six dates in Europe,” Mike told the paper while in Treviso, Italy earlier this month.

The gigs are likely to come in early summer, as Fergal Lawler wrote on the Official Website last month, “We will be doing some shows with some other artists in June and July to wrap up a great 2 years on the road.”

When asked if The Cranberries had any plans to release a full live album anytime soon, Mike said that no such plans were on the drawing board. “I don’t believe we’ll do one, although it’s only been a few days since we released a DVD with a live show that we recorded in Paris, France.”

Mike also went on to talk about the importance of his family life and how it fits in with the band. “Having a family makes things easier and we have more fun because you can go home and take your time with your family. In addition, it lets us do new things in our music, (it makes it) more happy and optimistic. It’s been a big influence.”

Thanks to Reynel for the info.

Source: El Universal

First Details: Dolores O’Riordan Solo Project

November 28, 2002  |  Comments Off on First Details: Dolores O’Riordan Solo Project  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

In an interview from the forthcoming Cranberries edition of the Hot Press Collectors’ Series, Dolores relates the somewhat shocking news that she will be recording her first solo album, because, she says, “the boys need some freedom for a while.”

“I’m definitely going to mess around now after the Greatest Hits,” she says. “I’m not going to go back and do another Cranberries album. I need to do a different project completely, and the boys need some freedom for a while.”

Indeed, Dolores stresses that the solo project will be much unlike anything The Cranberries have done before, which is why she plans to do it without “the boys.” Dolores plans to incorporate a mixture of ethnic sounds into the project as well. “Istanbul blew me away! At 5.00am the music from the Mosques, the chanting awoke me. It was so gorgeous, it sounded a little scary at moments and at other moments very reassuring. It was like something from another dimension. I’d love to go back there on vacation and go and visit the Mosques. I believe it would really be inspiring,” she wrote only days ago on the band’s Official Site. “I’d like to do a little bit more work in the studio,” she told Hot Press, “or a little bit more flying out to places like Turkey or Africa and recording some different ethnic things and bringing it back for inspiration.”

The Cranberries chanteuse also hinted at the possibility of working with the eclectic producer Brian Eno sometime in the future. “It would be (a possibility), yeah. The reason we didn’t at the time was because Brian likes to experiment in the studio, he likes to go in with pretty much nothing and just write in there. And we were like, ‘Aw, but sure we’ve everything written!'”

The Special Edition Cranberries Issue of Hot Press will be available sometime in early December with a cover price of €5 (about $4.90 US). We’ll have much more on this solo project as we know it, and more on the Hot Press issue very soon. Major thanks to Jessica van Kessel for the info!

Source: Hot Press

Sunday Independent Interview Transcript

November 27, 2002  |  Comments Off on Sunday Independent Interview Transcript  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

We received some feedback that some of our visitors weren’t quite able to read the scans taken from this weekend’s Sunday Independent, so we took a little bit of time to type of the entire article, below. Certainly an excellent read, so make sure you get through it all!

Berried treasure

The biggest Irish rock band since U2 are celebrating the 10th anniversary of their debut album with a global tour. The Cranberries, still friends, still three lads and a lass from Limerick, have sold over 38 million albums. But next year they’re taking time out. Barry Egan met up with them in Milan.

THE disguise works a treat. No one recognizes her. Not even the security guard who block the superstar’s path to her own show. There are no stampy-feet hissy-fits. She manages a laugh until one of the tattooed brick- shithouses on patrol comes to his senses.

He realises that the elfin figure in the shades with the baseball cap pulled down over her face is actually Dolores O’Riordan — one of the reasons why 20,000 people are queuing up outside a giant venue in Milan tonight as the pouring rain rolls off the Alps.

O’Riordan was bored hanging around the drab hotel in the italian city and walked up to the venue on her own. She wanted instead the sanctuary of her own dressing room, a world of scented candles, sumptuous cushions and coming colours. It is in here that Dolores disappears.

Before a show she has a routine of Reiki, a massage and yoga. However, beneath all that Eastern calm, Dolores is desperately missing her two children. She’s chartering a private jet to be home for her son Taylor’s birthday on Saturday. Thirty thousand euros. Worth every cent. Giant balloons are being inflated and clowns hired. (Editor’s note: We hope Mickey the Clown is not among those invited.)

“He’ll never be five again. I don’t care about the money,” she says. “I’m a mother more than I’m a rock star.”

After the birthday bash in Kilmallock, her home in Co Limerick, Dolores is due to fly back to Italy the following day for a show in Trevisio, then move on to Strasbourg, Brussels, Amsterdam, Glasgow and London. In the past 48 months, the band have performed in 30 countries around the world. It is non-stop. Or at least it was.

Come January, the Cranberries are taking a year off. O’Riordan is taking some long-overdue time out. Being on tour for long periods, she misses Taylor and baby daughter Molly like crazy.

“We were asked to go to Asia in January but I couldn’t,” she says before the show. “You miss them growing up. You’ll never have that back.”

The year 2003 is Dolores O’Riordan’s year for being mammy again. She also has plans to take acting lessons and maybe do a movie if the right part comes along. “But then maybe I’d be f**king crap!” she laughs. (She was offered a part in Titanic but turned that down flatly — and the offer to write some music for the film.)

She would also like to record — at home — an album of left-of-centre songs. She played a snatch of just such a number behind the big white piano at soundcheck earlier in the day: it is ethereal, surreal, sad, beautiful and trance-like. And decidedly unlike anything we’ve ever heard Dolores play before.

“We were in school when the Cranberries took off, so that’s all we’ve ever known,” she says later. “We’ve never really fully experimented and tried different things.”

Meanwhile, guitarist Noel Hogan is running the London marathon in April next year. (He runs 15 miles every second day.)

“And I…” begins his brother, Cranberries bassist Mike, “…I’m going to have another sex change next year.”

“I can just imagine you in a wig and women’s underwear!” says drummer Fergal Lawler.

Dolores doesn’t have to imagine. She can recall the early days of the Cranberries when the brothers Hogan would break into her room, liberally applying her make-up before helping themselves to their singer’s undergarments.

Like two gaelic Danny La Rues, Noel and Mike would then appear on the tourbus imitating the two girls, young Dolores and her good friend Brefni. “They used to bust my bras and knickers all the time!” Dolores remembers as Mike and Noel look on horrified that their secret’s finally out. There I was minding my own business when suddenly the two of them would run down the bus in my underwear and plastered in lipstick.

Another night, after traveling up in the back of a bread van from Limerick for a Dublin show, Dolores and the band, desperate for digs, stayed in accommodation in Mountjoy Prison. (Relax: Dolores’s brother works there.) Apparently the brothers Hogan found loads of women’s clothes in the hot- press in the ‘Joy and once again dressed up to take the mickey out of their young singer.

They can all laugh about it now, the days of having nothing. They can remember the early days when Dolores was dating (“nothing serious”) Liam O Maonlai of the Hothouse Flowers, and the times the unknown Limerick band played the support slots to the then hugely popular Dublin band. Starving, the male members of the Cranberries would pester Dolores into getting food from her boyfriend’s band’s dressing room.

“The Hothouse Flowers have very nice cheese,” Mike, Noel, and Fergal would say. “Get us some!”

“Leave me alone!” she would reply. “I’m not scoring cheese off my boyfriend for you!”

“We were the bummer opening act,” Fergal remembers now. “We had nothing. No food. No drink. No prospects. And no cheese!”

Ten years on, dairy products are no problem for the biggest rock band to come out of Ireland since U2. (Their opulent, cheese-filled dressing room is a testament to this.) The Cranberries, still friends, have sold over 38 million albums. They are known right around the globe.

Closer than ever, their trust, loyalty and friendship remain incalculable. They also have a shared, out-of-kilter sense of humour of people who have spent years living in each other’s pockets.

Dolores tends to begin anecdotes with a[n] anxiety-inducing “He’ll kill me for this,” before dredging up the time Fergal drank a bottle of local tequila in Mexico in 1997, complete with the worm inside the bottle and some ants’ eggs, before “throwing up for hours.”

Unfortunately for the Cranberries, the next morning they were brought like visiting dignitaries to see a local attraction. Somewhat the worse for tequila and wine, a day in the baking hot sun was not what their fragile Limerick systems needed.

“Our throats were like someone had poohed in them,” says Dolores. “We were all dying of hangovers. This religious Indian guy, who took peyote every day, kept trying to get us to chant, but all we wanted was water. He gave us names. I was Snake.”

Another night, after a binge in an English country pub, the band were cycling back to their posh hotel when Dolores’s husband Don fell off and lay prostrate on the ground. Once she got him back to the hotel, Dolores, in search of some life-giving elixir, slipped her tiny hand in behind the locked bar downstairs and managed to turn the key. Drinks for everyone.

“You have to be a bit naughty sometimes,” she says. “One of the great things is, it’s still fun being in the Cranberries. And if it stops being fun, you should stop doing it. It would ruin it. Because we’ve been there before, when we almost became a commodity. We were like four basket cases freaking out of our heads all the time. “How many panic attacks have you had today?”

Panic attacks are very much a thing of the past. They are now celebrating the 10th anniversary of the release of their debut album, Everybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?

It all started in May 1990: a[n] 18-year-old Dolores Mary O’Riordan turned up at the Hogan’s house with a keyboard under her arm to sing Linger. Within three years, the Cranberries had achieved staggering success in America and the UK. The massive stardom hasn’t overpowered Dolores to the extent that she has withdrawn from public life. You still occasionally see her around the clubs of Limerick.

“We don’t think of ourselves as stars,” she says. But they are. Bigger than a thousand Pop Idols put together.

Growing up in Limerick, and still living there, has stopped the band from ever getting big heads, says Fergal. “Irish people slap you down if you start getting too big for your boots,” he laughs.

The path to fame is not always an easy one. Those whom the gods wish to destroy are granted fame and fortune at a dangerously early age, they say. And the Cranberries were but babies. They survived where others before them perished. “When you become famous very young — when you become a millionaire almost overnight — people expect you to be screwed up,” Dolores says. “So it makes you more determined to keep your life together. It makes you more determined to make the simple things in life right.”


“Like a good marriage,” she says. “Having children. Being a good parent.” Keep your marriage together. Staying loyal, and seeing the big picture. And not getting caught up with the small, quick temptation, or whatever.”

Dolores and Don Burton, Duran Duran’s former tour manager, were married in 1994 in Holy Cross Abbey outside Tipperary. (Noel’s wife is Catherine, his brother Mike is married to Siobhan and Fergal’s wife is Laurie.) They seem blissfully happy together. Tonight in Milan, Don buzzes adoringly around her all evening. She dotes on him in return, hugging and kissing him at every opportunity.

On the tourbus later, she recounts affectionately how her husband is like an animal in bed. Snores like an animal, that is. To illustrate her point, Dolores reaches over and demonstrates how she holds his nose, but even that doesn’t stop him, it seems. When he finally stops, baby Molly will invariably wake up in the other room.

Earlier, while Dolores held 20,000 Italians in thrall for two hours, Don brought me up onto the side of the stage where he gushed with the praise of the truly in love: “That’s my wife! And she’s the greatest singer in the world!”

From the reaction of the crowd to Dolores’s vocal dynamics on Dreams, Linger and Zombie, there are plenty of people who agree with his assessment.

Don’s relations from Canada are over for the show. While his wife gets changed for the night’s main entertainment in her dressing room, Don orders pasta and steak for everyone, and, in the backstage dining area, holds court: outlining the special freedom of riding his horses bareback on their 250-acre ranch in Kilmallock (it makes the Ewings’ South Fork look like an afterthought). He says proudly that their children get up on horses like sitting up on a chair.

He charms everyone. Well over six foot, with spiky blond hair, he reminds me of nobody so much as Fachtna O Ceallaigh, Sinead O’Connor’s former boyfriend, about who she sang Nothing Compares 2 U. When I comment on the similarity, Don tells me about the occasion a long time ago when Sinead sat down on his knee — platonically, of course. Until Don’s future wife noticed that he was being used as an armchair and said: “Grrr!”

TONIGHT, Dolores runs around the stage like Penelope Pitstop on tequila. For other reasons, it must be exhausting being Dolores. Everybody wants you. Even the Pope. She will make a solo appearance at the Vatican’s Annual Christmas Concert in Rome on December 14.

Last year, she sang for His Holiness with the Vatican Orchestra (and Westlife — Dolores and Don’s son Taylor has Westlife on the side of his lunchbox. Dolores bought it for him.)

“Don is not Catholic — he’s atheist or heathen or whatever you call it, he was never baptised — but when he met the Pope, he was moved,” O’Riordan recalls. “The Pope’s presence is amazing! He is so old but is still rocking at his age. And he’s bigger than the Rolling Stones!”

The Cranberries can’t wait to be home for Christmas. Noel Hogan will have a double celebration. He was born on Christmas day, 1971. “My dad was pretty pissed off,” he says, “because there weren’t any pubs open on Christmas day in 1971 to celebrate.”

Dolores will be bringing Taylor to midnight mass for the first time. “At the age of five, Taylor and kids his age start to become really aware of Christ. Thankfully, at school the heavier elements of the catechism for children have been taken out. When we were kids we learnt about burning in hell and the devil. That is gone.”

None of the Cranberries are practicing Catholics but they all bring up their children in that belief system, because, says Fergal, “You should give your child some identity, and then when they’re older they can choose.”

Churches have a special potency for Dolores. When she was 15, she played the organ at mass in Ballybricken. The choir ranged in age from 35 to 75, she remembers. “It was like my youth club. I learnt a lot of good things — like Latin and hymns.”

At school in Laurel Hill in Limerick, Dolores used to play camogie. He legs were permanently black and blue from the wallops she got on the field but that only seemed to embolden her. She and another girl were the only two in a class of 35 who played camogie. The other 33 girls played hockey.

Dolores hated hockey. It was, she says, for posh sissies. You had to wear culottes. “I wanted to wear shorts and socks and push and shoulder and shove like the boys.”

Stuff patriarchy! Give me those hurleys now!

Twentysomething years later, the same girl emerges from the dressing room at nine o’clock, a glamorous Dolce e Gabbana goddess. The crowd greets her appearance onstage like the arrival of gladiators in ancient Rome. Noel and Mike Hogan and Fergal and Dolores play like their lives depend on it.

Afterwards, beyond the security guards at the backstage door, hundreds of fans have waited patiently in the rain for a glimpse of their idols. Genuinely shy, Dolores sees the crowd and asks me whether I think she should go out or not. I tell her that they love her. Soon Dolores is shaking hands and giving autographs for the multitudes.

“Ciao, Dolores! Dolores! Brava Dolores!” they shout.

Fifteen minutes later the object of their devotion is inside her state-of-the- art tourbus, opening a bottle of wine and contemplating the nature of her existence. She knows God’s existence is as impossible to prove as it is to disprove. But she knows there’s something else after death. She views her life as being like river water, gushing over rocks to begin with, later flowing wider, and finally merging painlessly with the sea, losing its individuality but continuing as part of the greater whole.

On tour in Turkey in mid-November, Dolores recalls waking up at dawn to prayers being chanted from the mosques. After the concerts, the Turkish fans gave Dolores presents of decorative eyes that, they said, kept watch to keep evil away.

“I have a big collection of eyes,” says the green-eyed chanteuse. “That’s the great thing about traveling the world: you realise how similar a lot of religions are.”

She tells me about her lucid dreaming — crashing on planes into bunkers then waking up still on the plane. Freud wouldn’t get a look in.

Dolores, who turned 31 last year [sic], says she appreciates life more than she used to. “I’m more impulsive. Instead of talking about things, I just do them. I trust my own instincts, I’m a little bit more connected with the spirit. That is one of the good things about getting older. Gravity kicks in, yeah, but there are better things than the visual.”

One of Dolores’s earliest memories is being about five at school in Limerick. The headmistress brought her out of the class and up into the sixth grade class where the 12-year-old girls were. She sat Dolores up on the teacher’s desk and told her to sing for them. The five-year-old loved it — singing was something she had “that could win people over.”

Tonight in Northern Italy more so than ever.

The Cranberries play the Point in Dublin on December 6, 2002. Their album ‘Stars — The Best of 1992-2002’ is now available.

Source: Exclusive

No Special Edition “Stars” for 2002

November 27, 2002  |  Comments Off on No Special Edition “Stars” for 2002  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Representatives from Universal/Mercury Germany have today told Zombieguide that the planned Special Edition 2CD German version of “Stars”will not arrive before the end of the year. The new edition, which was to include a bonus CD with live acoustic tracks taken from radio performances, was originally slated to be released in Germany before Christmas.

“We have decided not to produce or release a German edition with acoustic tracks from the radio sets this year,” said the Mercury Germany representative, with emphasis on the “this year” portion. This, of course, leaves a 2003 release open to possibility, but nothing has been officially confirmed for next year as of yet.

Thanks to a special contributor for the tip.

Source: Exclusive

Sunday Independent: Big Break for 2003, New Song Played!

November 26, 2002  |  Comments Off on Sunday Independent: Big Break for 2003, New Song Played!  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

An interview out of the November 24th issue of the Irish newspaper, the Sunday Independent divulges more details about The Cranberries’ future plans than what we have amassed in the span of the last several months. Below are some pieces that we’ve pulled out of the article.

Dolores told the Sunday Independent that she plans to spend a good deal of money to be home for Taylor’s fifth birthday, which occurs later this week (30,000 Euros [$29,800 US] for the private jet alone). “He’ll never be five again. I don’t care about the money,” she admits. “I’m a mother more than I’m a rock star.”

According to the article, the band plans to take nearly the entire year of 2003 off. “We were asked to go to Asia in January but I couldn’t,” Dolores says during the interview in Milan. Dolores and Noel plan to do some writing in the Spring for an “experimental” sixth album, while Fergal hinted only days ago that some touring plans for the summer are in the works. In April, guitarist Noel Hogan plans to run the annual London marathon — as he runs 15 miles every other day.

As for the new material, Dolores sat herself behind the white piano at soundcheck in Milan to play a new song for the interviewer. The interviewer describes the song as “left-of-centre” and “ethereal, surreal, sad, beautiful, and trance-like. And decidedly unlike anything we’ve ever head Dolores play before.”

Dolores also told the Sunday Independent that she may use time next year to take professional acting lessions. On a rather shocking sidenote, she relates that she was offered an acting part in the movie Titanic, the highest- grossing film of all time. Additionally, she was offered the chance to write music for the film. She flatly declined both offers.

There’s tons more to be read out of the new interview, so head over to theMagazines section to view full scans from the Sunday Independent. You won’t regret it.

Huge thanks to an anonymous contributor for the scans.

Source: Exclusive

New Commercial Bootleg: “Granada”

November 22, 2002  |  Comments Off on New Commercial Bootleg: “Granada”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

A new bootleg originating out of Spain has hit the streets, simply entitled”Granada”. The CD includes the full concert from the Palacio de los Deportes in Granada, Spain on October 23, 2002, plus bonus tracks from the band’s concert in Barcelona in March. The new disc is pressed under the “Bees Records” label and is currently confirmed to be available in Barcelona. The tracklisting goes as follows:

1. Intro
2. Analyse
3. Time is Ticking Out
4. Zombie
5. Animal Instinct
6. Linger
7. Ode to My Family
8. Put Me Down
9. Just My Imagination
10. Hollywood
11. Desperate Andy
12. Pretty
13. Daffodil Lament
14. I Can’t Be With You
15. When You’re Gone
16. New New York
17. Stars
18. Free to Decide
19. Salvation
20. Ridiculous Thoughts

1. This is the Day
2. Dying in the Sun
3. Empty
4. You and Me
5. Promises
6. Dreams

Bonus Tracks (Barcelona, March 15, 2002):
7. Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
8. Zombie
9. Analyse
10. Time is Ticking Out
11. Animal Instinct
12. You and Me
13. Ode to My Family
14. Just My Imagination
15. Loud and Clear
16. Desperate Andy
17. Pretty
18. When You’re Gone
19. I Can’t Be With You

The sound quality is described as “very good.” Thanks to Jérôme for the additional help and info.

Source: Cranberries Tape Trader

Special Edition Hot Press Preview in Current Issue

November 22, 2002  |  Comments Off on Special Edition Hot Press Preview in Current Issue  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The newest edition the Irish entertainment magazine “Hot Press,” which hit the newsstands yesterday, carries a teaser advertisement for the “Limited Edition Collectors Issue Celebrating 10 years.” According to the ad, the special Cranberries issue will be released next week. Most immediately obvious is the new photo of Dolores in the center, which will undoubtedly be part of the new issue. Also listed are some of the goodies we can expect to be included, namely:

– Every single Hot Press article ever written on the band from the ealiest to the very latest
– Every Hot Press feature on the Cranberries, complete and unedited
– Complete Hot Press Cranberries archive material
– Exclusive pictures
– Never-before-seen memorabilia
– Brand new interviews with all members

Check out the scan below. Very special thanks to an anonymous visitor for sending the scan our way!

Source: Exclusive

Official Updated Album Sales Figures

November 19, 2002  |  Comments Off on Official Updated Album Sales Figures  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

For the first time in approximately two years, the Official Cranberries Website has updated the “Album Sales” page on in its “Stats” section. The band’s earlier albums have accumulated a few hundred thousand sales each since the last update. The band’s (approximate) sales stand currently as follows:

Everybody Else Is Doing It  7,600,000

No Need To Argue  16,700,000

To The Faithful Departed  6,200,000

Bury The Hatchet  3,300,000

Wake Up And Smell The Coffee  1,300,000

Stars – Best Of 1992-2002  1,100,000

Miscellaneous combinations / limited edition  1,800,000 approx

(These stats as of November 2002)

The updated statistics certainly clear up a bit of speculation. The Irish magazine Hot Press reported in April of 2000 that “Bury the Hatchet” had already sold 5 million, which apparently by these stats, makes it an erranous report.

Source: Official Cranberries Website

New Commercial Bootleg, Spanish Sampler

November 19, 2002  |  Comments Off on New Commercial Bootleg, Spanish Sampler  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Collectors on the lookout for the latest and greatest have two new items to look for to add to their collections.

The first is a new commercially-pressed bootleg titled simply “Live at Olympia”. The bootleg is an “excellent sound quality” recording of the October 16th Olympia Music Hall concert in Paris, France. No word yet under what label the bootleg is being manufactured, although it appears to have been crafted by the same group that released both “French Dreams” and “Les Printemps de Bourges”. (“Printemps” was released under the pseudo-label “France Inter Records.”) And, once again it seems, Zombieguide.com is listed on the back for “other info on internet.” Tracklisting is:

1. Analyse
2. New New York
3. Ode to My Family
4. Linger
5. Animal Instinct
6. Just My Imagination
7. Free to Decide
8. Hollywood
9. Desperate Andy (Long)
10. I Can’t Be With You
11. When You’re Gone
12. Stars
13. Salvation
14. Zombie
15. Ridiculous Thoughts
16. This Is The Day
17. Promises
18. Dreams

In related news, Universal Spain has sent out 5-track samplers for “Stars” to media outlets on the Iberian Peninsula. A small scan of the cover image can be seen below.

“Stars” DVD Menu Captures

November 18, 2002  |  Comments Off on “Stars” DVD Menu Captures  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

While the “Stars” DVD was released in many regions of the world a week ago, those in North America are still waiting on the November 26th release, while those in the UK and Ireland have to wait until early December.

Nevertheless, Matteo (aka Melkain) was kind enough to make some screencaptures of the menu layout on the DVD, so take a look below.

(images no longer available)

Rolling Stone Interview Translation

November 14, 2002  |  Comments Off on Rolling Stone Interview Translation  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Just a few days ago, you’ll no doubt recall that we posted a new interview with Dolores from the French version of Rolling Stone in the Magazines section of the site. Ever since, the discussion forums have been ablaze with speculation on what Dolores had to say…

So what is it that Dolores is talking about that has everyone running in circles? The sixth album. Here’s a human translation, done by Guillaume:

“For me, this Best Of is the end of an era and the beginning of another one. I’m not quite sure yet what the new era is going to be like, but it definately is going to be very different. The next album may not even be a Cranberries album, it could be released through another identity, be a soundtrack for a movie, what do I know? I could decide to take a new direction and try to be an actress for a year. It’s like being with someone for years and doing the same thing over and over again; there are all these things that you would like to try. So we are going to start to do it right now. You know, stretch our wings and go where we never went before.”

Huge thanks to Guillaume (aka Insider27) for the translation.

Source: Rolling Stone France

Dolores on MTV2’s “EMAs Come to Barcelona”

November 14, 2002  |  Comments Off on Dolores on MTV2’s “EMAs Come to Barcelona”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

MTV’s annual European Music Awards take place tonight in Barcelona, Spain, and to celebrate, MTV2 has put together a special called “2002 EMAs Come to Barcelona”, which has been airing all week. The show highlights the sights and sounds around Barcelona’s cityscape and music scene. One segment includes several artists talking abut the city, which includes The Cranberries’ own Dolores O’Riordan in the mesh in an interview which looks to have been recorded earlier in the year.

“It’s a great gig,” Dolores said about the city, where the band has played numerous times in recent years. “They have some great wines!” she added in a segment where artists commented on Spain’s exceptional cuisine.

For those that missed the painfully short interview, we’ve made some large videocaptures which are for your viewing pleasure below.

(images no longer available)

“Stars” DVD Scans and Screencaps

November 12, 2002  |  Comments Off on “Stars” DVD Scans and Screencaps  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The DVD “Stars: The Best of Videos 1992-2002” has already been released in a few select European countries. Below we have several scans of the new release, including the outer art and the inner booklet (which looks to be more comprehensive than the “Beneath the Skin” sheet). As can be seen, the art is heavily borrowed from the “Stars” album release, with a few alterations as needed.

In addition, you can check out over 100 DVD image captures here, mostly taken from the “Love and Rock ‘n’ Roll” documentary and the “Stars” video.

Big thanks to Patrick for both the scans and the captures.

(images no longer available)

Dolores to Sing for the Pope Again!

November 10, 2002  |  Comments Off on Dolores to Sing for the Pope Again!  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Several reports on newswires out of Italy like this one are all reporting that Dolores O’Riordan is on schedule to sing for Pope John Paul II yet again this year at the 10th Annual Vatican Christmas Concert. This year’s concert will take place at the Paolo VI concert hall on December 14th, 2002. Other invitees this year (and possible duet partners!) include Alexia, Francesco Renga, Pooh, Mariella Nava, Elisa, Gigi D’Alessio, Anna Tatangelo, The Corrs, Lisa Stanfield, Bryan Ferry, Lionel Richie, Josh Groban, the ScottishPower Pipe Band, and many more.

Last year, Dolores was personally picked by the Holy Father to perform at the 9th Annual Christmas Concert. She performed “Analyse” and “Panis Angelicus” alone, “Little Drummer Boy” with Westlife, and “Silent Night” with all of the invited artists. She noted that she was incredibly honored by last year’s invitation, and a second invitation should be twice the pleasure. The concert will be broadcasted by Canal 5 in Italy, and will probably be picked up by a few other channels throughout the globe (UK Satellite channel Tara was one of the few other channels that broadcasted last year’s concert).

Thanks to several people for the tip!

Source: TgCom

Vicar St. Is Complete After All

November 9, 2002  |  Comments Off on Vicar St. Is Complete After All  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Reports that the “Stars” DVD would not include the full Vicar Street gig, which seem to have stemmed from a listing on Universal Germany have been proven to be false. Fans in some European regions where the DVD has already been released report that the full Vicar Street is included on the DVD, not just one track as Universal Germany has listed.

No word yet on the other bonuses that Universal Germany has listed — namely, an alternate version of “Just My Imagination,” and a few more live tracks. Perhaps this is the sign of multiple versions of the DVD, but that is only speculation at this point.

Thanks to cranascom for the tip.

Source: Exclusive

“Pavarotti and Friends Collection” to release on DVD

November 8, 2002  |  Comments Off on “Pavarotti and Friends Collection” to release on DVD  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Dolores O’Riordan’s 1995 performance in Modena, Italy for “Pavarotti and Friends for the Children of Bosnia” will be included as part of an upcoming release of the deluxe “Pavarotti and Friends Collection” on DVD. The boxed set will contain 4 DVDs, which will include all seven historic “Pavarotti and Friends” concerts from 1992 until 2000, plus a bonus “My Heart’s Delight” concert.

The four DVDs will be housed in a slipcase, with a booklet containing the tracklisting for each DVD, and the menus will also support multiple languages. Dolores’ performance for Pavarotti and Friends for the Children of Bosnia will be contained on Disc 2, which includes her “Linger” duet with Duran Duran’s Simon LeBon and the “Ave Maria” duet with Pavarotti (which was recently included in “To the Faithful Departed: The Complete Sessions 1996-1997”). The list of other artists that appear in the set is huge, including U2, Ricky Martin, Bon Jovie, Stevie Wonder, and Elton John, just to name a few.

The luxorious set will be released on November 12th in the United States with a retail price of US $79.95, no small change for sure. But you may be heartened to know that much of the proceeds from the sale of the set will go to benefit War Child’s Mostar Music Centre. War Child is a charity that Dolores has supported several times in her career, and doing so was no doubt a strong influence in the “To the Faithful Departed” ballad of the same name.

“Pavarotti and Friends for the Children of Bosnia” was released last year separately on DVD in Asia only. However, with limited numbers of NTSC printings and its import status, it was an extremely hard (and expensive) item to locate, with some importers wanting upwards of $60 for the single release.

Official Site Wants Italian Fans to Make Stars

November 8, 2002  |  Comments Off on Official Site Wants Italian Fans to Make Stars  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

CranberriesItalia, The Cranberries’ Official Italian website, is asking for fans who are attending the upcoming Italian tour dates to construct stars out of posterboard to wave in the arena in order to “warmly welcome the band.” The cutouts will be held up in the audience during the song “Stars” — and any other time during the concert that fans get the urge to wave something ecstatically. The site adds, “We recommend that we all actively participate in this project in order to leave a memorable impression in the minds of our favorite artists!”

Detailed step-by-step instructions (in Italian) for making posterboard stars can be found here with several illustations — the site recommends a metallic, reflective gold paper. (As if you actually needed instructions.)

Source: CranberriesItalia

Limerick Anniversary Gig Plans in Doubt

November 3, 2002  |  Comments Off on Limerick Anniversary Gig Plans in Doubt  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

A concert planned as a “Tenth Anniversary” event next summer in The Cranberries’ hometown of Limerick, Ireland may not even occur at all, according to a spokesperson for the band.

“I’m really sorry but nothing has happened with that gig,” the representative said this weekend. “We have not confirmed anything or we’re not sure if it’s going ahead even.”

The event was originally scheduled to be held in August of this year. The local Limerick Leader even reported this past March that plans for a summer event were nearly finalized to take place at the newly-built Limerick Racecourse. However, the event was later postponed to summer of 2003 by the band to adjust for the “Stars” promotional tour. The band hasn’t played in their hometown since their performance at the The Theatre Royal in December 1993.

We’ll have more on this subject (if there is any more) as it unfolds.

Source: Cranberries Tape Trader

New UK 1-Track “Stars” Promo, New Art

November 3, 2002  |  Comments Off on New UK 1-Track “Stars” Promo, New Art  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Universal Records in the UK has released a new 1-track promo for “Stars.” Unlike some of the previous promo releases in Europe, this new disc includes brand new custom “Stars” artwork in the same vein as the previous album and single art. The disc art, too, is different, rather than continuing the green “star” design which has been seen on both the album and single releases.

Fergal Hints at North American Tour

November 1, 2002  |  Comments Off on Fergal Hints at North American Tour  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

In a letter posted today on the Cranberries Official Website, drummer Fergal Lawler strongly hints at the possibilty of a North American tour for “early next year.”

“I managed to locate a nice winter hat for myself,” he writes, “complete with ear-flaps! It doesn’t really get that cold at home in Ireland, but I hope to get to use it in the colder climates abroad early next year!”

Now that they’ve nearly exhausted the European continent, there aren’t many “colder climates” left in the Nothern Hemisphere during the months early in the year, save for Russia, which is unlikely; after all, it will be summer during those months in the Southern Hemisphere (Sorry, Australia and South America). Not to mention the word “abroad” (i.e. across the ocean) sounds very promising!

Fergal wrote in his last letter that “We were planning our new schedule yesterday for 2003 and we are going to be touring until the beginning of April and then we will be doing some shows with some other artists in June and July to wrap up a great 2 years on the road.” The band has yet to reveal any specifics of these plans, but it sounds like we may know more about them now than we did previously.

Source: Cranberries Official Website

Universal Taiwan Releases Mousepad Bundles

October 30, 2002  |  Comments Off on Universal Taiwan Releases Mousepad Bundles  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

As if their limited edition metallic CD wallets weren’t enough, Universal Taiwan has shipped yet another piece of promotional “Stars” swag to retailers. In an attempt to help boost sales, those who purchase “Stars” at select Taiwanese retailers will receive a limited promo-only “Stars” mousepad as a bonus. (Bear in mind that this comes in addition to the extra mini-book that comes standard with the Taiwanese version of “Stars.”)

For those that already have the album, the promo mousepad is available separately through Asian import specialty site SolCD.com for $9.99 US

Source: SolCD.com

Changes in “Stars” DVD Contents

October 30, 2002  |  Comments Off on Changes in “Stars” DVD Contents  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

It seems that some fairly substantial changes have been made in the special features to be included in next month’s DVD release of “Stars: The Best of Videos 1992-2002.”

It seems that the full Vicar Street concert from November 2000, which was listed in several pieces of pre-release promotion (American sales sheet,French sales sheet) has been removed from the upcoming release. However, it hasn’t been removed entirely — the DVD will now contain only “Shattered” from Vicar Street (arguably the best song from that performance anyway).

In its place, the production crew has inserted a few new extra features into the DVD, which were not reported on the earlier sales sheet. The current list of extra features is listed below, with newly-announced additions highlighted in bold:

Alternate Videos:
1. Dreams(Director: Nico Soultanakis)
2. Ridiculous Thoughts (Director’s Cut: Samuel Bayer)
3. When You’re Gone (Director’s Cut: Jake Scott)
4. Just My Imagination(Performance Only)
5. Analyse (Director’s Cut – Original version)

Live Tracks:
1. Daffodil Lament 1994 Astoria
2. No Need to Argue 1995 MTV Unplugged
3. Empty 1994 Astoria
4. Sunday 1996 Tour
5. Shattered 2000 Vicar Street

– Documentary: LOVE LIFE & ROCK N’ ROLL (1999) *

DVD-Rom Functions:
– Interactive slideshow
– Calender
– Wallpapers

* Note: Also previously titled “Love & Rock ‘n’ Roll”

As you can see, an alternate version of “Just My Imagination” (just the band’s performance footage), the unforgettable MTV Unplugged version of “No Need to Argue,” and “Shattered” from Vicar Street are all new additions to the DVD.

It’s unknown if the late changes are due to video problems found in late production, but it is a strong possibility.

Sources: Cranberries of Prat

“Stars” Sells One Million Worldwide

October 23, 2002  |  Comments Off on “Stars” Sells One Million Worldwide  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The Cranberries have now sold over one million copies of their greatest hits compilation “Stars: The Best of The Cranberries 1992-2002,” only a little over a month after its worldwide release in September.

The band members were awarded with plaques backstage at the Olympia in Paris last Wednesday to congratulate the disc’s success. Each member was awarded an individual small plaque while the group was collectively given an almost comically humongous wall plaque, which included all of the band’s albums to date. Dolores even popped open a bottle of vino to celebrate!

For reference, “Wake Up and Smell the Coffee,” which was released a year ago today in the United States, sold 1.4 million copies worldwide in the timespan between October and December of last year, almost double the amount of time. Those were the last official worldwide sales figures of “Wake Up” that we have received, and those numbers have likely risen since then, in no small part due to the Wake Up and Smell the Coffee World Tour 2002.

Its likely that the strong majority of “Stars” sales have come from Europe, since promotion elsewhere is virtually nonexistant. With all of this in consideration, the album seems to be doing rather well.

Check out photos from the private event backstage at the Olympia below. Huge thanks to Lou for the scoop and the photos.

Source: Exclusive

Online and Print Interviews Galore!

October 22, 2002  |  Comments Off on Online and Print Interviews Galore!  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

As a result of the band’s extensive promo work in Europe for the recent release of “Stars,” several interviews have sprung up all over the place. But as a result of them being in Europe, few of them are in English.

Below you can check out several new write-ups from the October issues of “Telepiù” (Italian, 3 pages), “40 Magazine” (Spanish, 1 page), and “Top Music” (Spanish, 2 pages).

In addition to the above print material, French channel MCM has posted some extensive streaming video interviews of the band, recorded on October 18th. On the down side, the video is dubbed over in French, but on the upside, the dub is not overbearing (you can still understand most of the dialogue), and the quality is fantastic on a fast connection.

Thanks once again to Lorenzo for the “Telepiù” scans.

Sources: Cranstar, Official Cranberries Fanclub (Spain), MCM

“New New York” Live Video Clip

October 21, 2002  |  Comments Off on “New New York” Live Video Clip  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

On October 16th, The Cranberries played “New New York” live for the first time ever to a massive audience at Paris’s Olympia.

“We played ‘New New York’ for the first time ever. It felt good but we need to play it a few more times to get really confident,” Fergal wrote on the latest update on the official page.

And we now have a clip of one of these performances available thanks to an ameteur audience video recording by Hyperboy. Click below to download the clip:

Live in Berlin Video Clips 10-19-2002 (Windows Media, 6.7mb)

Be sure to visit the Cranberries section of the Hyperboy site for more still shots of the concert. (Special thanks for permission to link directly to the video.) Be sure to download the video soon, as it will be taken offline within the next few weeks.

Other new “surprises” to the “Stars” tour setlist include “Hollywood”,”Empty”, “Put Me Down”, and “Dying in the Sun”. Even more surprising is that the classic show-ender “Dreams” is now the first song of the show, whereas “Zombie” is now the last! (Which, as you may recall, is a complete reversal of the order from the “Wake Up” tour.) “Dreams” has ended nearly every Cranberries concert in the past eight years unitl now.

Source: Hyperboy

“Stars” 2-track CD Single Scans

October 18, 2002  |  Comments Off on “Stars” 2-track CD Single Scans  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Earlier this month, Universal in Europe released a 2-track version of “Stars” alongside the 4-track maxi CD. The 2-track version contains the following tracks:

1. Stars
2. Dreaming My Dreams

The CD art differs slightly from the 4-track version, while the cover and back are nearly identical.

“The Story” Mystery Solved!

October 17, 2002  |  Comments Off on “The Story” Mystery Solved!  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

You know, we really didn’t expect the mystery of “The Story” to be solved so quickly — much less by these means!

Lou, an avid Cranberries fan and freelance writer working in France had the extreme pleasure of interviewing Dolores O’Riordan yesterday via phone in Paris for an upcoming print interview. She writes:

“Yesterday, I interviewed Dolores for a French magazine. And I asked her about “The Story” … Do you wanna know? It’s a song called “The Same Old Story” that has only been played twice and never been recorded. Also, I’ve got some pictures of the Golden Record they have received, but I’ll upload them tonight, and they’ll be on www.mademoisellenothomb.com/olympia.htmaround midnight… I’ve also got pics of Dolores.

“It’s for a French magazine, but as I’m in freelance for the moment, I can’t say the name. The interview was by phone around 12 o’clock, and lasted 20 minutes. I did the interview, and then I spoke a little with her, asking her if she remembered me… She did, wow! (I told her about Monaco.)

“So, trust me, my information is true! You can’t imagine how happy I was when Dolores remembered the name of the song… She didn’t even have it in mind, she took five minutes to remember the name!”

So there you have it! It looks like the book is closed on yet another mystery song title. New information on “The Same Old Story” will be added to theComplete Songlist.

Source: Exclusive

“Stars” DVD Delayed, Original “Zombie” Confirmed

October 16, 2002  |  Comments Off on “Stars” DVD Delayed, Original “Zombie” Confirmed  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

A message on the Cranberries’ official mailing list brings word that next month’s release of “Stars: The Best of Videos 1992-2002” has been delayed by one week, due to an error found on the master disc. The message explains:

The “Stars – Best of Videos 1992-2002” DVD will be delayed by at least a week due to a production error caught in the final approval phase, just prior to manufacturing. One “Live performance” video had an error, so it is being replaced with a new master of the same song. Everything else remains the same. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the wait will be worth it.

The new release dates will be posted on the website as soon as Universal give out the date(s). The delay is expected to be one week later.

The final running time is over 2 hrs, so be prepared for a true retrospective. There is something new for everyone. Plenty of memories captured. Enjoy!

According to Universal, the DVD is now on track for a release on November 26th in the US.

In other news, the band’s management has confirmed that the original version of the “Zombie” video will appear on the “Stars” DVD, not the edited version that appears on the UK bonus disc for “Stars.” You may now breathe a sigh of relief.

We’ll have more on the new DVD as we know it right here!

Source: Official Site Mailing List

Final “Stars” DVD Cover Art

October 15, 2002  |  Comments Off on Final “Stars” DVD Cover Art  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Universal Music France has issued some industry-only trade ads for the upcoming release of “Stars: The Best of Videos 1992-2002,” which will release there in France on November 12th (same day as the US release). The ad contains what is likely the final art for the release (same as the mock-up art, only with some text added). The sheet also lists some French magazines where the new DVD will be promoted, so French fans should take note of the titles and keep an eye open for ads very soon.

Many thanks to Uriel for the scan!

Source: Exclusive

Italian Interview in “Rock Star”

October 15, 2002  |  Comments Off on Italian Interview in “Rock Star”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Last night on MTV Italy aired the special “A Night with The Cranberries” whose special guest was Dolores O’Riordan. She touched on deep subjects like her childhood and on superficial ones too, like her hair and “Don” tattoo.

Matteo (aka MelKain) sent us these nice shots below, which are subtitled in English for your reading convenience.

Source: Exclusive

Italian Interview in “Rock Star”

October 10, 2002  |  Comments Off on Italian Interview in “Rock Star”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The newest edition edition of the Italian magazine “Rock Star” has a 3-page interview with The Cranberries’ own Dolores O’Riordan, yet another fruit of the band’s recent Euro promo tour.

Perhaps the most universally interesting thing in the article is Dolores’ hand- written timeline on the band’s emotional outlook during the span of their career. It seems that their happiest times prior to “Bury the Hatchet” came around 1993, the time when “Linger” propelled them into the spotlight in the United States. Afterwards, however, the line plummets to immeasurable depths around the “To the Faithful Departed” era. Then, Dolores boxes off the peroid shortly after the breakdown, perhaps to symbolized a closed and finalized past before the line reaches the aptly-titled “Bury the Hatchet.” “We’ve finished an ‘era’ of our story, now we want go forward,” she says elsewhere in the article, “… In 1997, the group went into standby.” From there, it shows that their current state of mind with “Stars” is the best they’ve experienced yet.

Thanks to Luca Vignola for sending us the exclusive scans. You can visit Luca’s website, The Concept of Cranberries, here (link no longer available!!)

“Stars” Maxi Single Scans

October 8, 2002  |  Comments Off on “Stars” Maxi Single Scans  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The CD single for “Stars” was released in several territories today, including Italy. Our diligent contributor Lorenzo has sent us a scan of the cover and inner art from the 4-track maxi single, which you can see below. As reported previously, the single contains only album tracks from the band’s career in addition to the new single — Stars, Dreaming My Dreams, Sunday, Hollywood, to be exact.

Once again, thanks to Lorenzo for the lovely scans.

Source: Exclusive!

EXCLUSIVE: Full “Stars” DVD Feature Listing

October 7, 2002  |  Comments Off on EXCLUSIVE: Full “Stars” DVD Feature Listing  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Universal Music Distribution has sent out it’s New Release Books for the first part of November to retails and included in its pages is a one-page sales sheet for the upcoming “Stars: The Best of Videos 1992-2002′′ DVD, which is due out in America on November 12th. Zombieguide has obtained an exclusive scan of the page, which you can see below.

The sheet gives a full list of the DVD’s tracks and bonus features, and there are both surprises and a few slight disappointments to be had. You can read the entire listing on the scan, but here’s just a quick look at some of the bonuses:
»  Full Vicar Street Performance (Nov. 11, 2000)

»  “Love and Rock ‘n’ Roll” Documentary (1999)

»  “Stars” Video encoded in Dolby 5.1

»  3 additional live performances of “Daffodil Lament,” “Sunday,” and “Empty”

»  Alternate videos (see below)

»  DVD-Rom Features

Among the “alternate videos” is the long-lost and highly elusive original video for “Ridiculous Thoughts,” the second version of “Dreams,” an alternate version of “When You’re Gone,” and the original unedited version of “Analyse”.

The videos for “Uncertain” and the original version of “Dreams” are absent from the new DVD

On the down side, the band’s two oldest and most elusive videos, “Uncertain” and the first cut of “Dreams,” seem to be missing from the new release. While a full version of the original version of “Dreams” is available thanks to the Internet, only a few seconds of the “Uncertain” video are known to be available to the public (There were three videos recorded for “Dreams”; the second and third are included on the DVD.). A streaming version of the original “Dreams” video can be viewed in the Zombieguide Media Vault. It seems that we won’t be seeing the full version of “Uncertain” anytime soon.

Also, it should be noted that the “cover art” included on the sheet says “Not actual cover,” which means that the art has yet to be finalized (The mock- up art shown is taken from the front of the UK “Stars” promo).

Well, there you have it, exclusively here first!!

Source: Exclusive!

Cranberries to Film “Behind the Scenes” Documentary

October 6, 2002  |  Comments Off on Cranberries to Film “Behind the Scenes” Documentary  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

In an interview taken last month by Canal Plus (Belgium), Dolores tells the network that the band is planning to film a new ‘behind the scenes’ documentary about the band’s offstage life.

“In the next few months, then, what we’re gonna do is to hire a cameraman that we know very very well to hang out with us,” Dolores revealed. “So like, just to do footage of what it’s really like, you know? ‘Cos there’s a couple of guys we know really well now from being in it for years, like, a couple of guys from Dreamchaser, a company in Ireland… There’s a couple of guys there that we know very well now from over the years, so we’ll probably bring one of those out for a week or two and do a video as well of that, the real side of it.”

“Stuff people normally wouldn’t see,” Ferg added.

Dolores concurs, saying, “In like, the shower, [Editor’s note: !], doing your scales, warming up, making your tea and all that business.”

The interviewer asks, “A bit like reality TV?”

“Kind of like that, yeah. Something more… cos like we thought about doing it before, but the problem was that we really didn’t have the time. But now it’s a good idea with the greatest hits to do something like that because I’m sure people are interested in what goes on behind the stage, kind of behind the scenes,” Dolores (correctly) replies.

Fergal also spoke for a bit on the upcoming “Stars: The Best of The Cranberries” DVD, due out next month. “There’s also a DVD of the singles collection. We’re going to try to get that together and all the videos we’ve done from the start til now, because in some places people might not have seen them. [Sometimes the videos] were just released in certain territories, some of them.”

Be sure to check out the long interview in streaming Windows Media formathere at the Canal Plus website.

Thanks to Uriel for the tip!

Source: Canal Plus

Cranberries Release Censored “Zombie” Video

October 6, 2002  |  Comments Off on Cranberries Release Censored “Zombie” Video  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

It’s been nearly eight years since the classic video for “Zombie” was filmed, with shots in Los Angeles, Dublin, and Belfest, directed by Samuel Bayer. But with the UK release of “Stars,” which includes the music video for “Zombie” as a bonus, something appears to be immediately amiss from the memoriable clip.

As many fans should know, the basis for the song is on the political strife that has burdened Northern Ireland for much of the 20th century as much of the religious-based conflict waged over rule of the northen counties. A car bomb that killed a child in 1993 was Dolores’ immediate inspiration to write the song “Zombie.”

The UK version of “Stars” includes what appears to be a censored, edited version of the video. Footage from the original video — like that of children pretending to be soldiers with bayonettes and guns — has been removed completely, replaced by alternate black and white footage of the band or the gold crucifix footage. Likewise, footage of the outdoor murals of IRA propaganda and other outdoor scenes filmed in Belfast have all been removed in this new cut of the video.

Scenes removed from the new version of “Zombie”

As a result, all outdoor sequences have been removed from the new cut of the video. Only the black and white footage of the band and the color “gold crucifix” footage remains, all of which has been reworked to span the full length of the video.

Phil C, a fan from Northern Ireland, who sends us this news, theorizes that “they have censored the video in respect of the current political climate in Northern Ireland. People have moved on and don’t want to dwell on images of the past. Northern Ireland is a very different place today compared to when the video was recorded.”

The timing of this seems suspicious, as the “Stars” DVD, which will include all the band’s music videos to date, will be released in November. The question at hand is, will this new cut be put onto the DVD in place of the original video?

Should The Cranberries edit a classic video eight years after it was filmed, just to adapt to current political conditions? This is sure to raise some interesting opinions among fans, so be sure to sound off at the Zombieguide Forums.

In addition, Phil has sent us some screen captures of the enhanced UK “Zombie” video, which includes a very cool (Thorgerson-designed?) backdrop to the interface. Hopefully, we’ll have some captures from the “new edit” of the Zombie video within the coming days.

Source: Exclusive!

Interview in Tribe Generation

October 5, 2002  |  Comments Off on Interview in Tribe Generation  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The October 2002 issue of the Italian “Tribe Generation” includes a 2-page interview with the entirety of The Cranberries. Like the recent Tutto interview, this one was taken in Monte Carlo over the summer.

There isn’t much here for the English-speaker except a big picture to gawk at, but if someone could send us a translation, it would be very helpful.

Thanks to Lorenzo for the scans.

Source: Exclusive

Dolores talks to M80 about marriage, BTS

October 5, 2002  |  Comments Off on Dolores talks to M80 about marriage, BTS  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

A previously-recorded interivew with Dolores aired today on Spanish radio station M80. Dolores hit on several interesting topics, including her much- publicized marriage to tour manager Don Burton in 1994 and the decisions involved in releasing the new Beneath the Skin: Live in Paris 2 DVD re- release. Below is a summary, as written by our contributor Jesus Castillo.

»  Dolores recognizes that the second album is clearly “bigger” than EEIDISWCW.

»  Dolores says that she did not realize she was getting married the day of her wedding. Her head was elsewhere and she thought she was in one of her concerts because there were many people from the press as well as many many photographers.

»  They were free to produce the BTS DVD. She finds it an amazing experience because with the extra material people can see the human side of the people behind music (they made a lot of interviews, documentaries,etc). And they worked at a very slow pace in the production as they were given no deadlines from the record company.

»  They decided to record a DVD because they felt they had to do something to somehow erase the image of their last released concert in 1994, which, in their opinion, was not so good.

»  Dolores hates those groups who start their career by playing cover versions. In the beginning, she was asked to do so and she refused (She recalls one time when she was asked to cover “Born In The USA.”). She literally says she hates that way of making music and she does not respect the bands which do not create their own music because they are not “real musicians”. She herself risked her career because “doing your own music was not something profitable or wanted by the music business,” but at the end she has been very successful following her own principles.

»  She was so persecuted by the press that she had no honeymoon. She only escaped with her husband for a couple of days to go camping at the beach. Despite her new marital status, she felt quite depressed because of the excessive work demanded from the company. She assures she had no time to get to know her husband at the beginning.

Source: Exclusive

Cranberries to release “Box of Rarities” by Christmas?

October 3, 2002  |  Comments Off on Cranberries to release “Box of Rarities” by Christmas?  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The newest issue of the Spanish magainze Primera Linea is reporting that The Cranberries are planning to release a “box of rarities” around Chirstmastime this year. The publication gives no further details on the release, and we can only hope that they are not being confused with “Treasure Box,” which was released in May with all the band’s “official” album tracks and B-sides up until “Wake Up.”

To give some validity to the report, the article also includes mention of the”Stars” DVD and the new version of “Stars” which will include live acoustic tracks. Both releases are due by Christmas.

Misunderstanding or fact? A boxed set with new unreleased material would be a great improvement over the “Treasure Box” (which was designed more for “newer” fans). We’ll await more details on this news, and we should know soon enough whether or not it is true.

Thanks to Franberries for the info.

Source: Primera Linea

24 High-Quality “Stars” Captures

October 1, 2002  |  Comments Off on 24 High-Quality “Stars” Captures  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

Yesterday, the new video for “Stars” made yet another impressive debut on the charts, coming in at a #2 debut on Canadian channel MuchMoreMusic’s fan-voted countdown, Top10.com.

However, it has fallen from that position since yesterday, so it’s very important, that you as a Cranberries fan continue to vote for the new song (even if you don’t get the network)!

As a token of thanks for the 30 seconds of your time, we’ve made 24 exclusive high-quality video captures of the video, especially for those that have yet to see it. So drool all you want over the nice caps below, and remember to keep voting!

Images no longer available!!

Stars #1 Debut on MusiquePlus

September 30, 2002  |  Comments Off on Stars #1 Debut on MusiquePlus  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The brand new video for “Stars” has entered the charts at French Canadain mega-channel MusiquePlus at an impressive #1 debut! This will no doubt boost sales after a serious lack of promotion in North America, and the lack of promotion alone adds to the surprise of this news.

Continue voting daily on MusiquePlus and be sure to step into theZombieguide Forums for all the latest chart news, sharing links for voting from around the word, and a whole lot more, all continuously updated by our dedicated hyperactive Cranberries fan community!

Thanks to Insider27 and several others for the news!

Source: MusiquePlus

Dolores on Cover of “Irish Independent”

September 30, 2002  |  Comments Off on Dolores on Cover of “Irish Independent”  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

The Cranberries’ frontwoman appears on the cover of the September 14th issue of Irish Independent supplement “Weekend,” with a 3-page interview in its pages. Best of all, there are five new photos of O’Riordan; we’ve got the exclusive scans! As with other recent interviews, this one was done right in her own home, with pictures of Dolores sitting at the piano and in front of her bar.

“It’s a total cliche,” she tells interviewer John Daly, “but, you know, the kids really do change everything. I’d probably still be out there gigging in strange cities for a few extra meaningless zeros on a paycheque if it wasn’t for them. They gave me a whole new focus, they affect everything I do from the way I write to the way I perform. I’ve come a long way from having CNN as my only buddy haven’t I?”

And when asked if she would allow Taylor or Molly to get into the music business? “…If it’s what they really want to do. And you know what, I’ll be their manager because I’ve learned all the tricks, honey, all the tricks. With good ‘ol Mammy looking out for them, they can’t fail.” If that’s not a good offer, I don’t know what is! Molly and Taylor should definitely consider…

Of course you can read an puruse everything in its entirety below, only on Zombieguide.

Source: Exclusive!

Dolores Interview in “Women Who Rock” Scans

September 28, 2002  |  Comments Off on Dolores Interview in “Women Who Rock” Scans  |  by Zombieguide Archives  |  The Cranberries

It’s been a long, long time since we can recall that The Cranberries have had a proper interview in an American-based national magazine — the only thing that comes to mind is the 2-page feature that appeared in the May 1999 issue of “Us Weekly.” But this fall, Dolores gets a page in a magazine where she certainly belongs: “Women Who Rock.”

As promised in the summer issue, Mrs. O’Riordan Burton is one of a series of “cozy chats” with guitar-strummers like Aimee Mann, Marianne Faithfull, and Dolly Parton (“That’s ‘Famous Titles,’ Mr. Connery”).

Most interesting is the fact that the interview was taken right in Dolores’ home, and the interviewer even describes her cooking a “proper Irish breakfast,” for young Molly, now a year and a half old. We could tell you more, but we’ll let you read it on your own below.

The Fall 2002 issue of “Women Who Rock” is available at major bookstores everywhere (We purchased our copy at Borders, so that’s a good place to start looking). Go buy it; any US magazine that puts The Crans’ name in print nowadays deserves your cash and it’s the best way to encourage them to continue in the future.

Source: Exclusive


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